We Decide Coalition
August 10, 2015
Hon. Barbara Cegavske
Nevada State Capitol Building
101 North Carson Street, Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701
Dear Secretary Cegavske,
During the 2014 election campaign, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval never proposed raising over a billion dollars worth of taxes on the people, businesses and tourists of Nevada.
To the contrary, he actively campaigned against a proposed gross receipts tax - the so-called “Margins Tax” - which appeared on the ballot last November and was rejected by almost 80 percent of Nevada voters.
Nevertheless, Gov. Sandoval proposed, and the 2015 Nevada Legislature approved, a new gross receipts/margins tax which has been misleadingly and disingenuously re-named the “Commerce Tax.”
In addition, the 2009 Nevada Legislature passed a series of supposedly “temporary” tax hikes over the veto of then-Gov. Jim Gibbons. The Legislature, at the time, promised the people, businesses and tourists of Nevada that those tax hikes would expire – “sunset” – in 2011.
Instead, both the 2011 and 2013 Nevada Legislatures extended those “temporary” tax hikes for an additional two years and the 2015 Nevada Legislature voted to make those “temporary” tax hikes permanent rather than let them sunset as promised.
The 2015 Legislature also increased other taxes and included all of them – totaling a projected tax hike in excess of $1 billion - in one omnibus bill, SB483.
The people of Nevada reserve the right to approve or disapprove acts of the Legislature through the referendum process outlined in Article 19: Initiative and Referendum of the Nevada Constitution.
Section 1 of Article 19 specifies that…
“A person who intends to circulate a petition that a statute or resolution or part thereof enacted by the legislature be submitted to a vote of the people, before circulating the petition for signatures, shall file a copy thereof with the secretary of state.”
As required - and on behalf of the more than 800 individuals listed below - please accept the attached copy of the referendum we intend to circulate for signatures in order to place this act of the Legislature to a vote of the people.
Sincerely yours,
Charles A. Muth
We Decide Coalition
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Tim Abbott
monty abrams
Cathryn Adams
Joe Adams
Lex Adams
Michael Adams
Dale Akers
Leah Aldridge
Lucy Allen
Mark Allen
david alphonso
Vincent Ames
Janna Amos
Travis Amys
Jeremy anderson
Richard Anderson
Vernon Anderson
Kenneth Angst
Doug Ansell
Mimi Arrigoni
Darren Atkinson
Vivian Austin
Hamilton Avery
Ron Avery
Martin Babione
Don Backstrom
Lynn Badler
jack baker
Brad Lee Barnhill
Sara Barry
Robert Bartholomew
John Bates
Karl H Battlogg
Carol Bauer
Laurie Baxter
Bret Beach
Rodney Beasley
Debra Beatty
Randy Bell
Coleman Benner
Alida Benson
Kenneth Bent
James M. Benthin
Bernie & Maggie Benz
jay bergeson
Elaine Bergstrom
Ann Berit
Dennis Berry
mon bertolucci
Dale Bertram
Fred Bianchi
Earlene Bidart-Holguin
D. Gerald Bing
Margaret Bird
bruce birt
Brooks Bishofberger
Rodney Bloom
Jon Blum
Jeffrey Bobeck
linda bobeck
Ronald Bohlander
Deborah Bonetti
Barb Bononi
Matthew Booher
Donald Boos
Robert Booth
George Borst
Dale Bottoms
Gregory Bourgeois
Guy Bowers
Andra Braden
Denise Bradshaw
Walter Bradshaw
Daniel Braisted
Janis Brand
Jodi Branson
Louise Bredice
Robert Bredice
Heidi Bretthauer
Mel Brewer
Frederick Brier
Vernon Brooks
Barry D. Brown
Gaylan Bryant
mike bryant
Linda Buckardt
Brent Buckner
G R Bulkley
Troy Bulloch
Carl Bunce
Beth Bunch
Dan Burdish
Eric Burgess
Julie Burke
Diane Burnett
Juanita (Nita) Burrows
Kenneth Burrows
Jill Butler
Barbara Byars
Robert Byrns
R.B. Cage
Dennis Callahan
Jeff Campbell
Lynette Campbell
Priscilla Campbell
Carolyn Campobasso
Robert Candee
Daryl Capurro
George Caras
John Carlino
Margaret Carlson
gary carnahan
Edgar Carpenter
Douglas Carter
Jeffrey Carter
Jasen Cassady
loretta cassin
Anne Cates
Charlie Cecchini
Larry Champagne
arthur chang
Doris Chargin
David Chavez
Larry Chesney
Merrie Christensen
John Christensen
Brien Christoffersen
Alex Christopher
Neal Cipriani
Otis Clamp
Juanita Clark
Nina Clark
Reggie Clark
Gregory Clarke
Charles Clawson
R G Clemensen
Gudrun Coady
Ralph Coady
charles cobb
Pamela Cockrill
Steven Cogswell
barry collier
Diane Conant
Kathryn Conner
Matthew Conner
peter conova
dennis cook
Greg Cook
Fran Cool
Christopher Corbett
LUD Corrao
Mike Coster
Teri Cotham
Frank Coumou
Lucinda Coumou
Gary Courtright Sr.
