ECB Accredited Premier Cricket League - Overseas Player Registration Form
To be used for the registration of all Category 3 and Category 3E overseas players
Please send fully signed & completed forms as a scanned pdf to David Evans -
REMINDER – As a club you are wholly responsible for registering the player in the correct category and ensuring he abides by the conditions of his visa relating to playing cricket. If the league discovers that clubs are acting improperly or if a player is registered incorrectly we reserve the right to take appropriate action.
CLUB NAME………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Player’s permanent address in homecountry
Player’s address whilst in theUK
List all clubs played for in the last5years in UK and overseas with dates
If applying for CATEGORY 3 EXEMPT STATUS please complete Page 3 aswell as the sections below
Has the player been paid for playing cricket at any stage of his career YES /NO
If YES: Refer to Tier 5 Creative & Sporting Visa criteria and sign below to confirm player has the required Professional Visa.
SignatureofClub Chairman / SecretaryDate
Print name and office held
Email Addresses: / A Kennedy/ C.Greenhill / T Clarke
IF NO: Type of VISA or method of entry totheUK
Statement byPlayer
By signing this form I confirm the following:
1.I agree to abide by the rules and codes of conduct of the Shepherd Neame Essex PremierCricket League.
2.I agree to abide by the ECB Code of Conduct and the Spirit ofCricket.
3.I understand and accept that I am bound by the Shepherd Neame Essex Premier Cricket League’s disciplinary rules and that any suspension imposed by the League will apply to all cricket played under the auspices ofthe ECB and affiliated leagues.
4.IalsounderstandthatthedetailsofanysuspensionwillbeprovidedtotheECB,andthattheinformationmaybeshared with otherleagues.
5.I meet all the criteria for playing as an amateur as described by the Home Office and detailed in the League’s rules.
6.I understandthattheinformationgivenonthisformwillbeheldelectronically,andmaybedisclosedtootherappropriate cricket authorities asnecessary.
Statement by theClub
We hereby certify that we have verified and are completely satisfied that all relevant external regulations have been complied with by both the player and the club, and we confirm that he/she is legally entitled to be in the UK and able to be registered to play cricket on an amateur basis for our club.
We also certify that the above details are correct and that the player has been made aware and fully understands that he is bound by the League's rules, regulations and disciplinary procedures, and that he agrees to abide by the ECB Code of Conduct and the Spirit of Cricket.
We hereby give our unconditional confirmation that this player has not already received, and will not receive in the future, any remuneration, payment, or benefit in kind from our Club, or from any third party, benefactor, sponsor or other source other than as allowed by League rules.
We understand that the League Management Committee have the right under League rules to require the production for inspection of ANY books or records that it may reasonably wish to view which it believes to be relevant to any matter or dispute that has to be properly considered or investigated, and in signing this form the club acknowledge this right and confirm they will cooperate fully with any requests made.
SignatureofClub Chairman / SecretaryDate
Print name and office held
I confirm that I am not eligible to play for England (the regulations are shown on the ECB and league websites – Section 3.1 of the below linked document)
I confirm that I have been ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom for eighteen consecutive months prior to 1st April 2017. I can provide evidence of this through bank statements and or utility bills.
I confirm that I have not been out of the United Kingdom for longer than 35 days consecutively or 70 days in total during the previous eighteen months prior to 1st April 2017.
I confirm that any remuneration I receive from playing cricket is not the main source of my income.
If the player has previously been granted exemption and has been out of the country for more than 35/70 days please give full details of the length and nature of the trip in an email accompanying this form.In some exceptional circumstances exempt status will still be granted even if the player has been out of the country for a prolonged period of time, if there is an unavoidable reason for the trip, and if the player is truly ordinarily resident in the UK.
Date of first arrival in UK at start of qualifying period for 18 month ordinarily resident status
Details of any time outside the UK during the previous 18 months. Indicating dates of departure and return
Details of all addresses in the UK with dates from the time you began to be ordinarily resident
Full details of any employment in the UK with dates from the time you began to be ordinarily resident.
Signed by Player:
Please print name: ………………………………..……………………………………………
Dated: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Signed by Club Chairman / Secretary: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Please print name and office held: …………………………………..……………………………………………
Dated: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Email Addresses: / A Kennedy/ C.Greenhill / T Clarke