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Statement of Purpose - Updated 07 November 2018
Fosterplus is an independent fostering agency providing a range of services for looked after children. The agency is run in accordance with all current legislation including the Children Act 1989, The Children Act 2004, the Care Standards Act 2000, The Fostering Services (England)Regulations 2011 (amended 2013) and Fostering Services National Minimum Standards 2011.
Fosterplus Limited currently has 3 registered offices in England; 1 at Long Eaton, Derbyshire(Yorkshire & East Midlands) with sub-office in Doncaster), 1 at Coventry, and 1 at Wavendon, Buckinghamshire(covering the South, with a sub-office at Stonehouse, Gloucestershire). The functions carried out from each of the registered offices include carer recruitment, marketing and administration. The sub-office functions include carer training and support.
Fosterplus(Southern Region) Limitedis registered and regulated by Ofsted, registration number SC 065614. The Registered Manager of the Southern Region is Tracey Greig.
The registered address for Fosterplus South is: The sub-office address of Fosterplus Southis:
Aims and Objectives, Principles and Standards
The aim of the Agency is to assist the placing authorities in meeting their requirements to improve the wellbeing of children in relation to the Five Outcomes for Children. These are:
- Physical and mental health and emotional well being
- Protection from harm and neglect
- Education training and recreation
- The contribution made by them to society
- Social and economical well being
Improving the above outcomes will be achieved by:
- Placing the child at the centre of all services provided
- Providing clear procedural guidance for staff and carers which defines the Agency’s service standards in a simple manner
- Consulting with service users and care receivers
- Recruiting carers and staff from a diversity of cultures and backgrounds to reflect the needs of service users
- Providing a service which is based on equal opportunities and is inclusive through valuing diversity
- Working in true partnership with all significant persons involved with the young person
- A commitment to on-going training for staff and Foster Carers
- Providing the highest quality support to Foster Carers
The detailed service standards of the Agency are contained within the Agency’s policy and procedure documents; these are available on request.
It is the Agency’s belief that the best outcomes for children will be achieved by making the best matches between the carer and child, thus taking into account their values, ethnicity, culture and skills, and marrying them with the specific needs of each child.The Agency will continually strive to improve the services it offers and will not accept anything other than the highest standards.
An integral part of the quality review and quality improvement process involves care-experienced young people providing input, via consultation, involvement and activities throughout the design, implementation and delivery of the Agency’s operations.
Services provided
- Form F Assessments
- Respite Placements
- Bridging Placements
- Emergency Placements
- Long term Placements
- Short term Placements
- Unaccompanied Minor Placements
- Permanent Placements
- Disability Placements
- Pre-Adoption Placements
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Statement of Purpose - Updated 07 November 2018
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Statement of Purpose - Updated 07 November 2018
Fosterplus Limited
Fosterplus Limited is part of a group of Companies owned by Partnerships in Children’s Services (PiCS), alongside Fosterplus (Fostercare) Limited, Clifford House Fostering and ISP (Integrated Services Programme). The Chief Executive of PiCS is Elaine Young. Stephanie Clay is the Chief Operating Officer of PiCS and the Responsible Individual of FosterplusThe original founders and co-owners of Fosterplus, Deborah Ferguson and Paul Snell, remain Directors of both PiCS and Fosterplus.
The main function of the Directors will be to ensure that the quality assurance standards of the Agency are maintained.
Senior Management
Elaine Young, (Chief Executive of PiCS), Stephanie Clary (Chief Operating Officer PiCS), Peter Battram (Head of OperationsFosterplus) and Anne-Marie Bloxham (Head of Human Resources) form the primary element of the Senior Management Team for Fosterplus. Decisions relating to the strategic direction of the company will be influenced by the recommendations of the Senior Management Team.
The Registered Manager
The Registered Manager is responsible for the day to day running of the Agency.Tracey Greig is the Registered Manager of Fosterplus South. Tracey manages the supervision of the staff group for both the main and sub-office teams. She ensuresthat all carers are properly supported, that the outcomes for children are met through the implementation of the Agency’s policies and procedures and isresponsible for specific areas of legislation under theFostering Services National Minimum Standards 2011 and Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011/2013. The Registered Manager is accountable to and reports to the Head of Operations.