John Cox
Mark Cox
Tawanna (T. K.) Crabb
Steven Curtis
Maurice Dalaimo
Thomas Daly
Nick Dane
Vernon Danielson
Barbara Dapper
Bob Davidson
Joe Davidson
Barbara Davis
Ryan Dawes
Anita Dayton
Gary Dayton
Ron Dayton
Teri De Castro
Earl Deanne
victoria decker
Lauren DeCorte
PJ Degross
Ronald Delia
Anthony DeLill
Denise Denning
Stephen Dennis
Joseph Dentz
Michael DePasquale
Marti Deputy
bruce dewing
Mechell DiAntonio
Neil Dille
David DiMartino Jr
Carla Dirk
Donald Dockrey
Rose Doster
Steven Dotts
Linda Doty
Jo-Anne Doxey
Barbara Dragon
Richard Dragon
Christopher Drake
Donald Drake
Allan Dredge
Macrina Drylak-Bordier
Glenda Duckworth
joshua duggan
Laurel Durkee
Tim Duvall
Deborah Earl
Tom Eberle
Jeff Ecker
John Eiche
Chris Ellena
Earl Ellis
Pablo Encinias
Edward Endemano
karen england
Judy Engman
Edward Epperson
Taylor Erekson
Marcia Ernst
Mark Ettelt
Carol Evans
Maraya Evans
Mark Faedi
joanne Fahnestock
David Fahrny
Jerome Fairweather
James Falk
Mary Fatzinger
Laurel Fee
Robert Fehling
Sanford Feld
Ralph Felices
Carol Felix
Grant Felldin
Ronald Fent
Chris Fewer
David Finley
Laura Finley
Michele Fiore
Brenda Fisher
Donna Fisher
Sonia Fisher
Richard Foley
Connie Foust
Brian Fox
Robert (Bob) Frank
Christine Fregulia
Phil Friedman
David Fritsche
Bob Fuss
stephanie gabler
Dave Gaffney
Jeffrey Gail
Larry Gandy
Evan Gannon
Berttha Gardner
Derek Gardner
John Gardner
Alex Gassiot
Patricia J Gates
Gary Gaumer
Diane M. George
Nancy George
Larry Gevert
Richard Geyer
Jim Gibbs
Larry Gilbert
Rose Gilbert
Bettye Gilmour
Bryce Gines
Jeff Gleason
Hermann Glockler
Edwin Goedhart
Renae Goedhart
Emeline Golden
Marshall Goldy
Louie Gomes
Hugh Gommel
Wayne Gorsek
Gary and Joyce Gowin
James Gowin
Michael Granger
Jon Grant
Pamela Greek
Larry Green
John Greer
robert griffith
Gary Grinnell
Shawn Grissom
russ gronert
Dale Grosulak
Yolanda Grouell
Amy Groves
Sharon Gustavson
Cindy Hagedorn
Alan Hale
Christine Hall
Patrick Hall
Christianne Hamel
Mark Hames
R, Hamzik
K Harmon
Sandy Harmon
George Harris
William Hartmann
Terry Havens
Brian Hawn
David Heer
Lisa Helget
William Henkle
Phil Henry
Fred Herr
John Herrington
Herman Herrng
Brent Hewel
Scott Hewlett
Seth Hewlett
Michael Hiatt
Dan & Rita Hickey
Michael Hickey
Phillip Hider
Albert Hill
Michael Hinshaw
Jack Hisey
Christopher Hisgen
David Hockaday
Wallace Hoffman
Tim Hope
Edward Horn
Vivian Horn
Russell Horning
Judith Horvath
paula hoskins
Dave Hough
Michael Houghton
Barbara Howard
Carol Howell
Mark Howells
Taylor Huckstep
Greg Hughes
Cherie Humphreys
Carol Hunt
Erin Hurd
David Hussman
Lee Hutchens
Debby Hutras
Jonathon Hyden
Noel Inzerille
Norman Ivans
Paul Jabber
David Jacks
Paul Jacob
Scott Jarrett
Wayne Jarvis
Gary Jenkins
Marc Jensen
Ray Joakimson
LisaMarie Johnson
Paul Johnson
Bill Johnston
Jerry Jolicoeur
Barbara Jones
Tom Jones
Tyler Jones
Marion Jonte
John Joseph
Edwin Jostmeyer
Michael Joyner
Ed Jucevic
andrew karas
Robert Karman
