Guide to Genealogy Resources on the Internet
This guide offers addresses for a very small group of web sites that you will find useful as you begin your online genealogy research
African American Genealogy
AfriGeneas: African Ancestored Genealogy
Devoted to African American genealogy, to researching African Ancestry in the Americas in particular and to genealogical research and resources in general. It is also an African Ancestry research community featuring the AfriGeneas mail list, the AfriGeneas message boards and daily and weekly genealogy chats.
Clicking on “Getting Started” on the menu bar at the top of this will lead you to a beginner’s guide for African American genealogy research, a message forum for beginning researchers, information on the Afrigeneas mailing list and a listing of African American genealogical resources on the internet.
Christine’s Genealogy Website
This site is also devoted primarily to African American genealogy. Includes similar information and features as those found at AfriGeneas.
General Genealogy Online Resources
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Well-organized and maintained site with over 213,000 links
Maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons); offers links to thousands of genealogy-related sites as well as access to individual-specific information. Includes free access to the 1880 United States Census with transcribed entries as well as images of the actual census pages.
The Genealogy Home Page
No-frills site with over 4,000 links
Virginia Resources
VAGenWeb (Virginia Genealogy Web)
Starting point for links to historical and genealogical information on Virginia and its counties
Library of Virginia
Information on the genealogical resources available at The Library of Virginia
Other Resources
Fee-based site that does offer free access to some databases and other resources; particularly good charts and forms for recording the information you locate.
Social Security Death Index
Information found here may help you to determine approximate birth and death dates and location information. About 98 percent of the deaths in this database occurred between 1962 and the present.
Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System
Provides information on those who served in the Union and Confederate military – includes regiment and company name and rank of the person. This site includes those who were members of the United States Colored Troops
USGenWeb Project
Provides links to websites containing historical and genealogical information for many counties in the United States
Site maintained by volunteers and dedicated to helping people connect and share information with others doing genealogical research
The Weyanoke Association for Red-Black History & Culture
P.O Box 121 Charles City, VA 23030 804/307-8807