Supplementary material

Table S1. Genes with expression changes of at least 1.5fold in M.tuberculosisH37Rvexposed to plumbagin.

ORF no. a / Gene / Product or putative function / Fold changeb / Functional category
Rv3500c / yrbE4B / integral membrane protein YrbE4b / -1.9 / Cell envelope
Rv0168 / yrbE1B / integral membrane protein YRBE1B / -2.0 / Cell envelope
Rv1612 / trpB / tryptophan synthase subunit beta / -1.7 / Aminoacid biosynthesis
Rv0054 / ssb / single-stranded DNA-binding protein / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2710 / sigB / RNA polymerase sigma factor SigB / 1.9 / Protein synthesis
Rv0732 / secY / preprotein translocase subunit SecY / -1.8 / Protein fate
Rv0709 / rpmC / 50S ribosomal protein L29 / 2.5 / Protein synthesis
Rv0715 / rplX / 50S ribosomal protein L24 / 1.6 / Protein synthesis
Rv0706 / rplV / 50S ribosomal protein L22 / 1.6 / Protein synthesis
Rv0714 / rplN / 50S ribosomal protein L14 / 1.6 / Protein synthesis
Rv0702 / rplD / 50S ribosomal protein L4 / 1.8 / Protein synthesis
Rv0995 / rimJ / ribosomal-protein-alanine acetyltransferase / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3783 / rfbD / O-antigen/lipopolysaccharide transport integral membrane protein ABC transporter RfbD / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2838c / rbfA / ribosome-binding factor A / 1.6 / Transcription
Rv1381 / pyrC / dihydroorotase / 1.5 / Purines,pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides
Rv1078 / pra / proline-rich antigen / 1.9 / Unknown function
Rv0693 / pqqE / coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein E / -1.6 / Protein fate
Rv0009 / ppiA / iron-regulated peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A / -1.6 / Protein fate
Rv3426 / PPE58 / PPE family protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv3425 / PPE57 / PPE family protein / -1.8 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv3350c / PPE56 / PPE family protein / -2.1 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1808 / PPE32 / PPE family protein / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1706c / PPE23 / PPE family protein / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1705c / PPE22 / PPE family protein / -2.0 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1387 / PPE20 / PPE family protein / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2349c / plcC / phospholipase C 3 PLCC / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1180 / pks3 / polyketide beta-ketoacyl synthase PKS3 / -1.8 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2946c / pks1 / polyketide synthase PKS1 / -1.6 / Cellular processes
Rv0230c / php / phosphotriesterase / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0757 / phoP / two component system response transcriptional positive regulator PHOP / 1.6 / Regulatory functions
Rv3068c / pgmA / phosphoglucomutase / -1.9 / Energy metabolism
Rv2328 / PE23 / PE family protein / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1386 / PE15 / PE family protein / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3812 / PE_PGRS62 / PE-PGRS family protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3590c / PE_PGRS58 / PE-PGRS family protein / 2.2 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3514 / PE_PGRS57 / PE-PGRS family protein / 2.0 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3508 / PE_PGRS54 / PE-PGRS family protein / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0297 / PE_PGRS5 / PE-PGRS family protein / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3344c / PE_PGRS49 / PE-PGRS family protein / 1.5 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv2741 / PE_PGRS47 / PE-PGRS family protein / 1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2487c / PE_PGRS42 / PE-PGRS family protein / -1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1818c / PE_PGRS33 / PE-PGRS family protein / 1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
MT4026 / pcnB / polyA polymerase / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv2939 / papA5 / acyltransferase PapA5 / -2.2 / Cellular processes
Rv1528c / papA4 / polyketide synthase associated protein / -2.4 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1182 / papA3 / polyketide synthase associated protein PapA3 / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3601c / panD / aspartate alpha-decarboxylase / 1.5 / Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers
Rv3157 / nuoM / NADH dehydrogenase subunit M / -1.6 / Energy metabolism
Rv3155 / nuoK / NADH dehydrogenase subunit K / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0570 / nrdZ / ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit NrdZ / -1.5 / Purines,pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides
Rv0252 / nirB / nitrite reductase large subunit / -1.9 / Energy metabolism
Rv0261c / narK3 / integral membrane nitrite extrusion protein NarK3 / -1.6 / Transport and binding proteins
Rv0413 / mutT3 / 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine-triphosphatase / 2.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3245c / mtrB / two component sensory transduction histidine kinase MTRB / 1.5 / Regulatory functions
Rv2453c / mobA / molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein A / 1.6 / Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers
Rv0403c / mmpS1 / membrane protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0450c / mmpL4 / transmembrane transport protein MmpL4 / -1.9 / Cell envelope
Rv0645c / mmaA1 / methoxy mycolic acid synthase / -1.6 / Energy metabolism
