Essential Reading
Capel, S., Leask, M. and Turner, T. (2001) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School. London: RoutledgeFalmer
Tanner, H. and Jones, S. (2000) Becoming a Successful Teacher of Mathematics London: RoutledgeFalmer
Kyriacou, C. (2007)Essential teaching skills. 3rd edition. London: Nelson Thornes.
Goulding, M. (2004) Learning to Teach Mathematics. Fulton
Johnston-Wilder, S., Johnston-Wilder, P., Westwell, J.,Pimm, D. (1999) Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School. London: Routledge
Other recommended reading (The ones in bold are highly recommended)
Association of Teachers (1994) Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Association of Teachers (1998) Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Challenging Beliefs ATM
Association of Teachers (2000) Eight Days a Week ATM
Association of Teachers (2002) 30 Years On……… ATM
Anghileri, J. (2000)Teaching Number Sense London: Continuum
Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B. and Wiliam, D. (2003) Assessment
Blum, P. (1998) Surviving and Succeeding in Difficult Classrooms London: RoutledgeFalmer
Cowley, S. (2010) Getting the Buggers to Behave London:Continuum
De Villiers, Michael (2003) Rethinking Proof with the Geometers Sketchpad Key Curriculum Press
Dickinson, C & Wright, J.(1993) Differentiation: a practical handbook of Classroom strategies NCET
DES (1982)Mathematics Counts Pub: HMSO
DES (1986)Better Mathematics-A Curriculum Development Study based on The Low Attainder in Mathematics ProjectHMSO
French, D. (2002) Teaching and Learning Algebra London: Continuum
French, D. (2004) Teaching and Learning Geometry London: Continuum
Gates, P. (2001) Issues in Mathematics Teaching London: RoutledgeFalmer
Haggarty, L. (2002)Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary SchoolLondon: RoutledgeFalmer
Haggarty, L. (2001)Aspects of Teaching Secondary Mathematics London: RoutledgeFalmer
Hansen (2011) Childrens Errors in Mathematics
Hart, K. (ed.) (1981) Children’s Understanding of Mathematics 11-16 London: John Murray
Johnston-Wilder, S., Johnston-Wilder, P., Pimm, D. & Westall, J. (1999) Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School London: Routledge
Kennard, R. (2000)Teaching Mathematically Able Children London: David Fulton
Mason, J., Graham, A. and Johnston-Wilder, S. (2005) Developing Thinking in Algebra London: Paul Chapman
Moon, B. Shelton-Mayes, A. (1995) Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School. Buckingham:The Open University
Why, What, How? Some Basic Questions for Mathematics Teaching
The Mathematics Association
Nickson, M. (2000)Teaching and Learning Mathematics London:Cassell
Ollerton, M. (2001)Inclusive Mathematics 11-18 London: Continuum
Ollerton, M. (2002)Learning and Teaching Mathematics Without a text book ATM
Ollerton, M. (2004)Get The Buggers To Add Up London:Continuum
Oldknow, A. & Taylor, R. (2002) Teaching Mathematics with ICT London:Continuum
Prestage, S. Perks, P. (2001) Adapting and Extending Secondary Mathematics Activities London: David Fulton
Prestage, S. Perks, P. (2001) Teaching the National Numeracy Strategy at Key Stage 3 London:David Fulton
Rogers, B. (2002)Classroom Behaviour London: Paul Chapman
Rogers, B. (1998)You Know the Fair Rule London: Prentice Hall
Ryan and William (2008) Children’s Mathematics 4-15: Learning from Errors and Misconceptions
Smith, A. (2004) Making Mathematics Count-The Report of Prof Adrian Smith Stationary Office
Stahl, Kathryn. (2002) 101 Red Hot Starters London: Letts
Watson, A., Houssart, J. and Roaf, C. (2005)Questions and Prompts for
Mathematical Thinking London:David Fulton
Watson, A. & Mason, J. (1998) Questions and Prompts for Mathematical ThinkingPub: ATM
5.2 Other important reading
The Times Educational Supplement
Every Friday. It also has a mathematics extra/update three times per year.
The Guardian
Contains an Education Supplement every Tuesday.
Mathematics Teaching
ATM publication containing articles about mathematical research activities, resource ideas, evaluations of recent initiatives and reviews of recent publications above: essential reading.
Mathematics in Schools
MA Publication covering similar ground to above: essential reading.
MA publication containing articles about research and classroom practice relating to ICT in Mathematics classrooms: essential reading.
-The above are published 3-5 times a year and are available by subscription to the Mathematics Association or the Association of Mathematics Teachers.
5.3 Useful internet sites
Useful Government and General Teaching Sites
BECTa Teaching and Learning(now archived)
Case studies and web sites of ICT in education
National Curriculum Site
Providing teachers with useful tools, which aid delivery of the revised National Curriculum for schools in England.
National Strategies – this has been archived
Guidance on a range of topics including planning, teaching and assessment.
Information on the organisation, inspection process, complaints, announcements and events.
Qualifications, Development and Curriculum Authority – now archived
QCA’s role is to maintain and develop the school curriculum and associated assessments, and to accredit and monitor qualifications in schools, colleges and at work.
Secondary School performance tables
These tables together cover all secondary schools in England. Each contains a wealth of information – on GCSE and GCS A/AS level examination results, on achievements in a number of specified vocational qualifications, and on levels of pupil absence from school. You will be able to find out more about a particular school by asking to see a copy of its prospectus. Every entry in the tables includes the school’s address and telephone number.
The Teaching Agency
This gives all details about teacher training in this country. The website includes downloadable versions of the QTS standards and excellent details and examples about the skills tests. You can book your skills test from here.
Times Educational Supplement
Search the electronic version of the TES for articles of your choice. Read about the latest educational initiatives, surveys and reports without having to make the trip to your newsagent.
This is a free confidential, 24-hour support and advice service especially for teachers.
Examination Boards
Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA)
AQA Examination Board
Information about AQA’s qualifications and examination administration.
An examination and awarding body who provide a wide range of qualifications.
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR)
Information on the range of qualifications provided by the OCR.
Useful Mathematics Resource Sites
There are huge numbers of resource sites out there on the web and it can be bewildering and time-consuming to search through them all. Here are a few of my favourites to get you started but your list might be very different!
Association of Mathematics Teachers
The second main professional association which serves all teachers of mathematics in secondary schools, primary schools, FE and beyond. This Web site gives full details of ATM’s publications, its activities, and its philosophy. It also provides information about the journals and about membership.
Census at School
One of my all time favourite sites – this is a huge database of international information about pupils in several countries. The best thing about it is its accessibility – great form homework, statistics lessons or just interest!
Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching
Based at Exeter University CIMT has a site full of lots of resources including games, puzzles and challenging investigations.
An amusement part for mathematics and more – American, but fun.
GCSE BBC Bitesize
A great site to direct your students to for revision and to use yourself if you need to brush up on aspects of your subject knowledge.
National STEM Centre
A huge collection of mathematics resources and websites from over the years.
The NRICH project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. Here you will find a collection of rich mathematical problem solving activities, suitable for all key stages.