Version / 1Name of responsible (ratifying) committee / HR Policy Group Committee
Date ratified / 07 September 2017
Document Manager (job title) / Learning and Development Department Business Manager
Date issued / 11 December 2017
Review date / 10 December 2019
Electronic location / Management Policies
Related Procedural Documents / Capability Policy and Protocol
Learning and Developing Policy
Procedure for Managing Probationary Periods
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Disciplinary Policy
Management of Attendance Policy
Redeployment Policy
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Key Words (to aid with searching) / Apprenticeship, Apprentice, Apprenticeship Standard
Version Tracking
Version / Date Ratified / Brief Summary of Changes / Author1 / 01.10.17 / New Policy / L Hansell
This policy must be followed in full when developing or reviewing and amending Trust procedural documents.
For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need for the document author and others involved in the process to be aware of and follow the detail of this policy.
- The Learning and Development Department will lead and manage the Apprenticeship Programmes.
- Managers must contact the Learning and Development Department as soon as soon as the opportunity for an apprenticeship post is identified.
- Managers must ensure that the workplace environment is suitable for an apprentice.
- Managers must ensure that the appropriate release time is achieved i.e. assessments, set training, examinations and 20% off the job training.
- Apprentices must adhere to Trust Policies, Procedures and display the Trust Values.
- Apprentices will complete the appropriate Apprenticeship Programme.
- Apprentices will be managed in line with existing policies for all staff
- The Learning and Development Department will monitor uptake and completion of apprenticeships for national reporting
This policy will improve access to, and promote the uptake of, a wider range of apprenticeship training programmes enabling the Trust to achieve its target for apprenticeships, meeting both current and future workforce needs.
The purpose of an apprenticeship is to provide the apprentice with new skills and knowledge to undertake a specific job role, to retrain, or advance practice.
This will be done by:
- Developing a strategy for the equitable distribution of apprenticeships throughout the Clinical Service Centres to ensure the organisation meets its overall targets.
- Increasing access to the range of apprenticeship that are available.
- Managers scrutinizing the vacancy to determine if appropriate for an apprenticeship post.
- Improving awareness of the value of apprenticeship training programmes.
- Improving availability of materials to support information, advice and guidance about Apprenticeships in the health sector.
- Strengthening partnerships between Health Education England, health employers, unions and the professions in the development of apprenticeships which are appropriate to the needs of all and linked to patient, service and staff needs.
- Supporting the Government Skills Pledge, ensuring appropriate development for all staff by increasing take up of Apprenticeship programmes.
We have successful links with training providers who are able to support apprenticeships in both clinical and non-clinical roles. Access to external funding, via the Apprenticeship Levy, is available to support course fees.
The apprenticeship model allows for staff to earn and learn with access to work based learning and experience. Many apprenticeship pathways allow access to Higher Education programmes.
This policy will enable us to implement a formal apprenticeship framework which will be equitable and enable us to employ apprentices into the workplace.
- To provide an educational programme that will develop the current and future workforce.
- To provide a transparent framework ensuring that apprenticeship opportunities are equitable, fair and effective in meeting the organisation’s values, goals and objectives.
- Promote personal and professional development of apprentices.
- To ensure that apprenticeships are recruited in line with the Trust’s recruitment and selection process.
This policy applies to all individuals who apply for and are recruited into apprenticeship posts or existing staff undertaking a recognised apprenticeship.
‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’
Apprentice: A person undertaking an apprenticeship.
Apprenticeships: An apprenticeship is a genuine job with an accompanying skills development programme. Through their apprenticeship, apprentices gain the technical knowledge, practical experience and wider skills they need for their immediate job and future career. The apprentice gains this through a wide mix of learning in the workplace, formal off-the-job training and the opportunity to practice new skills in a real work environment.
An apprenticeship framework: The standards show what an apprentice will be doing and the skills required of them, by job role. Standards are developed by employer groups known as ‘trailblazers’. (Gov.UK, 2017)
Apprenticeship Levy: A levy on UK employers to fund new apprenticeships. The Levy is 0.5% of the Trust’s pay bill, the Trust can then access to fund Apprenticeships via the Digital Account Service using registered, accredited, training providers. (Gov.UK, 2017)
Learning and Development Department
The Learning and Development Department will lead and manage apprenticeship programmes:
- Informing the Trust of any developments to national and existing frameworks.
- Promoting the value of apprenticeships as development opportunities within the Trust.
- Monitoring recruitment against targets and reporting nationally as required.
