
In Halls – confirm your departure date in writing

In Private Accommodation – confirm your departure date with your landlord in writing

Hand in your keys and swipe cards


Council Tax – if you pay this, inform the Council in writing of your departure date.

Electricity – inform of departure date, arrange final reading of meter, confirm the address that the final bill should to go to.

Gas – inform of departure date, arrange final reading of meter, confirm the address that the final bill should go to.

Telephone – inform of departure date, confirm the address that the final bill should go to.

Water Rates – if you pay these, inform Yorkshire Water in writing of your departure date.


Mobile phone – if you are going to stop using a mobile phone contract when you go home, remember to cancel it before you leave, and confirm the address that your final bill should be sent to.

TV rental – if you rent a TV, cancel your contract and confirm the address that any final bill should be sent to.


Give written notice to your employer – usually one months notice is required.

Extra Expenses

Binding and printing costs of your dissertation, final project or thesis.

Graduation costs – hiring gown, official photographs.

Souvenirs and presents.

Financial Matters

Bank account – check with your bank what you need to do to close your account. Are there any related accounts that may be useful for you?

Tuition fees

Accommodation fees

Library – any books to return, any overdue book fines to pay?

Forwarding Address




Post Office – can pay to have mail redirected to your home address.

Form available on the web at:

or available at Post Office branches

Organisations that you may belong to


Arrange freighting agent if you have too much luggage to take on the plane.

Sell any books that you no longer require – e.g. Department notice board.

Sell items that you no longer require on the Students Union website – click ‘Forums’, ‘Forums and Notice boards’, and then ‘Boot Sale’

Pass on any belongings that no longer require – to friends, the Students Union Recycling Store, or charity shops.

Medical Matters

Dentist – inform of departure date.

Doctor – inform of departure date. Do you need to take any medical notes home with you?


Cancel any publications that you subscribe to.

Arrange to continue to subscribe if you wish, and arrange to have sent to your home address.


Car tax

Form V14 available on the web at:

or from Post Offices

Income Tax

Form P85 available on the web at:

Or from the Inland Revenue office at:

Centenary Court, 1 St Blaise Way, Bradford, BD1 4XV. Tel 01274 204000

Telephone Rental – contact your supplier – if you pay by the quarter you may be able to get a refund for any complete months remaining on the rental you have paid.

Travel cards – e.g. Metro card

TV Licence

See details on the web at


See details on the web at


Air tickets – book as far in advance as possible for the best deals