5th Grade Behavior Guidelines

By the time students reach 5th grade, they should be very familiar with what behaviors are acceptable in school. 5th grade classes are large and we have a lot of standards to cover during our 10 months together. Due to the depth and complexity of our curriculum, it is essential that every student demonstrates appropriate behavior everyday. This behavior includes showing courtesy and respect to other students, teachers, and any other adults who are in our classrooms.

The teacher’s job is to ensure that each student has the opportunity to master 5th grade standards. It is, therefore, important to understand that teachers cannot allow any student to disrupt the learning of others. Toward that end, the following procedures are in place:

  • 1st occurrence of disruptive behavior: VERBAL WARNING
  • 2nd occurrence of disruptive behavior: student will be asked to move to another seat as indicated by the teacher (this seat may be in pod area).
  • Repeated occurrence of disruptive behavior: depending on the behavior, a number of steps may be taken, including parent/teacher meeting, student sent to principal’s office, student performs community service at lunch, student prevented from participating in certain 5th grade events.

Disruptive behaviors are ANY and ALL behaviors that result in the teacher being interrupted in order to address the student. These include (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO) the following:

  • Talking without being called on, making noise, distracting other students or the teacher
  • Being off task or unfocused on the task or assignment taking place in the classroom
  • Not listening to instructions or information being given by the teacher
  • Getting out of your seat while the teacher or someone else is addressing the class
  • Destroying property (pencils, erasers, paper, clips, etc.)
  • Playing with items inside student’s desk
  • Sharpening a pencil while the teacher or someone else is addressing the class
  • Passing notes

Having outlined what NOT to do, it is important that all students understand what we expect them to do.

  • Respect others and their property.
  • Raise your hand to speak
  • Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself
  • Do not touch the property of others
  • Treat all school and personal property with care
  • Treat others the way that you would like to be treated.
  • Listen politely when someone else is talking
  • Make positive comments only to others
  • Do not bully others
  • Do not talk back to others
  • Always do your best work
  • Have confidence in your abilities and put forth the best effort necessary to succeed.
  • Have fun with learning. Attitude counts!

It is essential that students demonstrate self-discipline. You control your behavior and actions, so you are responsible for their results. Students should be truthful at all times and admit when they are wrong or have made a mistake or error in judgment.

Please note that depending on the severity of the situation, it is the right of the teachers to bypass the warning for unacceptable behavior. It may be necessary to issue a Behavior Responsibility Statementor Student Incident Report without warning. In cases, where a student is removed from the classroom for behavior reasons, that student will be expected to complete all class work missed during their absence as part of their homework that day.

The 5th grade report card has a Behavior Standards section where students are evaluated each Trimester. Incidents of unacceptable behavior are evaluated as follows:

5 = no unacceptable behavior

4 = 1incident of unacceptable behavior

3 =2 - 3 incidents of unacceptable behavior

2 = 4 incidents of unacceptable behavior

1 = more than 4 incidents of unacceptable behavior

Additionally, students will not be allowed to participate in certain 5th grade activities if the teachers feel that their inappropriate behavior will prevent other students from learning and enjoying these activities.

It is important that all students and parents understand the above behavior guidelines. If all students follow classroom rules, we will have a productive learning environment in which all students feel safe and are able to learn. Following these rules will foster a sense of community in 5th grade. We appreciate your cooperation.

Please return this page of this form to your homeroom teacher. Keep the rest of the document for your reference during the school year. This policy can also be found on the 5th grade teachers’ web pages on the ROES Web Site.

I have read and understand the behavior guidelines for 5th grade.

Student Name: ______Date: ______

Parent signature: ______

Student signature: ______

(NOTE: Any student who spends time in multiple households needs to have both parents’ signatures)

Additional signature: ______