The Foster Panel Chairs/ Foster Panels
This is a role independent of the Agency. The Chair ensures the proper fit running of the Fostering Panel and as a result of the Panel’s functions will advise the Agency on quality assurance and service standards issues. The role of the Panel is to consider applicants for approval and make recommendations on their suitability and terms of approval; consider the first review of approved foster carers and any subsequent reviews referred to it by Fosterplus; make recommendations on continued suitability and terms of approval; oversee the conduct of assessments carried out by Fosterplus and monitor the efficacy of procedures for undertaking reviews; give advice and make recommendations on any other matters referred to the Panel by Fosterplus.The management of Fosterplus SouthPanel is conducted through the Fosterplus Head Office at Wavendon.
Supervising Social Workers
These are qualified Social Workers who are responsible for the direct implementation of the Agency’s standards of the service through supporting our Foster Carers and monitoring the progress of any child in placement. These Social Workers undertake on-call and duty functions to ensure that our carers are fully supported 24hours a day, 365 days a year. They are employed on a full / part time basis and are line managed by the Registered Manager.
Supervising Social Workers attend all meetings involving the child and carer to ensure that the carer is being fully supported and that the child’s needs are being met. Supervising Social Workers also carry out assessments on prospective Foster Carers using the British Association for Adoption and Fostering Form F format.
Fosterplus South is supported by a staff group based centrally, including Human Resources, Checks and References, Education Support Worker, Finance, Panel Administration, Training Manager, Service Improvement and Head of Operations.
Registered Manager – Tracey Greig
Qualifications / ExperienceDiploma in Social Work / Tracey joined Fosterplus in 2003 as a Supervising Social Worker. Prior to this she was employed in a variety of roles within a Local Authority setting, including Residential Social Worker, Children & Families Social Work Assistant and, post qualifying, as a ‘Children Looked After’ Social Worker. Tracey became the manager of the Fosterplus team, then based in Thame, in 2004. She became the Registered Manager for Fosterplus South at its launch in June 2014.
PQ1 Award
Diploma in Management Studies
Supervising Social Worker (P/T) – Jenny Chapman
Qualifications / ExperienceCQSW
British Sign Language, Levels 1, 2 & 3
OCN Sign Language, Level 3
PQ1 Award / Jenny started work in social care in 1978. During her career she has worked in a range of settings; residential care, fostering, child protection and adult services. Jenny worked for the Parkinson’s Disease Society in Northampton as their Welfare Co-ordinator whilst also completing her sign language qualification. Jenny worked as a Social Worker for the deaf and has experience of working with deaf children / adults. She became principal Social Worker in this post, managing a team of social workers, support workers and technical officers. Since coming to Fosterplus in 2007 Jenny’s role is home based, allowing her to focus on working with carers in the Northamptonshire area.
Supervising Social Worker – Annishia Buss
Qualifications / ExperienceBSc in Social Work (2009) / Annishia joined Fosterplus in January 2015. She started her career in Social Work in a Child Protection Team before moving onto the Leaving Care Team. In 2010, Annishia joined a Local Authority Fostering Team where she predominately assessed Foster Carers and Family and Friends carers. Between October 2014 and January 2015, Annishia returned to work in Child Protection based in Luton. Outside of work, Annishia volunteers for aFoodbank and she is currently a Primary School Governor.
Recruitment Officer (P/T) – Vicky Rushton
Qualifications / ExperienceVicky joined the team in August 2013. Previously a Team Leader at a loans company, Vicky also has a range of experience working / caring for children and has worked in a nursery, completing work experience in a local pre school. She feels passionately about recruiting new foster carers.
