Lesson Study – Lesson Plan

Grade level: 6 grade

6.NS.6 Understand a rational number as a point on the number line.
6.NS.7b Write, interpret and explain statements of order for rational numbers in the real world context.
Learning Objective:
Students will compare two rational numbers and defend their answer.
➢1 Make sense of problems and persevere
➢3 Construct viable argument
➢4 Model with mathematics
➢6 Attend to precision
Formative Assessment:
Ticket out the door:
Probing Questions for Differentiation on Mathematical Tasks
Assessing Questions / Advancing Questions
Tasks / What will the teacher be doing? / What will students be doing?
Beginning-of-class routine / What is greater -1 or -3?
What is greater -1.5 or -1 ¾ ?
How do you know?
Teacher has students with different strategies share their answers.
Include revoicing and repeating of strategies. / Students turn and talk and justify their answer.
Task 1 / Yesterday Boston’s low temperature was – 4.5 degrees. Anchorage’s low temperature was -5.25 degrees. Which city was colder? Justify your answer.
Provide the sentence frame: ____ is colder than ______because
Assessing question: Fargo, North Dakota -6, Detroit -2 / TNT: Students think independently, determine their own answer, negotiate as a team, tell the answer.
Task 2 / What is greater, -2.1 or -2 4/5
Remind students of the order of sharing.
Provide the sentence frame: ____ is greater than ______because
Assessing question: -1.5 or -1 1/4 / Students draw on their whiteboards, working in partners.
Task 3 / Compare -5 ¼ and -5.3
Compare -7.72 and -7 5/8 / Students draw on their whiteboards, working in partners.
Closure / Compare -1/2 and -3/7 / Students independently write on the ticket out the door, including their sentence frame.

What is greater – 1 or -3?

What is greater -1.5 or -1 ¾ ?

Yesterday Boston’s low temperature was – 4.5 degrees. Anchorage’s low temperature was -5.25 degrees. Which city was colder? Justify your answer.

What is greater, or -?

Compare -5 ¼ and -5.3

Compare and

Compare and