Wednesday, September 23, 2015
3:00 p.m.
Present:Chris Cornell, Ryan Wyckoff,Dawn Nasser, Chris Martin, Bob Mattson, Stacy Ehmen, Tammy Clark-Betancourt, Kathy Leary, Suzanna Aquirre
Academic Affairs: Five new INFO courses were approved. A Nursing collaboration with Eastern Illinois University was discussed, as well as a possible sports nutrition class, a reduction in credits from 5 to 3 for CRIM 101, and ideas on how to determine which classes that transfer in are equivalent to Anatomy and Physiology.
CAMPUS COMMUNITY SUBTEAM: The team will be doing a Thank You Very MUNCH Fundraiser in October. Orders will be due October 9 with delivery on October 22 & 23, 2015.
The Thanksgiving Potluck will be November 12, Vermilion Hall, 3rd floor.
Isela will be the notetaker for the team. Next meeting is October 7, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. in VH-102.
DIVERSITY TEAM:The team met during in-service. Rescheduling the September meeting.
The team is planning the Clothesline Project. T-shirts will be up in a different building on campus each day. Also hope to hang the shirts at the Village Mall for their event.
The team had planned to participate in an event at CrossPoint but that event has been changed and is the same day as their Hispanic Fair on October 24, 2014.
Looking into possibly going to the Champaign Latino Film Festival.
Employee Development Team:The team has scheduled three training sessions this semester on Google Apps. Two sessions will be held in September and one session in October. Kathy Franklin will be the instructor.
The Annual Health Evaluations blood draws will be October 21 and 22, 2015. Information has been emailed to all employees.
The Annual Health Fair will be in November and will have flu shots at the event.
ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT TEAM:Discussion focused on current changes to enrollment procedures including allowing 2 extra students to enroll rather than be put on a wait list well prior to the semester's start. Next meeting one focus will be the selection of late start offerings.
Human, Financial & Physical Resources: Tammy reported that the PIF from 2012 regarding signs for 2nd floor of Vermilion Hall and Lincoln Hall has been completed. A few of the signs need to be corrected.
Stacy mentioned other direction signs that are needed and she will send a PIF for those.
INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS/ASSESMENT TEAM: Information was shared on (1) where the academic programs were on course outcomes and competencies, and the new shared communications rubric, (2) the team creating a critical thinking rubric, and (3) the updated office/department assessment report. A "fast" subteam was created to look at replacement options for the sunsetting Compass/ASSET placement testing tool. And everyone was asked for inputs on the questions to be used for a transfer graduate student follow-up survey which will be administered later this semester.
Student Support & Development: The team met the end of August.Spirit Week will be held again this year. The chili cook off will be on October 29 and the costume contest on October 30. The week before will have some different dress days.
Planning to have some type of holiday dinner for students the first week of December.
Hope to have a “DACC’s Got Talent” in February.
Also discussed doing some “Pack the Place” nights for home games.
Student Trustee, Dylan Huan, is working on a “Yes You Can” Motivation program.
Technology Resources & Services:The team had quite a few items that had been developed before Mark came on board.
A major topic is computers updating during classes. Mark is looking at and seeing when the updates are happening. The computers have to be on to update andcomputers shut down at night.
Discussed a Help Desk Ticket System where students or staff could send a help ticket at any time then CNS would respond during work hours. Mark is looking at a couple of options.
Issues with network speed and logon time ties in with updates. Servers have now been updated which should help.
The Tech Team is trying to get Google Classroom to work. If all (students and employees) were on the same domain it would resolve itself. Many faculty are more comfortable with BlackBoard.
BlackBoard Collabrate was brought up. It is a program where you can send videos and have students get online at a specific time for discussions. Maggie did get a hold of the BlackBoard rep and it is $50,000 the first year. The BlackBoard rep was not very helpful and she was going to contact someone else.
Kathy sent out email to full time-faculty and part time-faculty regarding Remind.com which is free. Students sign up with cell phone and email.
Mark is trying to add more wifi in the new part of the Technology Center.
Kathy is doing the Google Apps training for employees in September and October.
Next meeting is October 13, 2015.
PIF UPDATE - See HF&PR report above.
NEXT MEETING:Wed., October 28, 2015 – 3 p.m. – Laura Lee Room