- Assisting managers with advice and guidance on which apprenticeship issuitable for the post.
- Assisting managers in the identification of suitable posts for an apprenticeship programme.
- Identifying and commissioning training providers to deliver Trust apprenticeship programmes.
- Liaising with the training provider on behalf of the manager, confirming course funding and arranging to provide the trainer with the apprentice contact details to enable them to commence enrolment.
- Providing information and guidance for managers and apprentices and monitoring completion and success of apprenticeship.
- Ensuring a level of quality assurance with training providers and following up any issues with delivery or assessment.
Human Resources
- Human Resources are responsible for providing support to the line manager for the recruitment process and specific management in accordance with the Human Resources Policies
Line Manager
- Contacting the Learning and Development Department as soon as the opportunity for an apprenticeship post is identified to determine best apprenticeship and availability of provider/assessor.
- Ensuring the workplace environment is suitable to support an apprentice. If the apprentice is under the age of 18 follow safeguarding expectations.
- Responsible for ensuring that the apprentice is released to attend assessments, set training sessions or examinations with the Training Provider.
- Apprenticeship Regulations mandate 20% off the job training. Examples of off the job training are:
- Study Days
- E-learning related to apprenticeship standard
- Self-Directed Learning
- Shadowing in another department
- Essential Skills for new staff only, in the first year of the apprenticeship programme.
Off the job training does not include, for example:
- English and Mathematics tuition
- Meeting with assessors
- Study in own time (i.e. unpaid)
- Linking with HR resourcing team to following normal recruitment and selection processes.
- Inducting the apprentice as per the Trust’s Induction Policy.
- Delegating tasks and monitoring the workload of the apprentice.
- Ensuringthat local training, support and guidance is provided to the apprentice (the apprentice will need to be assigned to work alongside a skilled person in that role).
- Monitoring training progress and links with the assessor on apprentice visits.
- Ensuring that end assessment of apprenticeship is undertaken in line with Apprenticeship Regulations.
- Monitoring the performance of the apprentice and managing them in line with Trust Policies.
- Discussing with the Learning and Development Department if, due to exceptional circumstances, an extension is required to enable completion of the apprenticeship.
- Monitoring and managing attendance in line with the Trust’s Attendance Management Policy.
- Ensuring safeguarding of the apprentice in line with national safeguarding and PREVENT requirements.
- Informing the Learning and Development Department of any issues which may affect the completion of the apprenticeship qualification.
- Supporting the apprentice to find a permanent position within the Trust at the end of the apprenticeship.
- Completing termination of employment documentation at the end of the apprenticeship if applicable.
- Contact the Learning and Development Department to notify of successful completion, interruption or cessation.
Training Provider
- Advises managers and the Learning and Development Department on suitable and appropriate apprenticeship programmes.
- Responsible for data management on the Apprenticeship Service.
- Provides training support and guidance to the apprentice.
- Adheres to contractual obligations with the Trust as outlined in the Service Level Agreement.
- Provide an assessorwho will set dates for the apprentice’s progression meetings according to the apprenticeship framework. These dates are to be mutually agreed and if cancelled by the assessor an alternative date will be offered.
- Will sign off and agree the assessment and work plan from the apprentice, the manager or their deputy.
- Monitors progress and informs the manager of any issues.
- Contact the Learning and Development Department if there are any concerns regarding the apprentice.
- Is responsible for the preparation of the apprentice for the end point assessment.
- Will provide evaluation data to enable the ongoing monitoring of the quality of apprenticeship standards delivered.
- contact the Learning and Development Department to notify of successful completion, interruption or cessation.
Workplace Supervisor/Buddy
- The Workplace Supervisor/Buddy is a work based colleague who will provide education, learning and work based support to the apprentice during the period of their apprenticeship as and when required.
- Acts as a confidential support mechanism for the apprentice should they require advice and guidance.
- Will adhere to Trust Policies and Procedures and the Trusts Values and Behaviours Framework.
- Will sign a Learning Agreement/Apprenticeship Contract
- Will adhere to the Health and Safety Policies and procedures of other organisations visited in association with the completion of the apprenticeship.
- Will complete the apprenticeship and meet deadlines for work plan submissions (this will include English and Maths) meeting regularly with the assessor. Failure to achieve the requirements of the apprenticeship programme deadlines and meet performance targets will be managed in line with the relevant Trust policy or processes.
- Will complete the Care Certificate if appropriate to role.
- Responsible for maintaining a log of 20% off the job training/learning activities.
