Name of Organisation/Group / Dunton Bassett Parish Council
Contact Name / Helen Denton-Stacey
Address / 36 Sherrier Way, Lutterworth, Le17 4nw
Telephone No / 07734793986
E-mail /
Your project:
Please give full details including purpose, timescale for completion and benefits to the community. Continue on a further sheet if necessary. The Council may request further details in order to assess viability and community benefit. Applications will first be reviewed by a Parish Council-appointed working party, which includes residents, who will then make a recommendation to the Parish Council. If successful, the applicant organisation will be required to comply with the terms and conditions on the attached page.
To place a pedestrian and horse friendly barrier on the Loves Lane entrance within Little Lunnon and entrance from Church lane to prevent fly tipping, this is a serious issue and is creating hazards as well as expense to have cleared everytime. The parish council has received permission to add the barrier from Nigel Dunsmore at Leicestershire County Council, the pc have obtained a quotation from secure a field for the total cost as detailed below.
Funding Details:
Amount from own funds / £
Amount from other grants (if any) / £
Amount of grant now requested / £2498.64
Total cost of project / £2497.64
I/we apply on behalf of the above organisation for funding for the project described above.
Signed______H Denton-Stacey__ Print Name ______Clerk______Date __04-07-18___
Terms and Conditions
- Allocation of funding.
Dunton Bassett Parish Council will remit to______the sum of £ ______
In accepting this funding you are confirming the following: -
- Terms and Conditions of funding.
In supporting your funding request Dunton Bassett Parish Council cannot in any way be held responsible for matters legal or otherwise associated with your project.
Sole responsibility for your project rests with your group, as identified in I of this letter.
Your project will be completed by ______
All funding for your project has been drawn from bona-fide sources are there are not issues of financial concern, including solvency.
Where you have identified potential suppliers of goods/materials or services you have ensured ‘best value’ for money by obtaining approximately three quotes (where possible) for goods and services.
All relevant insurance associated with your project is/will be in place.
For monitoring purposes you will supply an update to Dunton Bassett Parish Council with respect to the progress of your scheme when requested.
You may be asked to give a presentation at a Parish Council meeting about your project or the progress thereof. Please note that projects may be reviewed and approved by Infinis representatives, to ensure that funding is not being granted to anyone working in conflict with their interests.
In any publicity associated with your project, please make reference to the project being supported by both Dunton Bassett Parish Council and Infinis. A copy of this publication would be appreciated.
Should there be any problems associated with your project that jeopardise the completion you will report these to us immediately in order to discuss any potential solution that may be appropriate.
Monies granted shall be released upon receipt of invoice(s) for works.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, your project cannot proceed after funding has been released, then all monies shall be returned to Dunton Bassett Parish Council (or any part thereof where appropriate).
Should there be any remaining funding following completion of the project, then this must be returned to Dunton Bassett Parish Council.
Please sign to confirm your acceptance of the terms and conditions and return to Mr S C Blackburn, Clerk to the Council, 11 Wakes Close, Dunton Bassett, Lutterworth, LE17 5LL, keeping a copy for your records.
Signed on behalf of the applicant:Date / Signed on behalf of the Parish Council: