Mr.Swink Team 8B
Science Classroom Behavioral Contract
Return with signature by Friday
Your child will be studying physical science this year in order to prepare them for the PSSA test in Science, which will be given in the spring of 2013. Physical Science this year will consist of a Chemistry Unit and a Physics Unit. The curriculum will be based on a hands-on lab oriented approach. We do have a textbook that we will use in this class. The textbook has mini-labs/ demonstrations and at least 1 full lab for each chapter, as well as labs that I will add to augment the text. An online version is also available for your students use. They will receive a complete instructions sheet in class tomorrow for logging on. Instructions are also found on my teacher website.
Your student will have science class for 40 minutes daily. A list of my classroom rules is found on your student’s syllabus and is posted in my room. If your child cannot follow these rules, they will receive 2 documented verbal warnings. In the case of a third infraction they will receive an after school detention. I will email the parents/guardians informing you of the upcoming detention. During their detention they will write a paragraph about why they served detention. They will bring this note home for a parental signature, which must be returned. If not returned, they will receive another detention at which they will call home to discuss the issue verbally. Continued and more severe violations of these rules as outlined in the Code of Conduct found in your child’s planner and will result in office referrals.
Please feel free to email me with any questions concerning this behavioral contract. Thank you for your support.
Mr. Swink
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Guardian Signature______Date ______