MT0573 / menB / naphthoate synthase / -1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv0172 / mce1D / MCE-family protein MCE1D / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0169 / mce1A / MCE-family protein MCE1A / -1.8 / Regulatory functions
MT0178 / mce-1 / virulence factor / -1.8 / Cellular processes
Rv2383c / mbtB / phenyloxazoline synthase MBTB (phenyloxazoline synthetase) / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0179c / lprO / lipoprotein LprO / -1.9 / Central intermediary metabolism
Rv0593 / lprL / MCE-family lipoprotein LprL / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3390 / lpqD / lipoprotein LpqD / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2330c / lppP / lipoprotein LppP / -2.0 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2290 / lppO / lipoprotein lppO / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv0694 / lldD1 / L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) LldD1 / -1.9 / Central intermediary metabolism
Rv3203 / lipV / lipase LipV / 1.5 / Central intermediary metabolism
Rv1400c / lipI / lipase LipH / -1.8 / Energy metabolism
Rv3487c / lipF / esterase/lipase LipF / -1.6 / Central intermediary metabolism
Rv2711 / ideR / IRON-dependent repressor and activator IDER / 1.7 / Regulatory functions
Rv0563 / htpX / heat shock protein HtpX / 1.5 / Protein fate
Rv0353 / hspR / HEAT shock protein transcriptional repressor HspR / 2.6
Rv0251c / hsp / heat shock protein hsp (heat-stress-induced ribosome-binding protein A) / 1.6
Rv3571 / hmp / hemoglobine-like protein / -1.6 / Energy metabolism
Rv0351 / grpE / GRPE protein (HSP-70 cofactor) / 4.2 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3418c / groES / co-chaperonin GroES / 3.0 / Protein fate
Rv0440 / groEL / chaperonin GroEL / 3.7 / Unknown function
Rv2982c / gpsA / NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase / -1.6 / Energy metabolism
Rv0113 / gmhA / phosphoheptose isomerase / -1.8 / Cell envelope
Rv1131 / gltA1 / citrate synthase / 2.1 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1018c / glmU / UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase glmU / -1.5 / Cell envelope
Rv0112 / gca / GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0407 / fgd1 / F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase / -2.0 / Central intermediary metabolism
Rv0035 / fadD34 / fatty-acid-CoA ligase / -1.8 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0859 / fadA / acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase / 1.9 / Fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism
Rv3855 / ethR / transcriptional regulatory repressor protein (TETR-family) ETHR / -1.5 / Regulatory functions
Rv0287 / esxG / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3617 / ephA / epoxide hydrolase EphA / -1.7 / Cellular processes
Rv2846c / efpA / integral membrane efflux protein EfpA / -1.6 / Cellular processes
Rv0350 / dnaK / molecular chaperone DnaK / 4.3 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0352 / dnaJ1 / chaperone protein DnaJ1 / 3.9 / Protein fate
Rv2763c / dfrA / dihydrofolate reductase DFRA (DHFR) (tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase) / 1.7 / Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers
Rv1445c / devB / 6-phosphogluconolactonase / -1.7 / Energy metabolism
Rv1202 / dapE / succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase / 1.6 / Amino acid biosynthesis
Rv1622c / cydB / integral membrane cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase (subunit II) cydB (cytochrome bd-I oxidase subunit II) / 2.3 / Energy metabolism
Rv1623c / cydA / integral membrane cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase (subunit I) cydA (cytochrome bd-I oxidase subunit I) / 2.1 / Transport and binding proteins
Rv1704c / cycA / D-serine/alanine/glycine transporter protein CycA / -1.9 / Transport and binding proteins
Rv0384c / clpB / endopeptidase ATP binding protein / 1.9 / Protein fate
Rv2498c / citE / citrate (Pro-3S)-lyase beta subunit / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1607 / chaA / ionic transporter integral membrane protein chaA / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2641 / cadI / cadmium inducible protein CADI / -1.6 / Energy metabolism
Rv1653 / argJ / bifunctional ornithine acetyltransferase/N-acetylglutamate synthase protein / 1.6 / Amino acid biosynthesis
MT3532 / alr / alanine racemase / -1.9 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv3391 / acrA1 / short chain dehydrogenase / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2744c / 35kd_ag / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3840 / transcriptional regulatory protein / -2.5 / Regulatory functions
Rv3839 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3837c / phosphoglycerate mutase / 1.9 / Energy metabolism
Rv3805c / transmembrane protein / -1.9 / Cell envelope
Rv3770c / hypothetical protein / -2.1 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3760 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3729 / transferase / -1.9 / Cellular processes
Rv3719 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3698 / hypothetical protein / -2.0 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3579c / tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase / 1.7 / DNA metabolism
Rv3446c / hypothetical protein / -2.1 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3430c / transposase / -2.0 / Mobile and extrachromosomal element functions
Rv3234c / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3226c / hypothetical protein / 1.8 / Cellular processes
Rv3224A / hypothetical protein / -1.6
