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April 16, 2014


Regular Meeting

April 16, 2014

Roll Call of Members - The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for Lake County School District R-1 was called to order on April 16, 2014 at7:32 p.m. Directors Baldassar, Burch, Coffin, Frykholm, Jump, and Superintendent Wyman were present. President Baldassar presided.

Pledge of Allegiance – President Baldassar led the pledge of allegiance.

Preview Agenda and Approval of Consent Items - It was moved by Director Burch to approve the consent agenda. Director Coffin seconded the motion;

Baldassar / Burch / Coffin / Frykholm / Jump
Aye / X / X / X / X / X

motion carried 5-0.

Special Reports – Ms. Colleen Kaneda presented an update of the High School project. Ms. Melina Compean provided an update on the Middle School Playground project. To date the committee has raised a total of $350,000+ and is optimistic about an additional $100,000 from Climax. Ms. Cheryl Wells provided information regarding stocking EpiPens in the buildings. She recommended the District not stock them.

Board Reports – Director Jump attended policy council meeting, both building naming committee meetings, the parent summit, the mission statement discussion with transportation, a 1338 Committee meeting, Director Coffin spoke of soccer, attended a building naming committee meeting, attended a music event and drama production. Director Baldassar attended the drama production, parent summit, the mission statement discussion with transportation and the Center Staff, playground committee meetings, safe routes to schools meeting, and a Gates Foundation Meeting. She has applied, and been accepted, to attend the Kennedy School of Government. Director Burch attended the Center walk through. He is participating in a group to review pre-collegiate planning. He attended the parent summit and BOCES meetings. Director Frykholm also attended the mission statement discussion with The Center staff and met with Kate Bartlett regarding community engagement.

Superintendent’s Report - Superintendent Wyman presented the Board with the following issues: reconfiguration update; naming committee update; a student perception or engagement survey and an Expeditionary Learning update.

Action Items -

Approve Resolution No. 14-23: - It was moved by Director Frykholm to approve Resolution No. 14-23 approving an agreement with Consilium Partners, LLC to act as project management for the Middle School Playground project. Director Coffin seconded the motion;

Baldassar / Burch / Coffin / Frykholm / Jump
Aye / X / X / X / X / X

motion carried 5-0.

Approve Appointment of Interim Head Start Director – Emily Bordogna: - It was moved by Director Burch to appoint Ms. Emily Bordogna as interim Head Start Director. Director Coffin seconded the motion;

Baldassar / Burch / Coffin / Frykholm / Jump
Aye / X / X / X / X / X

motion carried 5-0.

Discussion Items – The Board discussed development of communication protocols, Board Professional Development, team building,

Debrief Board Meeting - The Board debriefed the meeting.

As allowed by C.R.S. 24-6-402 (f) and (e), it was moved by Director to move into Executive Session to discuss personnel and negotiations, specifically the superintendent’s evaluation and contract. Director seconded the motion;

Baldassar / Burch / Coffin / Frykholm / Jump
Aye / X / X / X / X / X

motion carried 5-0. The Board moved into Executive Session at 9:32 p.m. Regular Session resumed at 10:09 p.m.

Approve Superintendent’s Contract: - It was moved by Director Burch to approve the Superintendent’s Contract. Director Coffin seconded the motion;

Baldassar / Burch / Coffin / Frykholm / Jump
Aye / X / X / X / X / X

motion carried 5-0.

It was moved by Director Burch to adjourn the meeting. Director Coffin seconded the motion; motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:11 p.m.



Allen Burch, Secretary


Katie Baldassar, President