via Canungra

TREE TOP WALK (RAINFOREST CIRCUIT) / Return distance from entrance: 800m(suitable for wheelchairs)
Estimated return time: 20 minutes or more / 3
MORAN'S FALLS / Return distance from GM info centre: 6km
Return distance from Track Entrance: 4km
Estimated Time: 1 and a half to 2 hours / 3
PYTHON ROCK / Return distance (track entrance): 3.4km
Return distance (GM info centre): 5.4km
Estimated Time: 1½ to 2 hoursfrom track entrance (2-3 hours from Guesthouse) / 4
PAT'S BLUFF / Return distance (track entrance): 6.2km
Return distance (GM info centre): 7.2km
Estimated time (return): Half day. / 4
WISHING TREE TRACK / Wishing Tree return distance: 2.4km
Mick's Tower return distance: 1km
Estimated time (return): 1 hour / 5
BORDER TRACK / Return distance (track entrance): 42 km
Estimated time (return): 10 hrs
(only for very experienced walkers) / 5
MT.MERINO / Return distance from GM info centre: 24km
Return distance from Binna Burra: 23km
Estimated time (return): 10 hrs / 6
BLUE POOL / Return distance (track entrance): 10km
Return distance via BoxForest: 14km
Return distance via Elabana: 14.4km
Estimated Time (return): Full day / 6
STAIRWAYFALLS / Return distance from entrance: 13.2km
Return distance from Blue Pool: 3.5km
Estimated Time(return): Full day / 7
PICNICROCK & ELABANAFALLS / Return distance: 7.6km
Estimated time (return): Half day / 7
TOOLOONA CREEK CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 18.5km
Estimated return time: Full day / 7
BOXFOREST (CANUNGRA CREEK CIRCUIT) / Return distance: 10.6km
Estimated time (return): Full day / 8
ALBERT RIVER CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 20.6km
Estimated return time: Full day / 8


via Nerang

THE CAVES CIRCUIT / Return distance from BB info centre: 5km
Estimated return time: 2 hours / 9
BELLBIRD LOOKOUT / Return distance from entrance: 2km
Estimated return time: 1 hour / 9
BINNA BURRA RAINFOREST CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 1.2km
Estimated return time: 30 minutes or more / 9
TULLWALLAL CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 5km
Estimated return time: 2 hours / 10
GWONGOOROOL TRACK / Return distance from entrance: 6km
Estimated return time: 2 to 3 hours / 10
BORDER TRACK / Return distance (track entrance): 42 km
Estimated time (return): 10 hrs
(only for very experienced walkers) / 10
COOMERA CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 17.5km
Estimated return time: Full day / 11
DAVE'S CREEK CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 12km
Estimated return time: Full day / 11
MT. HOBWEE CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 20.5km
Estimated return time: Full day / 11
ARAUCARIA LOOKOUT / Return distance from entrance: 18km
Estimated return time: Full day / 12
WAGAWN / Return distance from entrance: 18km
Estimated return time: Full day / 12
MT.MERINO / Return distance from GM info centre: 24km
Return distance from Binna Burra: 23km
Estimated time (return): 10 hrs / 12
LOWER BELLBIRD CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 12km
Return distance via Caves track: 13.6km
Estimated return time: Full day / 13
SHIP'S STERN CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 19km
Estimated return time: Full day / 13
ILLINBAH CIRCUIT / Return distance from entrance: 17km
Estimated return time: Full day / 13


Half Day Walks:

Tree Top Walk (Rainforest Circuit)

Return distance from entrance: 800m(suitable for wheelchairs)
Estimated return time: 20 minutes or more

This short walk is a definite activity for any visitor to Green Mountains. It is comprised of 9 suspension bridges up to 15 metres off the ground. This walk is best completed early or late in the day. For those with a general botanical interest, the Botanical Gardens lie just a short walk from the conclusion of the tree top walk.

This walk gives a bird's eye perspective of the forest canopy. For those who would like to go higher still, a deck 30m off the ground in a tall fig tree is accessible by ladder.

Moran's Falls

Return distance from GM info centre: 6km
Return distance from Track Entrance: 4km
Estimated Time: 1 and a half to 2 hours

The falls can be approached by two tracks, the first is about 800m from the guest house track and is a return journey of about 6km, a fairly easy grade but be prepared for a bit of a climb on the way back.

The entrance to the track is along the LamingtonNational Park road about 800m before the ranger station.

It is advisable to park your car at the entrance to this track, as walking from the Information Centre (especially with small children) can be hazardous due to the traffic passing along the national park road.

The alternative track is steeper and descends down the "Red Road" below the campsite. This walk can be extended by combining with trips to the western lookouts and the Castle Crag area.


A lookout near the end of this track provides spectacular views of the 80m falls, Moran's Creek and the AlbertRiver valley. The top of the falls was the site of the original O'reilly's home which was built in 1912. There is a picnic area present at this site.

Predominant Vegetation:
The track passes through Cool Subtropical Rainforest with Booyongs, Brush Box and Figs and supporting large blood vines. Stands of New England Blackbutt can also be seen along this track.

Python Rock (suitable for wheelchairs)

Return distance (track entrance): 3.4km
Return distance (GM info centre): 5.4km
Estimated Time: 1½ to 2 hoursfrom track entrance (2-3 hours from Guesthouse)

This track is a return journey of about 6km, it is a fairly easy grade and the track is sealed and suitable for older people and those confined to wheel chairs. However, care must be taken in certain areas as the track thins a little and there are one or two rough patches where assistance may be needed with wheel chairs.The entrance to the track is along the Lamington national park road, about 800m before the ranger station.

It is advisable to park your vehicle at the entrance to the track, as walking from the ranger station carpark can be hazardous (especially with small children) due to the large amount of traffic using the road.
About 2km. from the entrance, this track divides, the left branch goes to python rock while the right branch leads to Pat's Bluff (NOT suitable for wheelchairs).It is possible to proceed up the hill from the lookout and turn left for West Cliff.


A lookout is present at Python Rock which provides spectacular views of Moran's Falls, Castle Crag and Lost World. This lookout is a the top of very high cliffs, please stay behind the barriers; crossing the barriers not only damages the fragile plants but could lead to a potentially fatal fall.

Predominant Vegetation:
The track passes through Warm Subtropical Rainforest and stands of New England Blackbutt can be seen in the open forest along this track. There are impressive Booyongs and Figs near the West Cliff turnoff. Further along the track there is a view overlooking a stand of Brush Box.

Key Animal Species:

The area is ideal habitat for Rifle Birds, Pittas and Lyrebirds.

Pat's Bluff

Return distance (track entrance): 6.2km
Return distance (GM info centre): 7.2km
Estimated time (return): Half day.

This track is a return journey of 6.2km, it is a fairly easy grade, with some rough patches towards the end of the track at Pat's Bluff. To access Pat's Bluff walking track, walk 1.2 km down the Python Rock track before turning right into the West Cliff track. Thirty metres down the track is Pat's Bluff track on the left.

The bluff provides scenic views of Mt.Lindsey and the Scenic Rim.After following the cliff edge down will bring you to a picnic area. Around 70m in from of this point is Pat O'Reilly's log cabin, surrounded by a forest setting of White Box (Eucalyptus guadrangdata).

Predominant Vegetation:
Good examples of Cool Subtropical Rainforest can be seen along this track, with some very large trees including, black and white booyongs.

Key Animal Species:
In caves around the picnic area nests the Peregrine Falcon, an extraordinarily efficient predator.

Wishing Tree Track

Wishing Tree return distance: 2.4km
Mick's Tower return distance: 1km
Estimated time (return): 1 hour

This track is actually not part of LamingtonNational Park but is situated on private land owned by the O'Reilly family.

The entrance to the track is located near the tennis courts at the rear of the guesthouse. It is a fairly easy grade and is about 1.5km return.


Mick's Tower - this is a rainforest tower built in conjunction with students from the University of Queensland, GattonCollege. It allows people to climb to canopy height and there are diagrams along the way to explain what you are seeing.

The track passes through a giant Brush Box which is called "The Wishing Tree"

Glow Worm Gully - a small diversion at the end of the track. Glow worms can only be viewed at night, this is one of the few accessible areas where Glow worms may be seen.

Predominant Vegetation:
The track winds through an area that was cleared about 60 years ago and has regrown well.
Many of the trees have numbers on them which correspond to a list of trees,and so is perfect for those people who want to know more about the plants they are seeing.

Key Animal Species:
Glow worms can be viewed at night at Glow worm Gully.

Full Day Walks:

Border Track

Return distance (track entrance): 42 km
Estimated time (return): 10 hrs
(only for very experienced walkers)

This is the track which forms the backbone of all walking tracks in LamingtonNational Park, and connects Binna Burra and Green Mountains.

At 42 km return, this track is the same length as an Olympic marathon, but taken at a bushwalking pace will take much longer. Experienced walkers would need to start no later than 6am to complete a return trip, requiring at least a 10 hour day.

This track is suitable for experienced bushwalkers who have well prepared themselves with other long walks in the fortnight beforehand. It has some areas which have a relatively steep grade. Even with appropriate buildup, many people still find their feet to get very sore in the final few kilometres.

Alternatively, a 21.4km one way walk could be considered for those who can organise travel/accomodation arrangements at the other end. A one way walk at an average pace would take around 7 hours.

The pensioner track is an easier grade and runs parallel to the border track for 2.5km.

Lookouts along the way provide spectacular views of the Lamington area, Mt.Warning and the TweedRange

Predominant Vegetation:
The track winds its way through rainforest and patches of Antarctic beech forest. There are many plants communities present along this track including; Cool Subtropical Rainforest , Cool Temperate Rainforest , and Warm Subtropical Rainforest (at the Binna Burra end).


Return distance from GM info centre: 24km
Return distance from Binna Burra: 23km
Estimated time (return): 10 hrs

Mt Merino lies halfway between O'Reillys and Binna Burra and is accessed via the Border Track.

Around 10 km from Binna Burra there is a short track which leads to a lookout with views of the Tweed and LimpinwoodValleys.