Edward Katzorke
Robert Kaul
Thomas Keefe
Deborah Keller
Shannon keller
Tom Kempkey
Kyle Kenny
Michael Kessler
Robert Kessler
ralph keyes
Adam Kilbourn
Jim King
Jackie Kingsland
Doyal Kirby
Chris Kissinger
Marie Kissinger
Brenda M. Klinger
Jean Knabel
john knabel
Hugh knox
Ken Koeppe
wallace kolberg
Roman Koval
Al Kramer
Steve Kramer
Anthony Kranz
Eric Krattiger
Jack La Flesch
Dennis LaCruze
Michael Lacy
Scott LaFata
Gerald Lafleur
Thomas Lahey
Kevin Laird
Robin Landry
Carol larsen-moore
Tim Larson
Bill Laub
John Laub
Jesse Law
Patrick LAWSON
Mike Lee
Rich Lee
Marsha Leeg
Donald Lehr
Joseph Leising
Nathan Leising
Audrey Leonard
Tony Lesperance
Cindee LeVal
Monte Leveaux
Joanne Levy
Robert Lewicki
Jane Lewis
Jim Leyde
Michele Liguori
Didi Lima
Dale Lindberg
Layne Linebaugh
Leon Lipinski
Thomas Lisiewski
Cindy Little
Robert Little
David Loar
Gary Loew
Kay Long
Roberta Long
Ron Longero
Freddy Lopez
Jon Low
Daniel Lowrey
Matthew Lowrey
Brooke Luckey
Ed Lucky
A. Jane Lyon
Carole MacDonald
steve macdonald
Duncan Mackie
Lawrence MacNeil
Jon Madsen
Nicholas Maier
Sandra Maier
AJ Maimbourg
Michael Majors
Jim Manes
Amy Mansueto
JIm Marchant
Leonard Marciano
Steve Marks
Rick Marshall
Carl Martigani
Douglas Martin
Myron Martin
sandra masters
Edwin Matthews
Carolyn Mattos
David Maxwell
karl mayer
Ernie Mayhorn
Lisa Mayo-DeRiso
Dwight Mazzone
Bob McCoy
robert mccoy
William McCoy
Dorothy McDonald
Kevin McDonald
Michael McGhee
Richard McGlaughlin
Steven McGuire
Kenton McHenry
Ken McIntyre
Les McKay
Christine McKellar
Robert McKinnon
Kathy McMullen
John McNary
Bradley McQueary
Donald McRoberts
Mark Mecham
Johnnie Mechikoff
Christopher Mennis
Carolyn Mering
Richard Meyers
Leann Meza
Curtis Mick
Bobbie Mikesell
Dean Mikuszewski
Dennis Millard
Lyn Millard
kory miller
Lawrence Miller
Karen Miller-Regnier
Jason Minetto
Michael Miraglia
Fred Mistele
Dennis Moltz
Rosette Moltz
Jack Montrose
Joseph Morabito
patricia morabito
Ezio Moresi
Herbert Morghen
Janeen Morris
Joanna Morris
Larry Morris
robert morris
Tom Morris
Jim L Moser
michelle mosley
Patty Mudd
Lee Mueller
Ray Mumford
scott muth
Lynn Muzzy
Karen Myers
David Neely
David Nelson
Monty Nereim
pat newman
Craig Newton
Jim Nichols
David Nicol
Thomas Nimsic
Joseph Nizzari
Roger C. Nolan
Joseph Norman
John Norton
John Noyer
Ann Nunnemaker
Marydee Nyquist
Dave Ochenreider
Diane O'Connor
Dona O'Gorman
Marina Ogren
john ohm
Iris Olander
Eric Olivas
Lynn OMara
Fran Opdyke
Dorothy Oriondo
Daniel Orr
Diana Orrock
Robert Orth
Beverly Ozmun
Susan Pallishusky
michael Parascandolo
Kim Paris
Nick Parkhurst
Sue Parkhurst
Rita Partridge
Joseph Pascuzzi
Judith Paul
Todd Paul
Durk Pearson
Jed A. Peeler
Signa Pendegraft
Barbara Pergi
David Perlman
Beverly Peterson
Darren Pferdehirt
Ron Pharris
Donna Phelps
Mark Pingle
Victor Plassman
Paul Pollaccia
Richard Pott
James Powell
Tom Prentice
Lee Price
Judith Pristow
Darren Proulx
ryan puliz
Shirley Purinton
