Emergency Planning, Resilience & Response
Postgraduate and Masters Level Courses
Course Options
There are two available postgraduate Emergency Planning, Resilience & Response courses which you can apply for and these are the:
- Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency Planning, Resilience & Response; or
- MSc in Emergency Planning, Resilience & Response (which contains the postgraduate certificate/diploma awards)
Those wishing to just study the Postgraduate Certificate will need to complete three modules at postgraduate level over one academic year.
Those wishing to study the MSc (which includes the Postgraduate Certificate & Postgraduate Diploma) will need to complete and pass all six modules at postgraduate certificate and diploma levels and submit a Masters Dissertation which achieves a passing grade in one of the three option modules. Part-time the MSc takes 2-3 years (as you can do your dissertation in year two at the same time as the three postgraduate diploma modules or leave this to do in a third year). Full-time the MSc take 12 – 15 months and is available to international students whereas the part-time routes are not.
Those starting the MSc and complete all either three or six modules at postgraduate certificate and/or diploma level respectively can step off the MSc course and be awarded at the level they have completed up to. Similarly, those starting the postgraduate certificate course can transfer to the full MSc at the end of their course instead of being awarded the postgraduate certificate.
Both courses will be a delivered at ourTelford Campus every other Friday commencing in October for a total of five attendance days (except where assignments are presented in person).A timetable of all attendance dates for the first year is supplied below. A significant amount of self directed study supported by tutorials (scheduled on attendance days) will also form a major part of the course.
Module 1: 7HW032 Emergency Management: Foundations & Frameworks - This module provides an examination of the framework, legislation and guidance which forms the foundation of emergency planning, resilience and response within the UK whilst exposing key lessons which can be learnt from other countries and disasters. You will examine the tools and intricacies of risk identification, assessment and management which form the foundation of planning for emergencies in the UK and discover concepts which challenge these processes.
This module will also provide for the development of academic skills such as writing, referencing, reading, searching the literature and thinking critically and creatively. This will enable you to obtain the most from your studies, enable you to engage in mastering subjects across the field, anddemonstrate your knowledge through activities and assignments.
Module 2: 7HW031 Disasters: Causation, Consequence Management & Learning- This module will introduce the theories and concepts of disaster causation and resilience. You will examine a range of both natural and man-made disasters including hurricanes, industrial disasters, flooding and terrorist attacks. The module will expose you to the consequences of disasters and the learning from such incidents which can be applied to current thinking, theory and practice.
Module 3: 7HW033 Communication, Communities & Assistance in Emergencies – This module examines the communication and interoperability issues between responder agencies, communicating with the public, handling the media, and community resilience. As part of the module you will take a look at a range of disasters and select a specific one to deliver a focussed case study.
Module 4: 7HW012 Advanced Research Skills - This provides the skills and knowledge needed for completing one of the final dissertation modules.
Module 5: 7HW064 Business Continuity & Resilience - This looks not just at business continuity but goes wider into examining resilient organisations, and theories surrounding high reliability organisations.
Module 6: 7HW035 Contemporary Issues the Future of Emergency Management- This examines emergency planning current and future situation as a profession and allows a deeper reflection and investigation into issues surrounding disasters and related topics.
Dissertation Module
To complete the MSc adissertation must be completed of approximately 15,000 – 20,000 words.Students may choose to undertake the dissertation module during the second year of the MSc,however, the dissertation module can also be started in a third year. Individual students can choose the option which best suits them.Regardless, supervision is provided to assist you in undertaking your independent dissertation project / research.
There are three types of dissertation which you can undertake which are detailed below. If you are obtaining financial support from your employer then students often find that they can obtain backing more easily by ensuring that their dissertation lines up with key tasks/projects/research which will be of benefit to their organisation.The MSc is specifically designed to allow this whilst your university supervisor assists you in ensuring that any project/research you do will meet the academic requirements. If your employer does not have (or does not want) such involvement then you have more freedom to choose your own topic and dissertation type. The dissertation types are:
Research dissertation–using research principles this is an investigation into an Emergency Planning, Resilience or Emergency Response topic which will add value to the practitioner, professional, organisational or academic field. The dissertation is the writing up of your research, methodologies, and findings.
Consultancy - this is an investigation into a particular area of your organisation related to Emergency Planning, Resilience or Emergency Response. It is an objective examination which identifies both good and bad aspects, relates it back to practitioner standards and academic principles and usually results in a report back to your organisation (or the organisation you have examined). The dissertation goes beyond that organisational report detailing your investigation, methods, findings, outcomes and recommendations.
Evidence Based Project - this is a project which you undertake from beginning to end to affect a change, usually in your workplace (but not always) in the area of Emergency Planning, Resilience or Emergency Response. The dissertation is the writing up of your project, methodologies, findings and outcomes.
It is important that, where possible, all lectures are attended. In extenuating circumstances students may catch up on missed lectures from other students and or book a separate tutorial with the lecturer. This provides flexibility for those in employment, mainly and especially for circumstances which require students to respond to emergencies as part of their job role.