Rv3205c / hypothetical protein / 1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3168 / hypothetical protein / -2.0 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3165c / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3126c / hypothetical protein / -2.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv3104c / transmembrane protein / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv3075c / hypothetical protein / 1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2983 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2963 / integral membrane protein / -1.7 / Transport and binding proteins
Rv2959c / methyltransferase (methylase) / -1.5 / Cellular processes
Rv2958c / glycosyl transferase / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2951c / oxidoreductase / -1.5 / Energy metabolism
Rv2949c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2884 / transcriptional regulatory protein / -2.0 / Regulatory functions
Rv2842c / hypothetical protein / 1.8 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2837c / hypothetical protein / 1.8 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2830c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2807 / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2797c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unknown function
Rv2776c / oxidoreductase / 1.7 / Central intermediary metabolism
Rv2745c / transcriptional regulatory protein / 1.9 / Regulatory functions
Rv2743c / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2723 / integral membrane protein / -1.6 / Cellular processes
Rv2716 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Purines,pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides
Rv2704 / hypothetical protein / 1.5 / Transcription
Rv2675c / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Amino acid biosynthesis
Rv2672 / secreted protease / 1.8 / Cell envelope
Rv2658c / prophage protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2566 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Unknown function
Rv2561 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv2554c / Holliday junction resolvase-like protein / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2525c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Protein fate
Rv2473 / alanine and proline rich membrane protein / -1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2469c / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2438A / hypothetical protein / -1.5
Rv2432c / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv2401 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv2387 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Transport and binding proteins
Rv2372c / 16S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase RsmE / 1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2307c / hypothetical protein / -2.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2304c / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2267c / hypothetical protein / -2.0 / Unknown function
Rv2252 / diacylglycerol kinase / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2209 / integral membrane protein / 1.6 / Cell envelope
Rv2190c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv2147c / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Unknown function
Rv2144c / transmembrane protein / -1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv2117 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Unknown function
Rv2054 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Energy metabolism
Rv2016 / hypothetical protein / 3.3 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1993c / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1976c / hypothetical protein / 2.7 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1975 / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1879 / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Amino acid biosynthesis
Rv1868 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1867 / acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase / -2.1 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1866 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1813c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1804c / hypothetical protein / -1.8 / Unknown function
Rv1702c / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1697 / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Cell envelope
Rv1670 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Unknown function
Rv1587c / REP13E12 repeat-containing protein / -1.9 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv1583c / phiRv1 phage protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1517 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1466 / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1431 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Cell envelope
Rv1374c / hypothetical protein / -2.3 / Hypothetical proteins
Rv1364c / hypothetical protein / -1.8 / Regulatory functions
Rv1360 / oxidoreductase / -1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv1245c / short-chain type dehydrogenase/reductase / 1.5 / Energy metabolism
Rv1184c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1130 / hypothetical protein / 2.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1073 / hypothetical protein / 1.8 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv1042c / IS like-2 transposase / 1.7 / element functions
Rv0991c / putative serine rich protein / 1.9 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0990c / hypothetical protein / 2.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0965c / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0963c / hypothetical protein / -2.3 / Unknown function
