Meeting Notes

RAC Leadership Teleconference

Thursday, February 12, 2015

1:30 – 3:30 pm, EDT

In attendance:Skip Paul (Chair),Michael Bonini,James Bryant,Ken Chambers,Anne Ellis, Colin Franco, Cynthia Gerst, Chris Hedges, Chris Jenks, Cameron Kergaye, Rick Kreider, Tim Klein, Jim McDonnell, John Moulden,Bill Stone (for Linda Taylor).

Decisions and action items are underscored.

  1. Roll Call
  1. Additions to agenda


  1. Notes from previous meeting

A MOTION(Gerst/Kergaye) to approve the previous meeting notes was APPROVED.

  1. AASHTO Report -Jim McDonnell

Jim met recently with GAO staff concerning Connected Vehicle V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) Footprint Analysis. They are meeting again next week to discuss bicycle/pedestrian safety needs and what states are doing to address these needs.

Jim spoke with House T&I Staff last week along with King Gee and Joung Lee about research. The AASHTO staff used the resolutions and background informationdeveloped by RAC and SCOR on recommended research provisions for the reauthorization of MAP-21. These proved to be extremely helpful in explaining research needs to the congressional staff.

The T&I staff seemed particularly interested in new technology such as the “Interstate 2.0.” The committee wants to conduct research that feeds into future reauthorization bills, such as capacity research, freight and passenger movement, etc. They have a House member who is very interested in V2I technology and making it eligible for funding; AASHTO is of the opinion that it is allowable under several programs already; laundry lists or “eligible activities” sometimes lead to unintended problems.

T&I staff are also interested in research on procurement issues in Title 23, i.e. what needs to change in order to accommodate newer technologies, or at least not slow their development or implementation (instead of buying product we are more and more buying services, leasing things, etc. – this is a newer concept for federal funds).

Jim asked whether there were any research issues that RAC members would NOT like to see adopted in the next highway bill. Tim Klein suggested any proposals that were counter to the AASHTO position on the DSRC communication band and spectrum sharing. Mr. Hedges suggested that it might be helpful for AASHTO to monitor proposals from other industry or trade associations to make sure their recommendations are not at odds with those of AASHTO.

The issue came up on the eligibility of UTC matching funds from other federal agencies. If other federal sources were available, it would be free up SP&R funds for state research. Jim also asked whether a match ratio of something other than 50/50 be helpful to the states. Skip noted that a lower match requirement –75/25 for example - would provide more flexibility for the states to manage their research programs more effectively.

Skip spoke to Wes Lum recently about whether there is a need to update materials developed by RAC/SCOR for the last reauthorization. Skip will send the earlier materials to Jim for his opinion on whether they need updating. It was noted that AASHTO is planning to update its overall MAP-21 reauthorization position.

  1. TRB/SCOR Report – Chris Jenks

Neil Pedersen has been on the job as Executive Director since February 1. He has been meeting with a lot of people, collecting feedback and ideas, and focusing on implementing the new TRB Strategic Plan.

TRB state reps received a survey for their preferences regarding the state partnership visits. Responses were due on February 13th.

James Bryant will be the point person to organize the TRB-sponsored sessions at the July RAC/TRB State Reps meeting.

Attendance at the 2015 TRB Annual Meeting, has been verified at 12,200,up from 11,900 last year. On-site feedback – the most common issues were more places to sit, more places to eat, wider chairs to sit in. 83% of survey respondents rated their annual meeting experience as good or excellent. There were high ratings for exhibits, sessions, hotels, and meetings. Results on food and beverage were mixed. Planning has begun for the 2016 Annual Meeting with the theme Research Convergence: Delivering on our Connected Multi-modal future”.

NCHRP problem statement ballots are due February 20th; SCOR will meet to select the FY2016 projects will take place on March 30-31.

NCHRP Synthesis topic proposals are due February 13th.

A Task Force has been formed to update the SCOR Strategic Plan. The revision willensure that SCOR is in compliance with the new AASHTO strategic plan and will reflect new and emerging issues and activities

A plan to enhance NCHRP implementation efforts is under development; a task force will be formed in April for this purpose with a goal of having a draft plan for review at the fall SCOR meeting.

TCRP Synthesis topics are due March 16. Submissions for full TCRP problem statementsare due June 16.

ACRP FY16 problem statements are due March 20; ACRP synthesistopics are due in September.

