All employees of S.C.A.P.D. must assume responsibility for deciding if weather conditions are too hazardous to permit them to drive safely on public roads, or deterioration of road conditions makes future driving unsafe. Safety and good judgement are required in each individual case. When employees are subject to loss of pay as a result of their travel decisions, they may use time banked such as vacation time to offset the monetary loss, as appropriate.
If employees are delayed due to police road closure, or if an area of the County is closed to S.C.A.P.D. service, the staff members normally working in this area will be paid for their regular hours during this closure.
Requests by staff to leave work to attend to dependent care arrangements that are impacted by inclement weather or natural disasters shall not be unreasonably denied. Employees may apply for sick time, vacation time or compensation time to offset monetary loss, as appropriate for this absence.
When an emergency arises, plans for Association programs and services will be implemented, once approved by the Executive Director or designate.
PROCEDURE for Administrative and Management Staff
If adverse weather conditions prevent a staff member from travelling to, or continuing at the workplace:
- The person should make every effort to notify their manager/supervisor, and
- The supervisor/manager may authorize the use of accrued vacation, previously accrued compensation time or other appropriate arrangements, so that the employee will not suffer loss of pay.
- Employees may request absence without pay.
- The employee may be required to assist in an emergency service plan for the Association.
When a road or office area is closed:
- The person should notify their supervisor/manager, and
- The affected employee shall not suffer a loss of pay for the time-period that a road or service area was deemed to be closed.
- An absence due to road or office closure should be noted on the timesheet as CLOS.
Should the staff member request additional time off, in excess of the adverse weather conditions or road closure, this time may be approved as either leave without pay or used from accumulated time.
PROCEDURE for Attendant Care Program Staff
If adverse weather conditions prevent a staff member from travelling to or continuing at the workplace:
- Advise the Program Supervisor of the road closure situation;
- Listento the radio for road condition updates;
- Call the Ministry of Transportation Road Info-Line for official road closure information: or 1-800-268-4686, and
- Arrive at work as soon as possible if road conditions improve and roads are re-opened.
Supportive Housing Staff – must remain on duty until relieved by another staff in Supportive Housing Programs.
Outreach Staff – discuss the Emergency Contingency Plan for your program area with your program supervisor or designate.
SCAPD Operations ManualSection 2 – Inclement Weather/Natural DisastersPage 1 of 2