What is Montessori?

Montessori began in the early 1900s and was designed by Dr. Maria Montessori, a physician, educator, and observer of children. Dr. Montessori based her approach to primary education upon the idea that a human being is not educated by another person. Instead, education is achieved through one’s own experiences. She devised a unique learning process based upon individual interests and developmental stages. The Montessori approach requires the cultivation of a child’s natural desire to learn, think, and act independently. Dr. Montessori believed that the children have an absorbent mind which enables them to absorb an immense amount of information during their first six years of life. Her life’s work was in the creation of education materials which aid the child in this learning process. Her method was divided into these five areas of curriculum:

Practical Life

The exercises in Practical Life are theheart of Montessori education. Aschildren wash tables, pour liquids, polish silver, sweep, and dust, they are developingthe inner aptitudes of calmness, order,concentration, coordination, and fine motorskills. Also, through the process oflearning to meet their own needs,totake care of theclassroom environment,and to experience helpingothers, children in Montessori programsbegin to develop independence,self-confidence, and self-respect.


Children learn to assemble, disassemble, and reassemble certain learning tools. This gives them practice in higher order thinkingskillsof analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Itleads to mature questioning, research, andtrue creativity when they reassemble in newways. The youngest childrenin the environment catch the enthusiasm ofthe older ones as they make their discoveriesand reach for more sophisticatedmaterials,all the while enjoying their ownpursuits andgames.


The Montessori Language Arts curriculum isdesigned to enhance the students' skills in reading, comprehension, writing, and speaking andto provide connections with history, literature,science, math, and geography.


The Montessori Mathematics program consists ofsequential exercises beginning with more concretelessons and moving into the highly abstract.One fundamental goal of Montessori education is tostimulate the child's reasoning ability by developing the mathematical mind. The math presentationsrequire the use of concrete materials tobe manipulated and explored until the child reaches thepoint of understanding.

Cultural Studies

In addition to the core curriculum, your child will be engagedin activities that instill a lifelong loveof sciences,history, cultures, and the arts. Our school will be infusedwith musicof many varieties and peoples. Foreign languagecurriculum will be presented throughsongs,stories, games, and activities thatintroduce studentstoother cultures. Each year, geography isstudied in depth. Students learn about physical and politicalgeography, people and flags of distant countries, and thecultural similarities that unite all people. Music, art, architecture,and food are all part of the experience.


Your child’s registration fee covers all necessary supplies. Cots, sheets, and blankets are provided for each child at naptime. Your child may bring a backpack if they wish, but it is not required. The only thing you need to provide is a change of clothes. Please label each item with your child’s first and last name.Be sure to change out extra clothes with each season.


Parents can apply for enrollment of their child in Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center by completing the enrollment application and paying the registration fee. Initial enrollment is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork, payment of registration fee, birth certificate and current immunization records.

Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center reserves the right to dismiss any parent or child at any time with cause. Continued enrollment at Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center is contingent upon the parent’s, emergency contact persons’ and child’s adherence to the policies and procedures of Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center as outlined in this handbook including, but not limited to, timely payment of all fees and tuition.

Parents are required to notify Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center immediatelyshould any of the information collected at the time of enrollment or any time thereafter change.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Enrollment at Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center is open to children from two years old to fourteen years old. Enrollment shall be granted without regard to a child’s race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, handicap/disability or whether a child is being nursed.Enrollment shall be granted to a child without regard to a parent/guardian’s race, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, gender, pregnancy or disability.

Tuition and Fees

All custodial parents and/or legal guardians are required to sign a Fee Agreement prior to enrollment of their child in Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center. Parents are required to indicate to whom all billing information and correspondence are to be addressed.

Cash, check, or money order may pay tuition. Receipts will be given for all tuition payments. All cash payments must be handed directly to a director or executive director. There will be a $30.00 fee plus any additional charges we may receive for tuition checks returned by the bank. Returned tuition checks will not be re-deposited. Parents will be responsible for re-issuing a second check. If at any future time the bank returns a parent’s check, all future tuition payments must be made by cash, certified check, or money order.

RegistrationFees: There is a yearly registration fee for the school year. The due date will be announced 30 days prior to the date.

