Ulidia Integrated College

Post of Head of Department of Business Studies with ICT to A level (Permanent)

(This post carries 1 Teaching Allowance)

From 1stSeptember 2017

Job Purpose

  • To be accountable for the high standards of teaching, learning and pupilachievement in Business Studies and ICT to A Level
  • To establish, lead, manage, develop and improveBusiness Studies as a new department
  • To develop the use of ICT to support and enhance teaching and learning.
  • To lead, develop and enhance and support the classroom practice of teaching staff and LSAs
  • To liaise with Head of ICT to ensure continuity of ICT development
  • To attend Subject Leader meetings

Personnel Specification

Essential Criteria

  1. A commitment to Integrated Education
  2. A qualified teacher holding an honours degree (minimum 2.2) in Business Studies, Economics, ICT or equivalent qualification
  3. A Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or equivalent qualification.
  4. To have experience of teaching Business Studies to A level.
  5. To have experience of teaching ICT to GCSE.
  6. Provide evidence of qualifications and or contribution to the extra- curricular work within a school such as Sport /Drama /Music/Eco Schools/Young Enterprise/Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme/ etc.

Desirable Criteria

  1. Experience of managing a department
  2. To have experience of teaching Business Studies to A level for a minimum of 2 full years.
  3. To have experience of teaching ICT to A level.
  4. To be able to teach General Subjects such as Learning for Life and Work at Key Stage 3.
  5. To demonstrate knowledge and experience of ICT programming languages such as ‘C#’ or ‘Python’, Application Development and Advanced Databases
  6. Experience of teaching CCEA GCE Digital Technology

Essential Knowledge and Skills

  • Strong leadership skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong literacy and communication skills
  • Ability to delegate
  • Ability to motivate staff and pupils
  • Knowledge of current educational developments in Literacy
  • Ability to set, monitor and review targets

Essential Personal Qualities

  • Enthusiasm
  • A caring child centred approach
  • Confidence and Discretion
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Willingness to learn
  • Willingness to develop
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines


It is the responsibility of the applicant to indicate on their application form how they meet each of the criteria.

On taking up the post the candidate must be a registered member of GTCNI.

Salary Scale - 1 additional management point

The post will start on appointment in September 2017

Areas of Responsibility

Strategic Development

  • To take responsibility for the development and implementation of the Business Studies Department.
  • To use national, local and school management data to monitor standards ofachievement .
  • To monitor the progress made towards achieving targets and use thisinformation to plan future developments.
  • To collaborate with staff on short, medium and long term planning to developin relation to:

a)Creating and updating Resources

b)Continuous professional development of staff

c)Aims of the school, including its policies and practices

d)Challenging targets for improvement

  • To promote the Business Studies Department to ensure its sustainability

Teaching and Learning

  • To plan and monitor coverage, continuity and progression in lessons
  • To support and guide colleagues to select the most appropriate teaching andlearning methods and resources in Business Studies and ICT
  • To establish and implement clear policies and practices for assessing, recordingand reporting on pupil achievement in line with school policy.
  • To evaluate the teaching and learning in the Business Studies Department throughmonitoring activities including:

a)Lesson observations

b)Work and planning scrutiny

c)Pupil discussions

d)Analysis of results and assessment data

e)Attending planning meetings

f)Leading staff training

g)Informal discussions

  • To use this analysis to identify effective practice and areas for improvement and in conjunction with SLT take action to further improve thequality of teaching and learning across the school.

Leading and Managing Staff

  • To lead professional development of teaching staff and teaching assistantsthrough example, support and liaison with SLT.
  • Ensure trainee, newly qualified and staff new to the school receive appropriate support
  • Lead a team of staff.
  • Effective and efficient deployment of staff, budget and resources
  • Establish resource and staff requirements for Business Studies and inform the Principal of costs and priorities.
  • Distribute resources to meet the objectives of the school.
  • Ensure the effective and efficient management of learning resources forBusiness Studies and ICT
  • Ensure a stimulating learning environment in regard to subject specific materials as well as literacy and numeracy in all classrooms

Other professional requirements

  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with professionalcolleagues and other subject leaders to develop cross-curricular links andcreative approaches to learning.
  • Establish effective relationships with parents and inform them ofdevelopments and practices relating to the teaching and learning of Literacy.
  • Participate in meetings with professional colleagues and parents in respect ofthe duties and responsibilities of the post.
  • Be aware of the need to take responsibility for your own professionaldevelopment.
  • Play a full part in the life of the school community, to support its integrated ethos and to encourage staff and pupils to follow this example.
  • Undertake any other duty as specified by Head teacher not mentioned in theabove.