Michael Quigley
Spencer Quinton
Jacob Racki
Chris Randolph
David Rapp
Floyd Rathbun
Doug Rawson
Larry Raymond
Eric Redwine
Lawrence L Reece
Angela Refsland
Veronica Regan
Carl Reinhard
Lenore Reinhard
Michael Rhoades
J L Rhodes
Robert Richard
James Richardson
robert richardson
Patricia Rippie
Justin Ritzman
Bart Roberts
John Robertson
Keith Robertson
Rosemary Rodman
William Rogers
Mary Rooney
Wayne Root
William Root
Troy Ross
Cathy Rossner
Zsolt Rosta
Sam Routson
Allen Rowe
Gail Rowe
Timothy Rowe
Tim Rowland
Joseph Ruisi
Linda Ruisi
Massimino Russello
Ed Rylant
Ralph Sacrison
Tom Saitta
Christian Salmon
Larry Sankovich
Steve Sanson
Larry Scheffler
Ronald Schlaifer
Paula Schlegelmilch
John Scott
Steven Scott
Marta Scotti
Brett Seabert
Dr. Kenneth Searles
John Sem
Lanetta Seppala
Sherese Settelmeyer
john shafer
Todd Shaul
Ellen Shaw
James Shedd
Shirley Shelton
Michael Sheppard
Christina Sherbrook
Jeanne Shizuru
Charles Shoten
Norman Shubert
William Shuster
Andy Sichak
Thomas Siegel
steve sill
Adam Silverman
Victoria Simcoe
Mark Skrable
Kathleen Sliter
Ken Small
Cynthia Smith
Gerald Smith
otto smith
r snyder
Fred Sobel
Mark Sooy
Michael G Spaulding
David Spencer
John Spinola
Edward Spoon
Gary Spriggs
Trudy Stanford
Adolph Stankus
Alan Stanley
Jodi Starkey
Jack Staten
Kim Staub
Tim Stebbins
Michael Steigman
Carl Stephens
Steve Stepler
James Stevens
John Stites
Lisa Stoecklin
Robert Stoecklin
Tim Stoffel
Fr. James Story
Carol Straight
Robert Strauss
Robert Stroub
Michael Sullivan
Chris Sutton
Robert Sweeney
Richard Takahashi
Gerald Taylor
Terilyn Taylor
Tom Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Robert Terrill
Benadict Terry
David Thomas
Suzanne Thomas
Nancy Thompson
Randi thompson
Jacqueline Thornhill
William Thornhill
Debra Thurner
Stephen Tibbals
Thomas Tighe
Scott Tillman
Bert Tilson
Jeffrey Tino
Robert Tonso
Rhonda tracy
Don Trapassol
Charles Tremain
Donald Trudeau
Karen Tucker
Elizabeth Tuoto
Tony Tuoto
Janet Ufheil
Stephen Ufheil
Ralph Umhoefer
Marian Umhoefer
Larry Underwood
Douglas Urbani
Thomas Urquhart
Valerie Usrey
Jason Ustica
Michael Van Ness
Carolyn Vance
David VanDerBeek
Lucy Vargas-Wolf
John Vettel
FG Voltz
Jennifer L Von Tobel
Yolanda Von Tobel
Jason Wade
Stephen Waldron
Barbara Walker
Diane Walker
John Walker
Roy Walker
lisa wall
Sharon Walls
Aaron Warburton
Cammie Warburton
Marcia Warne
Anthony Warren
Terry Weatherman
Jason Weinman
George Wendell
Phyllis Westrup
Ron Wheeler
Mary-Jo Wiese
Michael Wilburn
stephanie wilkis
JR Williams
Kathleen Williams
Ray H Williams Jr.
John Willman
James Wilson
Mike wilson
Scott Wilson
Candace Wines
Donald Wingfield
John Winlow
Marshall Wirig
Helmut Wolf
Donna Woodward
Ron Worth
Daniel Wray
Carol Wulffraat
Bob Yandow
Norm Yeager
Robert Yeary
Derrek Yelton
Kristopher Yerger
Larry Yori
Erik York
Randall York
Nikki Young
Robert Young Sr
Chris Zammit
Allan Zane
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