April 11, 2018
Important Dates
Apr. 16 / Test Window 2 Administration BeginsApr. 16 / Student Registration Database (SRD) Opens for Window 2 Score Entry
May 25 / Test Window 2 Ends
May 25 / Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Administration Ends
May 25 / Last Possible Day Makeup Test Administered For Window 1
Jun. 5 / SRD Closes for Window 2 Score Entry, TAR and Learner Characteristics Inventory
The second Alternate K-PREP testing window to administer Attainment Tasks (AT) will begin Monday, April 16. During this test window, content standards for reading, mathematics, science, social studies and writing are assessed.No tasks for Window 2 may be administered before April 16.Instruction may continue into the testing window as long as the content provided is not derived from the actual Attainment Tasks being administered. Once the task administration begins, all instruction for that standard should cease until after the task administration has been completed. The second testing window will end May 25.
Any make-up tests for Window 1, not yet administered, may continue into Window 2. For questions about administering the second Alternate K-PREP window or a makeup for the first window, please contact Kevin O’Hair.
Score entry in the SRD for test Window 2 will officially open on April 16. Teachers who had access to enter scores during Window 1 will continue to have access for score entry during Window 2. District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) or anyone with district level rights will have the same level of access that was provided during the first window. /In this Issue:
Non-participations in SDRRSRD to Open for Window 2
Test Window 2 Begins
Previous Topics
Assessment Calendar
Alternate K-PREPAlternate K-PREP Instructional Page
Assessment and Accountability
School Report Card
Open House
Helpful Links
Alternate K-PREP SystemsCareer Readiness Database (CRD)
Online Training System (OTS)
Student Registration Database (SRD)
Non-participation requests (medical or extraordinary circumstance) will not be filed until the Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application opens in mid to late April. All requests will be filed in SDRR and will follow the same process for students participating in the general K-PREP. Begin collecting data now, so when the state test rosters open for all students in April, the process may proceed.NOTE:To not confuse readers, the Student Registration Database (SRD) is the site that houses scores for the Alternate K-PREP. The Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) houses all spring assessment rosters. It is the application where DACs or BACs are able to file non-participations (exemptions) for students unable to test.
Once the non-participation requests are filed in April, a response should be provided back to the district in a timely manner. If, for some reason the request is denied and you would like to make-up the assessment from the missed testing window, contact Kevin O’Hair to work out those details.
All students should remain on the roster in the Student Registration Database (SRD) even if they do not test and plan to file a non-participation request this spring. If a student missed Window 1 but is capable of testing Window 2 then a make-up test would be needed for Window 1. If a student tested during Window 1, but due to other reasons (medical or extraordinary circumstance) cannot test Window 2, then KDE would need to see that the non-participation was approved to remove scores for Window 1. This will not occur until mid to late April.
For additional questions about makeup testing or non-participation requests, please contact Kevin O’Hair or by phone at (502) 564-4394.
Previous Topics
The first Alternate K-PREP test window has officially ended; now districts should identify any students who will need a makeup test administered. The makeup testing window will officially open on Monday, January 22.Any student who does not complete a test during the first window and does not have an approved non-participation request at the end of the year will receive a 0 for the window missed.
Schools/districts should consider a makeup test for the following reasons:
- Newly placed - Student placed in Alternate Assessment after the first window has occurred (no work samples required for Window 1 unless additional instruction is provided);
- Transfer - A new student enters the district (Contact Kevin O’Hair or the former district to determine if a test was administered before a makeup test is given since the student will be accountable to someone and should have a test score);
- Absence - Student was absent due to illness and has medically improved since the first testing window; and
- Other - Reason not mentioned above
Planned Date of Administration (Start to Finish);
Reason for Makeup Test; and
Previous District Enrollment (if this applies)
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