1. Place a “Call Library Function Node” in the Block Diagram.
2. Right Click on it, and select “Configure.”
3. Click on the folder to the right of “Library Path or Name” and select SPAM32.dll.
4. Click on the “Function name” dropdown list to select the method you would like to use.
5. Click on the “Parameters” tab and enter the parameters for the method.
6. You may find the header file useful in getting all the parameters needed for the method. In this case, it will be AdvancedAbsoluteIrradiance.h
EXPORTED void AdvancedAbsoluteIrradiance_processSpectrum(ADVANCEDABSOLUTEIRRADIANCE_T c_advanced_absolute_irradiance, DOUBLEARRAY_T dark, DOUBLEARRAY_T sample, DOUBLEARRAY_T wavelengths, DOUBLEARRAY_T calibration, double integrationTimeSeconds, double collectionArea, unsigned char integratingSphere, DOUBLEARRAY_T retval);
7. Then click the “OK” button.
8. Then wire everything in.