School Year: August-May

  • $230.00 for Primary Class/Pre-K (New Student)
  • $115.00 for Primary Class/Pre-K (Returning Student)
  • $210.00 for LMCC students K-8
  • $110.00 for After School Program.
  • $80.00 for LMCC students After School ProgramK-8

Summer Sessions (All Programs): June & July

  • $55.00 for one session
  • $80 for both sessions

Primary Pre-K Full Time Tuition: This covers 6:45am-6:00pm for primary students.

  • $585.00

Primary Pre-K Part Time Tuition: We will have a limited number of part time spaces available. Half day hours are from 6:45 A.M.–12:00 Noon. This includes breakfast, a morning snack and lunch.

  • $305.00 per month for 3 half days
  • $360.00 per month for 3 full days
  • $360.00 per month for 5 half days

Elementary Program (Grades K-8):

  • $495.00

LMCC students After School Program (Grades K-8):

  • $170.00

After School Program Parish/Glenbrook (Grades K-8):

  • $275.00

Summer Session (K-8)Program Tuition:

  • $585.00

Please Note:

  • If tuition is paid after the 10th of each month, a late fee of $10.00 per daywill be assessed.
  • Tuition must be paid by the 15th. The child cannot attend until it has been paid or arrangements have been made.
  • Non-Sufficient Funds: $30.00 fee plus any charges that we may incur.
  • A fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed for late pick-up.
  • No refunds will be given in the event that your child is absent, and no make-up days are offered.
  • Tuition will be the same each month regardless of holidays or weather-related closings.
  • Our center will not accept credit or debit cards for payments. If you are paying in cash, please bring the correct amount. Checks or money orders are preferred.
  • Tuition includes a balanced, nutritious breakfast, lunch,and two snacks.

There is no credit given for vacations, scheduled school holidays, child illness, or for closings due to emergency situations or inclement weather. Non-payment of tuition is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.

Timely payments are essential for continued enrollment at Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center;however, if you anticipate difficulty with paying on time, please discuss the matter with the center director immediately. If alternative arrangements for payment are approved, you will be notified by the center director.

Children may not attend Lagniappe Montessori past the 15th of the month if tuition has not been paid. The child may return to school with no discount given for the days he/she missed due to nonpayment. You must make arrangements to pay with the center director within 30 days to ensure that you keep your child’s spot a Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center.

Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center offers a multiple child discount for one or more siblings enrolled during the same school year. The first child pays the full tuition rate and an additional child’s tuition is discounted 10%. Discounts are only applicable when tuition payments are made on time. The full tuition rate plus any additional late fees will be charged when tuition payments are late as per the late tuition policy stated above.

Mandated Reporting/Child Abuse and Neglect Policy

Under the Child Protective Services Act, mandated reporters are required to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities. The employees of Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center are considered mandated reportersunder this law. Employees are not required to discuss their suspicions with parents prior to reporting the matter to the appropriate authorities, nor are they required to investigate the cause of any suspicious marks, behavior, or condition prior to making a report. Staff shall not delay the reporting of suspected abuse or neglect for any reason. Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center shall not require staff to report suspected abuse or neglect to management/administration prior to reporting to child protection authorities. Under the act, mandated reporters can be held criminally responsible if they fail to report suspected abuse or neglect. We at Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center take this responsibility very seriously and will make all warranted reports to the appropriate authorities. The Child Protective Services Act is designed to protect the welfare and best interests of all children. As mandated reporters, the staff of Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center cannot be held liable for reports made to Child Protective Services which are determined to be unfounded, provided the report was made in “good faith.”

Causes for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect include, but are not limited to:

Unusual bruising, marks, or cuts on the child’s body

Severe verbal reprimands

Improper clothing relating to size, cleanliness, season

Transporting a child without appropriate child restraints (e.g. car seats, seat belts, etc.)

Dropping off or picking up a child while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol

Not providing appropriate meals including a drink for your child

Leaving a child unattended for any amount of time

Failure to attend to the special needs of a disabled child

Sending a sick child to school over-medicated to hide symptoms which would typically require the child to be kept at home until symptoms subside

Children who exhibit behavior consistent with an abusive situation

As mandated reporters, all staff and owners shall report any suspected abuse or neglect to the Louisiana Child Protection Statewide Hotline.