Rv0961 / integral membrane protein / -1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0950c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Protein fate
Rv0943c / monooxygenase / -2.4 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0938 / ATP-dependent DNA ligase / -1.6 / Cell envelope
Rv0888 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0846c / oxidase / -1.9 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0845 / two component sensor kinase / -1.5 / Energy metabolism
Rv0839 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Unknown function
Rv0805 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0743c / hypothetical protein / 1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0692 / hypothetical protein / -1.8 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0665 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0656c / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0601c / two component sensor kinase / -2.2 / Regulatory functions
Rv0584 / hypothetical protein / -2.1 / Cell envelope
Rv0572c / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0549c / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0455c / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0394c / hypothetical protein / -2.0 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0360c / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0308 / integral membrane protein / 1.5 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0275c / TetR family transcriptional regulator / 1.5 / Regulatory functions
Rv0260c / bifunctional uroporphyrinogen-III synthetase/response regulator domain protein / -1.5 / Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers
Rv0239 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0236c / transmembrane protein / -1.8 / Cell envelope
Rv0235c / transmembrane protein / -3.2 / Cellular processes
Rv0229c / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Unclassified Role category not yet assigned
Rv0219 / transmembrane protein / -1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0123 / hypothetical protein / 1.5 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0122 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
Rv0061 / hypothetical protein / -2.1 / Hypothetical proteins
MT3994 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
MT3962 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
MT3867 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
MT3591 / esterase / -1.6 / Central intermediary metabolism
MT3340 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
MT3256 / TetR family transcriptional regulator / -2.4 / Regulatory functions
MT3080 / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / 2.0 / Transport and binding proteins
MT3058 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
MT3036 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
MT3022 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Conserved Hypothetical proteins
MT2846 / oxidoreductase / 1.7 / Central intermediary metabolism
MT2838 / PPE family protein / -2.2 / Unknown function
MT2740 / truncated IS1081 transposase / -2.6 / Disrupted reading frame
MT2668 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Unknown function
MT2586 / oligoribonuclease / -2.1 / Transcription
MT2544 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
MT2466 / hypothetical protein / 1.5 / Hypothetical proteins
MT2418 / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
MT2347 / putative lipoprotein / -1.8 / Cell envelope
MT2283 / hypothetical protein / 1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
MT2082 / helicase / -1.8 / DNA metabolism
MT1857 / PPE family protein / 1.6 / Unknown function
MT1808 / hypothetical protein / -1.9 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1777 / hypothetical protein / -2.0 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1775 / hypothetical protein / -3.0 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1548 / hypothetical protein / -2.2 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1432 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1213 / hypothetical protein / -1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1190 / hypothetical protein / 1.8 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1107 / hypothetical protein / -1.8 / Hypothetical proteins
MT1075 / hypothetical protein / -5.4 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0895 / hypothetical protein / -2.1 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0870 / hypothetical protein / -1.8 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0781 / hypothetical protein / 1.7 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0772 / hypothetical protein / 2.1 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0603 / hypothetical protein / -1.5 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0596 / ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase, alpha subunit, putative / -1.6 / Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides
MT0471 / hypothetical protein / -1.6 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0416 / hypothetical protein / -2.1 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0196 / hypothetical protein / -2.4 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0177 / hypothetical protein / -1.8 / Hypothetical proteins
MT0132 / PE_PGRS family protein / 1.7 / Unknown function

aGenes with expression changes upon treatment with 1.25µg/mlplumbagin.

bFold change refers to expression increases or decreases for upregulated or downregulated genes, respectively.