Education Worker – Philippa Casson
Qualifications / ExperienceBA (Hons) Education
PG Certificate SEN Co-ordinator / Philippa joined FosterPlus in November 2013, in the new role of Education Officer. She qualified as a teacher in 1989 and began her career working in primary schools as a class teacher. She developed an interest in special educational needs and worked with pupils who had a range of difficulties including social, emotional and behavioural needs. Most recently, she was a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator in a large primary school.
Team Administrator – Melanie Laitt
Qualifications / ExperienceNVQ Level 3, Children’s Care, Learning
& Development / Mel joined Fosterplus in October 2012. She organises all training and local events for carers together with the day to day general running of the Bicester office. Prior to this, after having her daughter, Mel became a Registered Childminder for 14 years. Before this, she was a Housing Officer with Oxford University for 12 years. All of these experiences and insights are beneficial to our Team.
Referrals Officer – Estelle Cashin
Qualifications / ExperienceCACHE Level 2Certificate for
Children and Young People
Hairdressing – Level 2
IHBC, ITEC – Beauty Therapy Level 1, 2
& 3 / Estelle first started working for Fosterplus as an administrator in 1998 for a year before leaving to work as an office manager for a chemical company. Estelle returned to Fosterplus part time in October 2000 until November 2002, when she had her second child. After this she worked part-time as a mobile Beauty Therapist and Hairdresser. Estelle returned to Fosterplus in May 2012, initially as a training administrator. Over time the role evolved to include marketing and recruitment, before being appointed to the role of Referrals Officer. Estelle thus brings a range of experience and understanding to this position.
Assistant Service Manager – Diane Daniels
Qualifications / ExperienceDiploma in Social Work
PQ1 – Consolidation Module
ABE Trained (Achieved Best Evidence)
HNC & HND in Health and Social Care
PTLLS / Diane joined Fosterplus in September 2011. Diane’s career in Children’s Services commenced in 1999 in Bedford, initially as a Social Work Assistant, moving into the Intake Assessment Team post qualification, progressing to the role of Senior Practitioner. Diane was an active member of Bedford’s MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) liaising with professionals to safeguard families. Prior to Social Work, Diane was a full time mother to her two children in their early years, before working in various childcare roles, including as registered Childminder, Nanny, Pre-School Leader and Independent Visitor.
Supervising Social Worker – Laura Iordache
Qualifications / ExperienceBA in Social Work
BA in English and Romanian
PQ1 – Consolidation Module
PQ Graduate Diploma Specialist Social
Work: Children and Young People,
Families and Carers / Laura joined Fosterplus as a Supervising Social Worker in 2009, having previously worked in a Child Protection Team in Essex for 2 years. Laura initially qualified as a teacher in Romania, in 1998, and had a short career in teaching, before deciding she wanted to pursue Social Work. She obtained her Social Work degree in 2003. Laura worked in Romania in statutory and non statutory agencies, in child protection, foster care and with children and young people with special needs.
Supervising Social Worker – Jane Barron (P/T)
Qualifications / ExperienceMSc Social Work
PQ - Consolidation Module
BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth Studies
Diploma in Social Policy
ABE Trained (Achieved Best Evidence) / Jane joined Fosterplus in December 2012, from Cambridgeshire County Council, where she worked in the Resources Team. In this role Jane carried out research on placement disruptions and worked on the development of a new initiative and policy to try and prevent placements at risk of breakdown. Jane has worked in Children’s Social Care since 2004, including Family Support and Child Protection, Looked After Children and Leaving Care Teams, with active involvement in the Children in Care Council, encouraging children’s participation. Jane also has over 7 years of peripatetic working with children with Special Educational Needs and Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in educational settings.
Supervising Social Worker – Adam Potter
Qualifications / ExperienceBSc (Hons) Social Work.
Foundation Degree in Care Management
Registered Manager’s Award (Level 4)
NVQ level 3 and 4 in Health and Social Care
A1 NVQ Assessors Award / Adam joined Fosterplus in June 2012. Adam was in the Armed Forces for 6 years, leaving in 2004, after which he joined Brookdale Care, initially as a Support Worker, through to Manager of a Residential Home for Adults and Adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders, learning disabilities and mental health issues, taking the lead on behavioural management and physical interventions training programmes. During his studies to become a Social Worker, Adam worked as a befriender to young people, contact supervisor and substance misuse worker. Adam has been part of a fostering family since the age of 7 and has followed one of his passions and joined Fosterplus to support and develop foster carers and promote positive outcomes for children.