Phone: (855) 4LA-KIDS

(855) 452-5437

Complaint Procedure and Licensing Information

Parents shall contact the Louisiana Department of Education Child Care Licensing at any given time if they feel that minimum licensing requirements have not been met by Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center.

Louisiana Department of Education
Child Care Licensing
P.O. Box 4249
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Phone:(225) 342-9905
Fax:(225) 342-2498

Web Address: louisianabelieves.com

Parent’s Right to Immediate Access

Parents of a child in our care are entitled to immediate access, without prior notice, to their child whenever they are in care at Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center as provided by law.

In cases where the child is the subject of a court order (e.g., Custody Order, Restraining Order, or Protection from Abuse Order) Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center must be provided with a Certified Copy of the most recent order and all amendments thereto. The orders of the court will be strictly followed unless the custodial parent(s) requests a more liberal variation of the order in writing. In the case where both parents are afforded shared/joint custody by order of the court, both parents must sign the request for more liberal interpretation of the order.

In the absence of a court order on file with Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center, both parents shall be afforded equal access to their child as stipulated by law. Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center cannot, without a court order, limit the access of a one parent by request of the other parent regardless of the reason. If a situation presents itself where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center suggests that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued since our rights to retain your child are secondary to the other parent's right to immediate access. Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center staff will contact the local police should a conflict arise.

Visitors are asked to schedule appointments with the center director and are allowed in the school only at the discretion of the director or other administrative staff. An employee of Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center will accompany visitors alwaysthroughout the center.

Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center will dismiss any child whose parent is prohibited from entering the school. Due to the parents’ right to immediate access policy, as well as state and federal regulations, Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center cannot have a child at the agency when the child’s parent is prohibited access. Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center will not agree to any request to maintain a child’s enrollment even if the parent agrees to stay out of the center. Such an agreement is a violation of the law and will not be entertained.

Parental Involvement Policy

Parents will be offered a minimum of two opportunities for involvement each year. This may include activities such as open house, pot luck lunches, holiday celebrations, programs, or plays. These activities will be announced in the fall of each year. We look forward to having you and your families participate in these activities.

Discipline/Behavior Management Policy

At Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center our philosophy can be summed up with one word: respect. We encourage children to respect other children’s feelings and space as well as their environment. In return your child should always expect to be treated with respect. Our environment is set up so that the children achieve success with little need of correction or intervention. When a situation arises, we make every effort to adjust our environment, so the children can continue to succeed. We feel that discipline is an individual matter that varies with age level. When we encounter specific behavior issues, your child’s teacher will periodically discuss the best course of action for your individual child at his/her particular stage of development.

Your child is always encouraged to use caring words and manners with all others present in our class. It can be very confusing for all the children during arrival and departure times. Please remember that when children are in school, the school rules apply whether the child’s parents are present or not. We stress safety and respect, so please support us.

In the event that a child continues to be disruptive in the classroom after redirecting, the teacher will practice the gluing method with the child. The gluing method requires the child to remain next to the teacher for a short period of time so that he/she may monitor the child directly. The child will be given the opportunity to join the class and their activities after this time. If the child continues to be disruptive, the child will be placed in the time out area in the classroom and will be allowed to work alone. A child may be placed in time out for one minute per year of age. All teachers at Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center are encouraged to handle all discipline issues in the classroom; however, if the child continues to be disruptive he/she will be taken to the director’s office. At this time, if necessary, the director may contact the parents to help resolve the situation.

According to our discipline policy and the Louisiana Department of Education, no child attending Lagniappe Montessori & Children’s Center shall be subject to physical or corporal punishment which includes but is not limited to yelling, slapping, spanking, yanking, shaking, pinching, exposure to extreme temperatures, or other measures producing physical pain. Nothing shall be put into the mouth of a child. The children will not be forced to exercise or be placed in an uncomfortable position. Children will not be subject to verbal abuse or threats which include but are not limited to using offensive/profane language, telling a child to “shut-up” or making derogatory remarks about children or family members of children in the presence of children.Children shall not be threatened with a prohibited action, even if there is no intent to follow through with such action. Children will not be disciplined or bullied by another child. Children shall not be deprived of food or beverages as a source of punishment. Infants or toddlers shall not be restrained by devices such as high chairs for disciplinary purposes. Active play/recess time cannot be withheld for disciplinary purposes. Timeout may be used during active play time for an infraction incurred during play/recess time.