Supplemental Sermon Notes
Letters to the Seven Churches: #1 – Revelation 2:1-7 (Page 1028)
Ephesus: Getting Back To the Heart of the Game
I. Intro to Series
- A “rerun” of a 7 week series from 2008, limited to chap. 2 & 3
- Revelation: a collection of visions Jesus gives to John on Patmos.
- But Revelation is a letter written to the 7 churches in Asia. (Rev. 1:4)
- Only one church per city.
- Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.
- To miss that is to miss much of what Revelation is all about.
- Why these 7 churches?
- By 90 A.D., Jerusalem was destroyed and the church in Rome hadn’t yet grown to become the center of Christianity.
- The strongest churches in the world were in Asia Minor.
- They were the center of Christianity.
- To reach them required either a visit or a letter.
- The route is a circular one – a mail route!
- The contents would spread throughout Asia Minor
- To whom do they apply?
- “…what the Spirit says to the churches” is plural.
- Other churches are to read and apply them to themselves.
- This makes Rev. 2-3 the most important 2 chapters in the book!
- Most of the commands in Revelation are here.
- Ch. 4-12 are not intended to give us a map of the end-times.
- If they were, they’d be easier to understand.
- They inform us, but not completely (symbolic, apocalyptic language).
- God doesn’t want us obsessing about the end: he wants us to live for Jesus until then.
- The part of Revelation that gives us the clearest picture on how to do so is chapters 2 & 3.
- Dan believes chapters 4-12 are intended to support 2 & 3.
- “We win, so live for Christ even if it means your death!”
II. Ephesus in 90 A.D.
- Pop. 250K; 4th most powerful city in the world (Rome, Alexandria, Egypt, Antioch, Syria, and Ephesus)
- THE major trading center in Asia Minor, one of the wealthiest.
- Major religious center.
- Temple to Artemis – Greek fertility goddess.
- Largest building in ancient world, one of 7 wonders.
- Housed a statue that “fell from heaven” (Acts 19:35)
- Cult of Artemis was extremely powerful.
- Thousands of priests and priestesses
- Artisan guilds produced & sold statues of Artemis.
- Christianity upset economy & aggravated the guilds.
- Temples to various “emperor-Gods”.
- Large Jewish presence
- Jews were granted Roman citizenship.
- Saw Christianity as a straying cult.
- Used offer of citizenship to bring Christians back.
- Point: the church in Ephesus faced a lot of pressure from the culture.
- Church in Ephesus – a very proud church.
- Proud to be planted by Paul & other “big names.”
- Proud to be in a major city like Ephesus.
- Proud to be the “megachurch” of Asia minor
III.The Letter to the Church at Ephesus – a form with 7 distinct parts.
- Address and commission to write (v 1a)
- Pictures a guardian angel for each church.
- Intent is to show God’s authority over the church.
- Prophetic messenger formula & character of Christ (1b)
- Revelation 1:20: “…The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”
- “holds” – Jesus is still in charge of the church.
- Pictures both watching over and watching; protection & discipline.
- Point: It’s not our church! It’s His!
- “Is this for Christ’s glory, or for ours?”
- Strengths to be commended (vv 2-3)
- “Works” speaks of the spiritual walk of the believer.
- They’re doing all the right things!
- “toil” – hard work.
- Cannot bear those who are evil, test and find false teachers.
- They’ve obeyed Paul in checking out their teachers.
- They’re the “gatekeepers” of the region.
- “patient endurance”
- The church was surrounded by alternative religions
- This tempted them to walk away from Jesus or practice Syncretism: worship Jesus AND something else.
- But the church in Ephesus held firm to their faith, so Jesus commends them. (v3)
- These are essential marks of the Christian.
- Our situation is similar to the church in Ephesus.
- We are to test and hold firm as they did.
- We can’t “Ride the fence.”
- Weaknesses to be confronted (v 4)
- They’ve abandoned the love they had at first.”
- Means they’ve either abandoned their love for Christ…
- Or their love for their fellow man.
- Matt. 22:37-39: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- We can’t separate our love for God from our love for mankind.
- I think the church at Ephesus has forgotten both!
- They’re good with the boundaries, but it’s led them to see people outside of the church as the enemy – as people who don’t deserve God’s grace.
- Yet what the world needs most is God’s love and grace – which is to be lived out in the People of God – the Church!
- If we focus only on the doctrine of Christianity and give no thought to the lives Jesus can change, I’d say we’ve forgotten our first love too!
- John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
- The solution to their weakness & judgment for refusing to obey (v 5)
- Judgment: Their lampstand will be removed.
- “Lampstand” = the church itself.
- Jesus will remove them as a church.
- They’ll still be saved…
- …but the church will be removed.
- And, why not? If they’ve forgotten the love of Christ, what good are they?
- History says that the Ephesians did repent & thrive – for a time.
- Yet none of the 7 churches exist today.
- Part of the “Turkic World” – the part of the world with the fewest Christians & fewest evangelistic efforts.
- Point: Being the church Jesus would have us be is not optional!
- The Three-fold solution:
- Remember from where you have fallen.
- Remember the grace and love of Christ, experienced in your salvation.
- Remember the excitement that led you to share it!
- Repent.
- “Turn around!” Go back to the beginning of your faith and then live and love as He called you to live and love.
- Hate the sin, but love the sinners (v 6)
- Nicolations – claimed to follow Christ but practiced other religions too.
- They (and God) do not hate the Nicolatians, but their “works.”
- It’s possible to hate the sin and love the sinner!
- The exhortation to hear (v 7)
- As God’s people, we have a responsibility to hear & obey.
- Challenge to overcome & the promise of reward.
- “Conquers” speaks of victory over a defeated foe.
- The foe here is Satan, not other men and women.
- The victory has already been won on the Cross.
- However, the final battle is yet to come.
- We must persevere until then.
- Live the life Jesus calls us to live with love.
- Maintain the faith He’s given us.
- Live that faith in our church and in our lives.
- Reward – the right to eat from the tree of life.
- Promise of eternal life.
- The love of Christ, reflected in us and through us, is the key.