CRP Reports in the past month:

  • NCHRP Report 797: Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection (
  • NCHRP Synthesis 466: Alliance Contracting—Evolving Alternative Project Delivery (URL available soon)
  • NCHRP Synthesis 467: Visualization of Geotechnical Data for Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Response (
  • NCHRP Synthesis 469: Impacts of Energy Developments on U.S. Roads and Bridges (
  • NCHRP Research Results Digest 391: Modulus-Based Construction Specification for Compaction of Earthwork and Unbound Aggregate (
  • NCHRP Web-Only Document 205: Methods and Technologies for Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection (
  • NCHRP Web-Only Document 210: Input Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator Model, Volume 1: Practitioners’ Handbook: Regional Level Inputs (
  • NCHRP Web-Only Document 210: Input Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator Model, Volume 2: Practitioners’ Handbook: Project Level Inputs (
  • NCHRP Web-Only Document 210: Input Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator Model, Volume 3: Final Report (
  • New IDEAs for Highway Systems: Annual Progress Report (
  • TCRP Report 173: Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Providers, Volume I: Transit Integration Manual (
  • TCRP Report 173, Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Providers, Volume II:Research Report (
  • TCRP Report 174: Improving Safety Culture in Public Transportation (
  • Transit IDEA Project 63A: Improving Bus Transit On-Time Performance through the Use of AVL Data (
  • Transit IDEA Project 67: Diesel-Electric Locomotive Energy Recovery and Conversion (
  • Transit IDEA Project 72: Handheld Wheel Flaw Detection Device: Noncontact Electronic Wheel Gauge (NEWG) (
  • Transit IDEA Project 75: Intercity Transit Trip Planning Web Application (
  • New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report (
  • ACRP Report 125: Balancing Airport Stormwater and Bird Hazard Management (
  • ACRP Report 126: A Guidebook for Increasing Diverse and Small Business Participation in Airport Business Opportunities (
  • ACRP Research Results Digest 22: Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices (
  • ACRP Legal Research Digest 23: A Guide for Compliance with Grant Agreement Obligations to Provide Reasonable Access to an AIP-Funded Public Use General Aviation Airport (
  • HMCRP Report 14: Guide for Communicating Emergency Response Information for Natural Gas and Hazardous Liquids Pipelines (
  • NCRRP Legal Research Digest 1: Buy America Requirements for Federally Funded Rail Projects (
  1. OST/R Report – Tim Klein
  • Beyond Traffic 2014
  • Secretary Foxx rollout at Google, February 2
  • Significant use of NCHRP and TRB products, especially NCHRP 750 series, to guide thinking
  • Lots of work by OST-R and Volpe teams
  • Secretary’s rollout, video, draft framework and “Share Your Ideas” link at:
  • FY16 President’s Budget Released
  • Proposes increase in OST-R programs (ITS, UTC, BTS) of 43%
  • Most of the latter is a 68% increase in the ITS Research program to $158M annually
  • “to more swiftly realize the safety and other benefits of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, and to accelerate testing and research on the safe introduction of automated vehicles”
  • Will require edits to GROW AMERICA, currently in work
  • DOT Budget at:
  • Budget highlights at:
  • Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program BAA
  • Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Phase 1: Concept Development of the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program, released January 30, 2015.
  • The Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program seeks operational deployments of connected vehicle applications that capture and utilize new forms of connected vehicle and mobile device data to improve multimodal surface transportation system performance and enable enhanced performance-based systems management.
  • Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Planning Grants
  • Signed by the Secretary this week.
  • Expecting announcements tomorrow or Monday.
  • White House Public Access Policy
  • DOT plan received provisional clearance yesterday.
  • Now to final internal approval and implementation planning.
  • New target start date: December 31, 2015
  1. FHWA Report – John Moulden

The new Research 101course for FHWA staff is now posted on the National Highway Institute (NHI) website. A webinar will be held next month for FHWA division staff and will be required for all regional research coordinators. Others (e.g. RAC members) will be able to participate at no cost; some portions of the curriculum could be used in the Ahead of the Curve initiative.

The tuition reimbursement issue still under review.

A question arose concerning SPR funding and the recent “supercircular”. The circular states that obligated SPR funds must be expended by “a reasonable date”. RAC members would like an interpretation of this and John Moulden agreed to look into it.

An effort is underway on the way FHWA executes its RD&T program. The evaluation is being done with the assistance of the Volpe Center and RTCC (the Research and Technology Coordinating Committee).

FHWA is asking their division offices to name their top three research needs. FHWA plans touse the results to identify gaps in the existing RD&T research agenda.

