General Ecology: Lecture 5
October 7, 2005
I.Properties of populations (cont.)
- Mortality and natality
- Various ways to calculate—we’ll get into the specifics of these rates as needed.
- Life tables (briefly)
- What can they tell you?
- NOTE: We won’t go through the particulars of the calculations here. Will touch upon as needed in next lecture.
- Survivorship curves [Fig. 10.13]
- General patterns
- Type 1: Description and examples
Look carefully—usually an initial drop due to infant mortality
- Type 2: Description and examples.
- Type 3: Description and examples
- Variability of survivorship pattern within a population:
- Summer annual garden rocket exhibits different curves for different cohorts [Fig. 10.19]
Reflects rainfall conditions in different years
- Mortality curves [Fig. 10.20 compared to 10.15]
- Based on mortality of each successive age class.
- NOTE: Survivorship curve is based on initial number in the cohort, while mortality curve is not. What does this mean in terms of the curve’s accuracy?
- Fecundity curve for red deer[Fig. 10.21]
- Shows relative reproductive potential of the cohort at each age
- Takes both fertility and numbers into account
III.Geometric(discrete-time) model of population growth
- Assumptions
- Models for growth in discrete time are used for populations that have young during a particular time of year, rather than continuously
- Examples
- If the age distribution of a population is stable (recall what that means!),the population is small, and the resources are relatively unlimiting, the population will grow (theoretically) at a constant rate.
- Realistic? Why develop these models if not?
- The geometric finite rate of increase, λ, can be calculated simply as the total number of individuals in year x+1 (all cohorts) divided by the total number of individuals in year x (all cohorts). Mathematically:
- λ = Nt+1/Nt; or…. Nt+1 = λ Nt
- Theλ value can be used to predict the population sizes of successive generations.
- Example:
Generation / Nt / λ
0 / 50 / 3
1 / 150 / 3
2 / 450
3 / 1350
4 / 4050
- Can write equation in a more general way: Nt = λtN0
- What does this really mean in terms of what is happening to individuals in the population?
- Nt+1 = Nt +birth -death + immigration -emigration
- Usually simplify and remove immigration and emigration from these equations
- Also, use “per capita” birth and death rates
- bt = total births/person
- dt = total deaths/person
- So, re-write mathematically:
- Nt+1 = Nt + bt Nt - dt Nt= (1+ bt - dt) Nt
- Thus, λ = 1+ bt - dt.
- In the spreadsheet exercises, the term R is introduced.
- R = b – d
- λ = 1+ R
IV.Exponential (continuous time) models of population growth.
- Nt = N0ert
- Assumptions
- Generations are added continuously rather than discretely
- Examples: humans and bacteria
- Note similarity to the previous equation:
- Nt = N0ert compared to Nt= λt N0
- So if a geometric and a discrete population were growing at the same rate, λ = er [Fig. 11.1]
- r = b-d
- One form of the equation is: dN/dt = rN
- This is the derivative of Nt = N0ert; if you have not had calculus you won’t understand the derivation, but you should know what it means…
- The “d” is not a variable, but rather much like the symbol Δ. So you could think ΔN/ Δt, that is the “change in N” divided by the “change in t”. The “d” denotes an instantaneous rate, and corresponds to the slope at a particular point in time.
- Note that different values of r provide a family of exponential curves [Fig. 11.2]
- For negative “r”, the populations are shrinking
V.Logistic growth
- This model takes into account some realistic constraints on population growth. In particular, as a population grows, effects of increased density become apparent:
- Think about disease, food availability and predators
- There is a carrying capacity (K): The population size (for a particular area) above which an equilibrium population cannot be supported.
- The exponential growth equation can be modified to take the carrying capacity into account:
- dN/dt = rN((K-N)/K)
- Think about this mathematically.
- When N is negligible, the equation basically collapses to the exponential growth equation because K/K = 1.
- When N = K, K-N = 0, and there is no population growth.
- When N > k, K-N is negative, as is the change in the size of the population.
- Think about this visually, particularly what is meant by dN/dt
- dN/dt is highest at the midrange. Why? [Fig. 11.5, top]
- Time lags [Fig. 11.8]
- The response of a population to its own change in numbers is not instantaneous.
- The logistic growth equation can be altered to reflect that time lag.
- dN/dt = rNt-g((K-Nt-w)/K)
- w = reaction time lag
It associated with the “N” term of (K-N) because it reflects the fact that it takes awhile for the population to detect and respond to population pressure (or lack thereof).
- g = reproductive time lag
It is associated with its particular “N” term because it reflects the fact that the offspring just produced take time to produce their own offspring.
- It associated with the “N” term because it reflects the fact that it takes awhile for the environment to “see” the increased (or decreased) population.
- Time lags result in fluctuations around K.
- Is K really a constant?
- What situations can alter K?
Study questions
- What is plotted on the x-axis of a survivorship curve? On the y-axis (be clear as to the scale used here)?
- Sketch/describe the three different types of survivorship curves, and provide an example for each.
- Does a given species always show the same characteristic pattern of survivorship? Use an example to explain your answer.
- Compare a mortality curve to a survivorship curve.
- What is a fecundity curve, and what does it take into account?
- Spreadsheet exercises 7-8 (=Problem Set #2). Include associated questions. You should have a good, intuitive understanding of how particular changes to parameters of the equation will affect the population through time.
- Know the geometric, exponential and logistical growth equations. You should also know the meaning of the various variables and constants, and state in words what the equations say.
- Be able to recognize and sketch the basic curves for geometric, exponential and logistic growth.
- Know the assumptions of the geometric and logistic growth equations.
- What does the logistic growth equation take into account that the exponential growth does not
- How does a time lag term make the exponential growth equation more realistic? Sketch the size of a population through time that is experiencing moderate time lag.
- Is K really a constant? Explain your answer.