Senior Team Administrator – Gemma Kitchener
Qualifications / ExperienceBA (Hons) Degree in Arts and Media
NVQ Level 3 in Human Resources
A Levels in I.C.T, Art & Design
First Aid Trained / Gemma joined Fosterplus in 2009 as Team Administrator. Prior to this, Gemma has worked in various fields, such as Television, Administration, Early Years and a children’s nursery. She has also worked as a Support Worker for people with disabilities. In July 2011, Gemma took on the role of Office Manager at Fosterplus, and then in March 2014 was promoted to Senior Administrator. Over the years, Gemma has developed her skills in marketing; designing adverts for Fosterplus and producing newsletters, flyers and other creative material. Due to Gemma’s ICT knowledge, she also provides various staff training, offers telephone support for computer issues throughout the company and has often taken the lead on developing work systems within the company.
Social Work Assistant – Post Vacant
Assistant Service Manager – David Bailey
Qualifications / ExperienceDiploma in Social Work
Advanced Diploma of Higher Education Social Work Practice Teaching
Diploma in Higher Applied Social Studies / Dave Joined Fosterplus in January 2013, after his previous social work role within the NSPCC for 6 years, providing therapeutic interventions to children and young people who displayed sexually harmful behaviours. Dave joined the Royal Navy in the early 80’s and worked in pay and administration. In 1997 Dave was promoted to Chief Petty Officer having joined the Royal Navy Social Work Department in 1995. In 2000 he qualified as a Social Worker and as a Practice Teacher in 2002.He continued to serve with the Royal Navy, Safeguarding Military Children and Families until he retired in 2005. On retirement Dave worked with a Local Authority in the Referral and Assessment Team.
Supervising Social Worker – Ki Garrett-West
BA (Hons) in Social WorkPQ Consolidation module
PQ Higher Specialist Award :
Understanding Children
Theraplay Training / Ki joined Fosterplus in June 2011 having moved from East Sussex where she worked as a supervising social worker with the local authority fostering team. Ki has worked in social care since 2002 when she joined an adult social care team as an administrator, changing roles to become the team’s community support worker. Ki then took a role as a social care assessor with a hospital based team where she studied for her Social Work degree part time with the Open University. After qualifying Ki spent a year working with adults with learning disabilities before moving to a local authority fostering team. Ki has also been a volunteer with East Sussex Foster Care Association and raised over £3,000 in a charity trek of the Great Wall of China for Heart FM’s children’s charity, Have a Heart. Ki has completed a training course on Theraplay and will use these skills to train carers in the future.
Supervising Social Worker – Amanda Cornwall
Qualifications / ExperienceDipSW 2000
Certificate- Advanced Clinical Training 2005 / Amanda joined Fosterplus in November 2014. She has worked in a range of social work and clinical settings within her career, including Child Protection, Occupational Health, Primary Care Trusts and Fostering and Adoption. Amanda is a trained Psychotherapist in Transaction Analysis and is also an accredited mediator with the Open College Network. Amanda describes herself as a ‘people person’ who enjoys a team environment. She has a good sense of humour and loves to read.
Social Work Assistant (P/T) – Jude Mead
Qualifications / ExperienceNVQ Level 3 in Health & Social Care –
Children and Young People / Jude joined the team in 2006, initially as a Sessional Worker and then as a part-time Social Work Assistant. Jude has 22 years of experience of looking after children and during this time has raised her own family. Initially, for 5 years she worked as a children’s nanny and then as a registered child minder for 7 years. She has also worked as a Home Care Assistant caring for the elderly. Jude has also enjoyed working as a volunteer for a Christian youth project as a mentor supporting teenagers.
Team Administrator – Lisa Coombes