Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University
January–June 2016 Event Schedule
Epiphany term
Mon18 Jan / Catholic Theology Research Seminar: Prof. Gerard Loughlin (Durham University): ‘Disordered Bodies and the Body of Christ’ / Seminar Room B, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
26 Jan / Ushaw Lecture: Piers Paul Read: ‘History and Fiction: How novelists shape the past’ / Main Lecture Theatre, Ushaw College / 5.30pm drinks reception; 6-7.15pm lecture
2 Feb / Catholic Theology Research Seminar:
Dr. Susannah Ticciati (King’s College London): ‘Are apophaticism and nonsupersessionism potential allies? Towards an apophatic account of God’s election of Israel’ / Dun Cow Cottage Seminar Room, Dun Cow Cottage, Dun Cow Lane, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
9 Feb / Catholic Theology Research Seminar:
Fr. Prof. Luigi Gioia (Pontifical University S. Anselmo, Rome): ‘History and Church in Augustine’s understanding of the self’ / Seminar Room C, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
25 Feb / Joint CSTP and Ushaw Lecture: ‘The Idea of Freedom: Reading Amartya Sen from a Catholic perspective’; Prof Stuart Corbridge (Durham University), Dr Severine Deneulin (University of Bath), Dr Mark Hayes (Durham University), Rev Dr Augusto Zampini Davies (CAFOD, Durham University) / Main Lecture Theatre, Ushaw College / 5.30pm drinks reception; 6-7.15pm lecture
1 Mar / Book launch event: Dominic White: ‘The Lost Knowledge of Christ: Contemporary Spiritualities, Christian Cosmology and the Arts’ / St Cuthbert’s Chaplaincy, Old Elvet, Durham / 5pm
9 Mar / Mass of thanksgiving for the Centre for Catholic Studies / St Cuthbert’s Chapel, Ushaw College / 5pm
9 Mar / Ushaw Lecture: Prof. Philip Williamson (Durham University): ‘British Catholics and the British Monarchy, 1689-2012’ / Main Lecture Theatre, Ushaw College / 6pm
15 Mar / Catholic Theology Research Seminar: Prof. Linn Tonstad (Yale Divinity School): ‘Ambivalent Love: Christian Theologies, Queer Theologies’ / Dun Cow Cottage Seminar Room, Dun Cow Cottage, Dun Cow Lane, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
Easter term
Tues26 Apr / Ushaw Lecture: Prof. Michael Questier (Queen Mary University of London): 'Catholic Martyrdom in Late Elizabethan England' / Main Lecture Theatre, Ushaw College / 5.30pm drinks reception; 6-7.15pm lecture
3 May / Catholic Theology Research Seminar: Dr. Marcus Pound (Durham University): ‘Trinity and Comedy’ / Dun Cow Cottage Seminar Room, Dun Cow Cottage, Dun Cow Lane, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
12 May / Catholic Social Thought and Practice Lecture: Nick Spencer (Research Director, THEOS): ‘What has Christianity to do with welfare?’ / Senate Suite, Castle College, Durham / 4pm-5.30pm
Thurs 19 May / Catholic Theology Research Seminar: Dr Philip McCosker (Cambridge University) Title to be announced / Seminar Room B, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
26 May / Ushaw Lecture: Judith Champ, ‘The English Secular Priesthood: history, identity and renewal’ / Main Lecture Theatre, Ushaw College / 5.30pm drinks reception; 6-7.15pm lecture
7 June / Catholic Theology Research Seminar: Prof Stephan van Erp (University of Leuven): ‘World as Sacrament: The Political Theology of the Church’ / Seminar Room C, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham / 5.15pm-7pm
20 June / Catholic Social Thought and Practice Lecture: Martin Daunton. Title to be confirmed. / Pemberton Lecture Room, PG20, Palace Green, Durham / 4pm- 5.30pm
21 June / Ushaw Lecture: Claire Daunton on Medieval stained glass and Pugin’s neo-Gothic designs. / Main Lecture Theatre, Ushaw College / 5.30pm drinks reception; 6-7.15pm lecture
Last updated 17 Feb 2016 2