As part of the course students will be expected to carry out formative work and some on-line activities in-between sessions through our online learning platform. All course materials are also made available online and many of the texts on the course reading guide are also available electronically through the online library system. Tutorials can be delivered in person, by telephone, or via video conferencing (i.e. Skype/FaceTime) which may be useful for those travelling longer distances.
The Postgraduate Certificate and MSc courses are a self-directed learning experience and students will be expected to undertake substantial reading and research both within and around the taught subjects to obtain a mastery of emergency planning, resilience and response. The MSc dissertation is an independent undertaking of research or a project and students are expected to undertake this as such and manage their own time and activities accordingly.
Attendance Dates & Assessment Deadlines (Part-time & Full-time Study)
Module 1 – 7HW032 Emergency Management: Foundations & Frameworks
12/10/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session26/10/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
09/11/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
23/11/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
07/12/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
13/01/2019 / Assignment Deadline (Essay)
Module 2– 7HW031 Disasters: Causation, Consequence Management & Learning
11/01/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session25/01/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
08/02/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
22/02/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
08/03/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
21/04/2019 / Assignment Deadline (Essay)
Module 3 – 7HW033Communicating in Disaster
22/03/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session05/04/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
03/05/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
17/05/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
31/05/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
20/06/2019 / Presentation Submission Deadline
28/06/2019 / Presentation Delivery (Attended)
Additional Dates for Full-time MSc Students Only:
Module 4 – 7HW012Advanced Research Skills
19/10/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session02/11/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
16/11/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
30/11/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
14/12/2018 / 9am – 4pm Session
13/01/2019 / Assignment Deadline (Essay)
Module 5– 7HW064Business Continuity & Resilience
18/01/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session01/02/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
15/02/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
01/03/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
15/03/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
21/04/2019 / Assignment Deadline
(Presentation Submission – Delivery will be undertaken during the sessions of the next taught module)
Module 6 – 7HW035 Management & Leadership of Emergency Incidents
29/03/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session12/04/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
10/05/2019 / Presentation Delivery for 7HW064 (9am – 5pm)
24/05/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
07/06/2019 / 9am – 4pm Session
23/06/2019 / Assignment Deadline (Essay)
Dissertation Module
Dates of attendance of dissertation modules will be dependent on which dissertation type your select to undertake and when you decide to commence the module (i.e. Year 2 or Year 3).
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Both courses are often attended by experienced emergency planning and response personnel and the course are designed to meet the needs of such professionals. Therefore experience alone would not normally be considered or used to gain advancement through the course using the RPL scheme. Previous completed study at a Postgraduate level within or around the subject of emergency planning, resilience, or response will be considered.
If students wish to use RPL credits we would be able to offer individual advice on a case by case basis through an appointment with our RPL advisors.
Course Costs for 2018-19
Part-Time / Full-Time (EU/UK) / Full-Time (International)Postgraduate Certificate / £2050 / N/A / N/A
MSc / £6150* / £6150 / £12,700
*This breaks down into £3075 per year if studying over two years, or £2050 for each of the 60 credit award levels i.e. postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma and MSc dissertation if studied over 3 years.
Discounts are available for those with any membership level of the Emergency Planning Society as follows.
MSc - £170 discount
Postgraduate Certificate - £120 discount
If you wish to take advantage of these discounts then please use the specific EPS application links at to apply for your desired course. Confirmation/evidence of your EPS membership will be required and can be sent to .
Arrangements can be made for fees to be made in instalments and more information can be found at
Please note:Please note that modules are invoice when you register onto them. If you are paying annually or by individual module the course fees will be subject to annual fee increases in accordance with the University’s charging regulations and percentage yearly increase. This can be avoided by requesting to pay in full in the first year.
University Postgraduate Loyalty Discount: The University offers a postgraduate loyalty discount ( If you have completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Wolverhampton, you may be eligible for a 20% discount on the first year of a taught postgraduate programme.
Further information regarding potential funding sources is provided overleaf for your information.
Further Advice & Applying
For course content or queries regarding specific advice or guidance for these coursesplease direct or forward queries using the details below.
Stewart Mashiter – Course Leader
01902 518682
Applications can be completed and submitted online via the University website at:
Funding For Postgraduate Study: Useful Information
Postgraduate Loans: These loans provide a non means-tested loan of up to £10,609 for Masters degrees in all subject areas and modes of study. More information can be found at
Professional and Career Development Loan: The University is a Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDL) registered Learning Provider, registration number [4413]. A PCDL is a commercial bank loan that you can use to help pay for work-related learning. For further information on financial assistance to support your learning, please visit the GOV.UK website or contact the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900.
Charitable Funding: You might also want to explore the possibility of funding from charitable trusts; please see the following websites or Most charities and trust funds offer limited bursaries targetted to spedific groups of students so you will need to research whether any of them are relevant to your situation.
Other website for postgraduate funding/opportunities:
on graduate loans and bank accounts
of postgraduate student funding
funding opportunities
council website links
information for Postgraduates including Career Development Loan
for sources of funding
for students with disabilities
international students
scholarships and PhD studentships
for law courses
funding - can only be accessed from the university
of Charitable Foundations
Bursaries available
Top of Form 1
for students on low incomes
from charities and trust funds
to benefits and grants
for postgraduate study. Follow link to Scholarship search