Baltic Sea Region
Comprehensive Assistance to Children
Victims of Trafficking
BSR CACVT Training Programme
International seminar 4: Tallinn, 24 – 25 of May 2007
Networking and family work with children and young persons victims of trafficking.
Realised with the support from
Oak Foundation
Thursday the 24th of May
Ms Solana Orlando
Solana Orlando, Buenos Aires, Argentine, is a renowned trainer in family therapy. She has trained in cooperation with French association for family therapy for a number of years and is a frequent trainer in Spain and of course in her home country. Apart from her private practice where she meets with both families, couples and individual clients she works for the an NGO Foundation named Casa de Cultura de los Chicos de la Calle, Culture house for Street Children. At the foundation she supervises the art- teachers in their systemic therapeutic work assisting children within the framework of painting, music, theatre and photography.
9.00Welcoming remarks on behalf of the Working Group for Cooperation on Children at Risk. Ms Anniki Tikerpuu, Estonian member to the WGCC and Ms Signe Kaplan, National Contact Point for Estonia. Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs
9.20Brief update on the WGCC programme on Unaccompanied and Trafficked Children in the Region of the Baltic Sea States. Mr Lars Lööf, Head of Children’s Unit, Secretariat of the CBSS.
9.30 Introduction of today’s work
9.45 A focal model training.
An approach that will enable the therapists to develop a systemic way of describing families and planning therapeutic work.
- framework for family description
- items of interaction
11.00A focal model training
- patterns of meaning
- holistic formulation
12.00Presentation of a video manual:
After three years of working together Ms Orlando and the team of the Casa de Cultura de los Chicos de la Calle produced a video-manual which includes interventions and theoretical explanations.The manual is made by a photographer and film maker who did the actual production of the material but also participated with the children in the work.
12.30 Lunch
13.30Rrole playing and live supervision of presented cases.
Focus on emotional processing and cognitive processing.A variety of different ways need to be initiated relating to the particular set of problems and abusive patterns that are being re-enacted.
15.00Coffee break
15.20Role playing and live supervision of presented cases.
17.00Summing up and comments from the group
19.00Festive dinner
Friday the 10th of November
9.00Welcoming remarks. Ms Maret Maripuu, Estonian Minister of Social Affairs.
9.30 10.40
Continued role play and work with cases of trafficking. Ms Solana Orlando
10.40 - 11.00Coffee
11.00Ms Marina Novikova
- Young persons as victims of sexual exploitation. Family based interventions in Moscow region.
- The family – a partner in integration/reintegration and rehabilitation of child victims of trafficking
- How to motivate the parents
- As a consultant: How to discuss with the family
- Assisting families to discuss their feelings and their future aspirations
- Discussing the family’s image of themselves and the child
- Community based social services for the reintegration of the child
- Raising awareness on the local community level
- Increasing the local community’s ability to deliver services to children victims of trafficking
Ms Natalia Vladimirova
Assistant Director, Charitable Foundation Women and Children First, psychotherapist, member of Austrian Association of Child and Youth Psychotherapists , Association of Russian League of Psychotherapists Project Manager: " Assistance for at risk children" (development of rehabilitation services for abused children), " Step by Step" (development of multi-agency support for care leavers).
Developing social support networks for children and young people.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
Ms Antonina Comerzan
Ms Comerzan from Moldova is an often used expert to UNICEF where she has elaborated different plans for the protection of children victims of trafficking. She is presently UNICEF national consultant in the development of youth politics. She works with Terre des Hommes FACT project as national coordinator for transnational projects. She has also been involved in the elaboration of projects on children’s rights protection both in the sphere of social work and in legislative action.
13.30Finding the family, Using the family as a resource Identifying the social network, Enabling the dynamics of the social network to work to assist the young person, Assessment of the family’s situation, Building of alternative ways of support.
- Repatriation of children victims of trafficking
- elaboration of procedure
- NGO and governmental organizations involved
- Partnership in repatriation of children
- Activities with partners from Russia (NGO’s and governmental institutions)
- Legislation about repatriation of children victims of trafficking (Republic of Moldova – Russian Federation)
- Identification of child family
- Family – partner in integration/reintegration and rehabilitation of child victim of trafficking
- Social community services for reintegration of child
- Instruments used in identification, integration of children victims of trafficking
15.2016.00Summing up and evaluation.