  1. SHRP2 Implementation Activities –Jim McDonnell

Submittals for round 5 assistance grants are due tomorrow.

  1. Region Chairs/Vice-Chairs Issues

Region 1 – No issues to report.

Region 2 - New Vice-Chair selection is in progress. Elisha Kehner (AR) will take over as Region 2 Chair at the RAC summer meeting. The Southeast Transportation Consortium is preparing an RFP on determining research value. This is in follow-up to the STC synthesis completed on this topic (and available on the STC website - Google “Southeast Transportation Consortium” to find the site).

Region 3 – Rick Kreiderraised the possibility of translating research from other languages into English. One option could be a TRB competition to select a “Sweet 16” high value non-English research reports and have them translated. James Bryant and Lisa Loyo are starting to look into translation issues. Skip suggested asking TRB session organizers to identify high value international presentations from their sessions. Tim Klein – there is a very limited budget for translation in the FHWA international office. In OST/R, theyhave translations done by other government agencies for a fee. Rick – perhaps a state Pooled Fund effort would be a good way to pay for translation. Chris Hedges – FHWA’s international scan program used to do a good job of identifying high value research.

Region 4 – Cameron is working on Portland conference – planning group meeting regularly. His region has similar concerns about the FMIS provisions in the Supercircular and tuition reimbursement.

  1. Summer 2015 meeting, Portland, OR –Ken Chambers

The agenda is about 75% complete. Work will begin soon to identify speakers and moderators for each session. A recent suggestion was received from David Jared to include a discussion of intellectual properties issues. Skip – has a session been scheduled for the RAC/CUTC Liaison Group? Ken will contact RCLG co-chair Darrell Dockstader; the current idea is to schedule it as a concurrent breakfast session. Rick Kreider suggested having a Q&A session with Neil Pedersen at the summer meeting … Ken will follow up. Skip would like to see a draft agenda for the next Officers’ call in March. Cynthia Gerst spoke with James Bryant earlier – they are looking for a time to schedule the Ahead of the Curve pilotcourse and will need about six hours. Skip suggested four options: Friday (not preferred), Sunday (if you can get state reps there), during the state reps agenda on Wednesday, or Thursday morning (and skip the leadership meeting Thursday afternoon). Ken is leaning towards a separate session on Sunday. This will be finalized at next month’s officers’ call.

  1. Summer 2016 meeting, Providence, RI – Colin Franco

Colin has agreed to host the 2016 meeting, with assistance from the AASHTO meeting planners. Jim McDonnell – an AASHTO meeting planner for RAC has been designated and Jim will have her contact Colin. Ken Chambers extended an invitation to Colin or his staff to sit in on planning sessions for Portland meeting.

  1. Task Force Updates

SCOR Strategic Plan

A task force has been formed – they will meet February 25th to discuss a draft plan.

Administration –Allison Hardt, Steve Pepin

A link to the TRB winter meeting survey has been distributed to RAC; the task force is also updating RAC annual meeting guidelines;

Coordination and Collaboration – Sue Sillick

The RPPM team is still meeting regularly; there was a soft release in January and a general release should take place shortly after a couple of issues are addressed.

Program Management and Quality

This TF would like to know if any sessions at the Portland meeting will deal with intellectual property. If the agenda is still being developed, please consider this a recommendation, since the IP workshop held at TRB highlighted the need for further RAC discussion on this topic. Michael Bufalino and others will follow up with David Jared for more details.

Value of Research –Bill Stone

Nominations for the next round of high value research submittals are due March 31st. Submitters should use the RPM web tool again this year. Missouri DOT librarian Renee McHenry is available to provide technical assistance if needed at 573.522.1948. The next task force call will take place on March 17th.

TKN –Leni Oman

The last TKN meeting involved catching up on old business, discussing the planned survey on open data, and planning next steps for the project on research report documentation pages. The interactive calendar beta test is about ready to go. The business needs for research have not changed.

  1. Other Business

Cameron Kergaye referred to a new National Center of Excellence for Operations and asked if we could have a presentation on this Center at a future RAC Officers’ call. Jim McDonnell agreed to follow up with Dennis Motiani, Director of the center. (Note: Mr. Motiani has agreed to speak at the March call). Jim has seen a PowerPoint presentation on the new center and Skip requested that Mr. Motiani send the PPT to RAC Officers before the call.

  1. Adjourn-Next Conference Call:Thursday,March 12, 2015

RAC Officers February 12, 20151