Dear Parent/Guardian,

May I take this opportunity to welcome your child to Isca Academy and inform you of the wide range of musical activities that they can sign up for if they want to.

Instrumental lessons.

If your child is continuing with instrumental lessons and has organized this with their instrumental teacher then please ask them to come and say ‘hi’ to me in the music department so that I can meet them and show them around.

If you would like your child to have instrumental lessons then please contact me at Isca and I will be more than happy to let you know how it all works. We have instrumental teachers for all the popular instruments e.g. guitars, drum kit, singing, keyboard, violin, flute, sax, clarinet, trumpet etc.

My email at school is .

Extra Curricular Activities 2014/15.

These are the musical groups and ensembles that run outside of the normal teaching timetable and are available for anybody to join. Some groups run at lunchtime and others run after school. We are always happy to see new faces and appreciate that students get a little nervous to start with. Please encourage your child to come and have a go. If they don’t enjoy it or it isn’t for them that is absolutely fine.

Voices of Isca is our school choir which was launched last Easter. We are hoping to take the choir to the O2 Arena in London in January 2015 to sing as part of the large ‘Young Voices’ concert. Rehearsals will start on Wednesday September 10th.

Alongside these groups and ensembles students are welcome to come to the music department at lunchtime to practice, make a band or carry on with their class project.

Richard Toomer (Head of Music)

Programme of activities 2014/2015

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Brand new
Boys only vocalgroup
(Lunchtime) / Brand new
Small vocal harmonygroup
(we would like to audition for this one)
Voices of Isca
School choir open to any student.
(3:30 – 4:30 pm) / Brand new
Samba and Junk Band
(Lunchtime) / Brand new
Music Tech Club
  • The boys vocal group will hopefully encourage more of our boys to sing. The boys will have a big say in what we sing and will be mainly arrangements of modern rock and pop songs.
  • The smaller vocal harmony group is really for our more gifted and talented students. I am hoping that this group will sing modern songs from the pop genre as well as musical theatre etc but ‘in parts’ with harmonies which is quite a challenge!
  • The Samba and Junk band is all about rhythm. We have a new 18 piece Samba Kit ready to use and I am hoping to add lots of junk to make the final sound very original and perhaps a little unusual.
  • Music tech club will hopefully be run by our new music technician. This will look at how we can use Mac books to compose music using software like Garage Band and Micro Logic.

If you need any more details please contact me at school () or send your child along to ‘have a go’. Music is for anyone and everyone!