- Is responsible for contacting the assessor to arrange meetings between assessor and manager to record progress in portfolios.
- Existing members of staff undertaking training via an apprenticeship programme must complete and sign the Trust Learning Agreement.
The responsibility for the implementation of the policy is within the CSC Management Teams. The Learning and Development Department will provide advice and guidance to individual and managers who may be considering appointing an apprentice into an apprenticeship role.
Capability Policy and Protocol: and Developing Policy:
and Development Intranet Page:
for Managing Probationary Periods:
and Selection Policy:
for Health:
and Skills Funding Agency:
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any grounds.
This policy has been assessed accordingly
All policies must include this standard equality impact statement. However, when sending for ratification and publication, this must be accompanied by the full equality screening assessment tool. The assessment tool can be found on the Trust Intranet -> Policies -> Policy Documentation
Our valuesare the core of what Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is and what we cherish. They are beliefs that manifest in the behaviours our employees display in the workplace.
Our Values were developed after listening to our staff. They bring the Trust closer to its vision to be the best hospital, providing the best care by the best people and ensure that our patients are at the centre of all we do.
We are committed to promoting a culture founded on these values which form the ‘heart’ of our Trust:
Respect and dignity
Quality of care
Working together
This policy should be read and implemented with the Trust Values in mind at all times.
Apprentice Policy
Version: 1
Issue Date: 11 December 2017
Review Date: 10 December 2019 (unless requirements change)Page 1 of 15
Minimum requirement to be monitored / Lead / Tool / Frequency of Report of Compliance / Reporting arrangements / Lead(s) for acting on RecommendationsNumber of apprentices commencing programmes / LDD Business Manager / DAS (Digital Apprenticeship Scheme / Quarterly / Education Quality and Standards / LDD Business Manager
Number of apprentices completing programmes / LDD
Manager / DAS / Quarterly / Education Quality and Standards / LDD Business Manager
Number of apprentices per CSC / LDD Business Manager / DAS (Digital Apprenticeship Scheme / Quarterly / Education Quality and Standards / LDD Business Manager
Number of apprentices being offered substantive roles on completion / LDD Business Manager / DAS (Digital Apprenticeship Scheme / Quarterly / Education Quality and Standards / LDD Business Manager
This document will be monitored to ensure it is effective and to assure compliance.
To be completed and attached to any procedural document when submitted to the appropriate committee for consideration and approval for service and policy changes/amendments.
Stage 1 - ScreeningTitle of Procedural Document: Apprentice Policy
Date of Assessment / 15/8/2017 / Responsible Department / Learning and Development
Name of person completing assessment / Lynn Hansell / Job Title / LDD Business Manager
Does the policy/function affect one group less or more favourably than another on the basis of :
Yes/No / Comments
- Age
- Disability
- Ethnic Origin (including gypsies and travellers)
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy or Maternity
- Race
- Sex
- Religion and Belief
- Sexual Orientation
If the answer to all of the above questions is NO, the EIA is complete. If YES, a full impact assessment is required: go on to stage 2, page 2
More Information can be found be following the link below
Stage 2 – Full Impact Assessment
What is the impact / Level of Impact / Mitigating Actions
(what needs to be done to minimise / remove the impact) / Responsible Officer
Monitoring of Actions
The monitoring of actions to mitigate any impact will be undertaken at the appropriate level
Specialty Procedural Document: Specialty Governance Committee
Clinical Service Centre Procedural Document:Clinical Service Centre Governance Committee
Corporate Procedural Document:Relevant Corporate Committee
All actions will be further monitored as part of reporting schedule to the Equality and Diversity Committee
(To be completed prior to registering for an apprenticeship programme)
This agreement aims to maximise the impact of learning on the service that staff deliver to patients within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). It essential therefore that managers ensure any formal education and training, including apprenticeship programmes, meets Trust/Service objectives and is linked to the staff member’s Personal Development Plan.
Prior to completion of the agreement;
- Learners must be able to provide evidence that they are up to date with essential skills training and mentorship update (if applicable)
- Learners should possess the appropriate attitude/values and study skills to be successful in undertaking the programme of study
On completion of the agreement;
- Funding for the apprenticeship programme will not be agreed by the Learning & Development Department (L&D) without a completed Learning Agreement.
- A copy of the completed agreement form should be submitted to the Learning and Development Department
- The completed agreement form should be filed in the staff member’s personal folder
Apprenticeship Programme
Start Date
Completion Date
Part of Personal Development Plan / YES NO
To be completed by the individual: