Tasley Parish Council – Follow us on facebook

13thJuly 2017

Dear Councillor

You are invited to attend a meeting of Tasley Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 19th July2017in the Village Hall Church Lane Tasley at 7.00pm.


Bill Griffiths

Clerk to Tasley Parish Council

9 Stretton Close Bridgnorth Shropshire WV16 5DB

Tel.01746 766941


17.085.00 Public Participation

17.086.00 New Councillors

To welcome Councillors Geoffrey Bristow and Iris Madden to their first meeting of Tasley Parish Council and for them to complete their Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Register of Disclosable Interests


17.088.00 PACT(Police and the Community Team)

17.089.00Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the consideration of that item.


To approve and sign the minutes of the l Meeting of Tasley Parish Council held on 21st June 2017.

17.091.00 Matters Arising from the Minutes and Not Otherwise Tabled on The agenda

17.092.00 Parish Accounts and Payments (See Schedule Attached)

01 New Accounts

02 To confirm action taken under delegated powers

03 Financial Position -See budget progress sheet attached

17.093.00Strategy Statement

The Chairman has prepared a Strategy Statement for the benefit of new and long serving councilors alike, highlighting the main issues facing the Parish Council at the present time. A copy of the Statement is attached.

17.094.00 Consultation on the Governance of the Fire and Rescue Services in West Mercia

To consider the consultation paper on the above proposal at

and to determine if the Council wish to submit any comments in response to the Consultation.

17.095.00 Community Governance Review

17.096.00 Unitary Authority Update

Shropshire Councillors Elliott Lynch and Les Winwood to report.

17.097.00 Outside Bodies Update

01 Local Joint Committee

02 Youth Partnership

03 Bridgnorth West and Tasley Partnership - does the Council wish to appoint a further representative on to this group?

17.098.00 Request for Funding Bridgnorth Swimming Pool

A local community group has been set up to help bridge a funding gap Bridgnorth Endowed Leisure Centre are currently facing for the refurbishment of the Swimming Pool. The Council were invited to attend a meeting of the Group on Tuesday 27th June.There was only 2 days notice of the meeting given so it was not practicable to contact councilors and so the Clerk attended on behalf of the Council.

The Group has been offered £30,000 by Bridgnorth Town Council and although they stated that this left a shortfall of £10,000.00 by the evening of the meeting this had been reduced to £7,500.00 and the Group have done and are planning to do a lot more voluntary fund raising. Nevertheless, they ask if the Parish Council would like to make a contribution.
17.099.00 Housing and Neighbourhood Issues

17.100.00 Planning Matters

01 New Planning Applications

01 Reference: 17/01033/EIA (validated: 06/03/2017)
Address: Footbridge Farm, Tasley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 5LZ
Proposal: Erection of 4 No. Poultry Buildings and associated infrastructure
Applicant: Mr Matthew Bower
View online at:

This application is still to be determined and continues to arouse concern in the Parish.

02 Determined Applications

There are no determined applications to consider at this meeting.


17.101.00 Street Lights and Highways Matters Including Road Signs

17.102.00Nature Zone Update Update

17.103.00 Any Other Business (updates and information only)

17.104.00Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 20thSeptember 2017 at 7.00 pm.