We will use the Dearborn School District Core Values as our guide to proper behavior. Remember to treat others as you wish to be treated (RESPECT). We will follow all rules in the Dearborn High Student handbook. For example, NO drinks, food, gum, hats or electronic devices(that means phones) are allowed in class. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. If you would like to participate in class discussion or if you have a question or need to use classroom supplies, please raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the teacher (COURTESY).
Everyday you must bring the following supplies to class; three ring binder (with paper) and a pen or pencil. Be sure to have all required materials and all assignments finished and ready to be turned in or graded (RESPONSIBILITY).
Regular attendance is required according to district policy. We will follow the district attendance policy as it relates to earning credit for class. You will be expected to be in your seat when the bell rings and should remain seated until the end of the period, unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
When you are absent, you are responsible for all missing assignments, see me BEFORE school when you return to receive your work. Likewise, it is your responsibility to watch any movies on your own if you miss them. You can rent them or find them online.
If you are absent the day of a quiz, you will only be allowed to make-up the quiz if the absence is excused and the quiz must be made-up before school within one week of the original quiz date. If you miss a quiz and your absence is unexcused you will be given a “0”.
You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings.
Attendance will affect your grade.
Copying another student’s work (quiz answers, homework or essays) will not be tolerated. A student caught copying or allowing another student to copy work/answers will receive a “0” on that assignment, quiz or essay. If you are caught a second time the office and your parents will be notified. If you are caught a third time you will lose credit for the class (HONESTY/INTEGRITY).
Grades will be based on a point system. All assignments, quizzes, projects, essays and tests will be assigned a point value. Any assignment that is not turned in on the due date will not be accepted.
A 100-94A- 93-90B+ 89-87 B 86-83B- 82-80C+ 79-77
C 76-73C- 72-70D+ 69-67D 66-63D- 62-60 E 59-0
Students are expected to participate during class. Participation includes arriving to class on time, being prepared with appropriate materials and assignments, paying attention (not sleeping, not on phone, putting head down or working on other homework) and behaving in an appropriate manner.
All assignments must have your name, hour, MR. FORSTER and assignment number in the upper right hand corner. All work must have a title. All work should be kept in a three ring binder and in the appropriate order.
After reading the above information, please acknowledge that you and your son/daughter understand these rules and agree to follow these classroom policies by signing the lines below.
(student signature) (parent signature)