Predominant Vegetation:
Along this track you will see some of the largest Antarctic Beech trees protected within the park. Areas of forest that were damaged by a storm in 1983 can be seen along this track.

Key Animal Species:
Within the beech forests it is possible to hear and sometimes see the rare and elusive Rufous Scrub bird.

Blue Pool

Return distance (track entrance): 10km
Return distance via BoxForest: 14km
Return distance via Elabana: 14.4km
Estimated Time (return): Full day

Take the Border Track, and about 250m along this you will find the track to Blue Pool; the track descends steadily (around 400m), so be ready for a bit of a climb on the way back! From Blue Pool you can either go back the way you came or follow the circuit track up Canungra Creek to circuit back to the Border Track via either BoxForest or ElabanaFalls.

Blue Pool is a great place for a refreshing swim on a hot Summers day.

Predominant Vegetation:
Some very large rainforest trees can be seen along this track including some fine examples of Red Cedar; (few as large as these are left outside the park). Other notable plants include the Christmas Orchid; the flowers from this plant can be seen on the floor of the forest during late spring. A major plant community represented along this track is Warm Subtropical Rainforest.

Key Animal Species:
At Blue Pool itself, eels and Platypus may be seen.

Stairway Falls

Return distance from entrance: 13.2km
Return distance from Blue Pool: 3.5km
Estimated Time(return): Full day

To reach stairway falls, simply follow the Blue Pool track; once you reach Blue Pool continue further downstream for 1.7km. The track to StairwayFalls crosses the creek 6 times.

These falls are quite spectacular, flowing down, what seem to be stairs, into a pool

PicnicRock & ElabanaFalls

Return distance: 7.6km
Estimated time (return): Half day

Take the Border Track and 1.7km from the entrance you will find the ElabanaFalls track. Turn right at the BoxForest turn-off for Picnic Rock. ElabanaFalls is a further 400m on.

Picnic Rock and ElabanaFalls on Canungra Creek provide a place to rest. Elabana falls is spectacular viewing and a great place for a swim.

Predominant Vegetation:
The track winds through rainforest and large stands of Brush Box. The ElabanaFalls track descends through a stand of Antartic Beech and ten through the largest Brush Box trees in the National Park.

Tooloona Creek Circuit

Return distance from entrance: 18.5km
Estimated return time: Full day

Follow the Main Border Track and then the ElabanaFalls to Picnic Rock. A further 200m down the track, the Tooloona Creek circuit branches on the right. This track follows Tooloona Creek and loops back to join with the Border Track. Follow the Border track past the two lookouts and back to O'Reillys.

Many waterfalls may be seen along this track as well as some spectacular lookouts. Mt Wanungra, at an elevation of 1165m looks out over the LimpinwoodValley and Murwillumbah as far south as ByronBay. Mt Warning is a prominent landmark from this lookout. It is also possible to make out Pt. Lookout to the north. Both Toolona and Bithongabel Lookouts are on this walk.

Predominant Vegetation:
Some impressive Antartic Beech forest can be seen along this walk. Also, above ToolonaFalls, Helmholtzia lillies grow abundantly in the creek beds.

Key Animal Species:
In many pools you may catch a glimpse of the Lamington Spiny Crayfish.

Box Forest (Canungra Creek Circuit)

Return distance: 10.6km
Estimated time (return): Full day

This track leaves the ElabanaFalls track 2.7km from the entrance. After following along Canungra Creek turn right at the next junction.

The track follows Canungra Creek and there are many falls and crossings along the way. DaragumaiFalls and Picnic Rock are considered good lunch spots. Box Log and ElabanaFalls should not be missed on the way home.

Predominant Vegetation:
The track winds through stands of Brush Box and Piccabeen Palms, to the lush subtropical rainforest along Canungra Creek.

Key Animal Species:
Bird life is plentiful along this track and you may see the Log Runner or the Australian Ground Thrush.

AlbertRiver Circuit

Return distance from entrance: 20.6km
Estimated return time: Full day

Simply follow the Border Track and 2.5km from the beginning you will find the entrance to this track. The track loops around and then follows the Queensland New South Wales border before connecting back with the Border Track.

This track goes to LightningFalls and then follows a branch of the AlbertRiver to Echo Point, where spectacular views of Mt.Wapawn, Mt.Durigan and the TweedRange can be seen. A feature of these border ranges is the growth of rainforest on the steep slopes.

Predominant Vegetation:
Around LightningFalls area is a good example of Warm Subtropical Rainforest. In September when the Beech Orchids are flowering, this track is particularly nice. The track follows the AlbertRiver through rainforest dominated by Coachwood and Antarctic Beech trees. The area is noted for its diversity of fern life.


Half Day Walks:

The Caves Circuit

Return distance from BB info centre: 5km
Estimated return time: 2 hours

This track passes through open forest and rainforest to end up at the road, opposite the Ship's Stern Track entrance. Please take care when walking back to the information centre along this road due to the amount of traffic. A self guiding brochure, for this walk, is available from the information centre at Binna Burra.