DRAFT – Dec. 31, 2010 Item 3.1



November 20-21, 2010

Sheraton Hotel

Penthouse A

Ottawa, Ontario


Members: Shirley Bague, RTR, ACR, RTMR – President/Chair

Fiona Mitchell, RTT, ACT, FCAMRT – Immediate Past President

Alison Mitchell, RTT – British Columbia (Interim Director)

Wendy Martin-Gutjahr, RTR – Alberta

Gisela Yaroshko, RTR, ACR – Saskatchewan

Rita Eyer, RTR, ACR – Manitoba

Eleanor Roppel, RTR – Ontario

Jean Chabot, RTT – Quebec

Michel Doucette, RTT – New Brunswick/Vice President

Carol Anne Davis, RTT, ACT – Nova Scotia

Deborah Murley, RTR – Prince Edward Island/Vice President

Loretta Metcalfe, RTR, ACR – Newfoundland & Labrador

Patricia Munro, RTNM – Member-at-Large (NM)

Caitlin Gillan, RTT – Member-at-Large

Chuck Shields – Chief Executive Officer (Non-Voting)

Absent: Kelly Nystedt, RTT – British Columbia/Treasurer

Staff: Elaine Dever – Director of Education

Michelle Charest – Director of Finance & Administration

Mark Given – Director of Professional Practice

Leacy O’Callaghan-O’Brien – Director of Advocacy, Communications & Events

Myrtle Shields – Coordinator & Recording Secretary

1. / Adoption of the agenda
President Bague welcomed everyone. She introduced Alison Mitchell, who was interim British Columbia Director while Kelly Nystedt was on leave of absence, and Julie Henman-Cyr, who was the incoming Director for New Brunswick. Roundtable introductions followed.
Two items were added to the agenda – item 5.13, CAMRT Foundation representative from the board, and item 5.14, Terms of Reference for the board.
2. / Review and approval of minutes and recording of business conducted electronically
2.1 / Minutes of the May 2010 board meeting
Under item 4.7 the word “mute” was corrected to “moot.”
MOTION Martin-Gutjahr/Eyer
To accept the minutes of the May 2010 board meeting, as amended.
2.2 / Business conducted electronically
1. Approval of revised Terms of Reference for ISRRT Representative.
2. Approval of revised Terms of Reference for Finance Committee
3. Approval of change in points requirements for Fellowship Program
A modified version of the revised Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee was circulated.
MOTION Murley/Metcalfe
To approve the changes to the revised Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee.
3. / Reports
3.1 / President
Under ISRRT World Congress, a question was asked regarding the availability of the training CD called “Image Interpretation for the Radiographer,” put together by Dr. Ian Cowan from New Zealand. S. Bague replied that the CD was not available for distribution. ISRRT Council Member, R. Eyer said she would make enquiries to see if she could obtain a copy.
3.2 / Vice-Presidents
There were no questions on the two Vice Presidents’ reports.
3.3 / Treasurer
There were no questions on the Treasurer’s Report.
3.4 / Chief Executive Officer – Staff Report
There was discussion on the following items:
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC): The board was advised that they would be receiving a survey from the ACCC, which was related to a project they were conducting which addressed the issue of sustaining an allied healthcare workforce. E. Dever was a member of the work group and subcommittees. E. Dever informed the board that the project had two deliverables, 1) an innovations guide, and 2) a blueprint that related to retention and recruitment issues.
OTIMRO certification exam project: There were issues around how the competency profiles were used by the programs in Quebec. C. Shields, Alain Cromp, and Danielle Boue would be holding discussions on this issue.
Fellowship Program: Enquiry was made as to whether the next Fellowship recipient had met the CAMRT volunteer requirements. E. Dever answered that they had.
2012 AGC: Enquiry was made as to why a call for abstracts for the 2012 joint conference with the ISRRT was being made before the 2011 AGC in Saskatoon. R. Eyer explained that this was in line with the ISRRT timetable and the call was always made early. C. Shields added that this was due to international travel issues, such as obtaining visas, which require those travelling to the congress to begin making their plans quite early.
CPD Courses: In response to an enquiry as to whether any CPD courses were now online, E. Dever replied that none were online yet. However, all were available on CD and the Education Department is gathering information about moving courses on-line.
Readiness Assessment Tool: Responding to a request for clarification concerning the recruitment of authors for the Readiness Assessment Tool, E. Dever explained that it was easier to recruit people who were working in the same institution. For example, the nuclear medicine section was being handled by authors in St. John; magnetic resonance was being handled by authors in Alberta; and radiological technology was being handled by authors in Toronto.
Bilingual Services: L. O’Callaghan’O’Brien responded to a query on the status of bilingual services. She said that there was an existing policy and that she would be reviewing it in the context of developing an overall communications plan.
Leadership Development Institute: C.A. Davis reminded the board that one of the requirements for those attending the Leadership Development Institute, was that they would have to be willing to take on volunteer work. She asked if any participants were available from Nova Scotia. C. Shields affirmed that they were, and encouraged all directors to personally approach individuals from their province who took part in the program. C. Gillan suggested that an article be written for the newsletter about the success of the program in terms of volunteers. M. Given stated that the participants were encouraged to get involved either at the national or provincial level. F. Mitchell suggested also approaching those applicants who were not chosen to take part in the program. M. Given advised that the PMAs were sent a list of all the applicants for this intent.
Preceptor Workgroup: E. Dever advised that the Preceptor Workgroup was holding a meeting the same days the board was meeting in the same hotel, and that they were in the process of developing draft guidelines.
Membership Promotion Campaign for Ontario: M. Charest provided an update on the campaign conducted to promote CAMRT/OAMRT membership to Ontario non-members, in light of Bill 179 - mandatory personal PLI requirements, coming into effect. She advised that in the months of September and October there had been an increase of Ontario members by 44, compared to 25 last year. A good response had been received from employers, who were asking for membership forms for their employees.
Diversity Initiative: In response to a request for an update on the initiative, C. Shields reported that an article had been prepared for the Newsletter, and plans were being prepared for activities.
Best Practice Guidelines: M. Given stated that the best practice guidelines were meant to give more clarity to practice issues, and increase professionalism. They were not meant to be specific. A suggestion was made to place the CAMRT logo on the material to identify where they were from.
Medical Imaging Team: In response to an enquiry, L. O’Callaghan-O’Brien advised that a cost share breakdown for the activities of the Imaging Team had been done for the previous year, when we had hoped to launch the initiative, and was being revised for the coming year.
ISRRT Newsletter: It was suggested that it should be made clear to the new CAMRT representative to the ISRRT how the process worked for submitting articles to the ISRRT newsletter.
CAMRT Newsletter: It was requested that provinces be notified when a member from a particular province was being featured in the CAMRT Newsletter, so that they could recognize the person at the provincial level.
Associated Sciences Consortium (ASC): In response to an enquiry, E. Dever explained the process of selecting speakers for the Associated Sciences Consortium. A theme was first chosen and depending on the theme and the availability of Canadians qualified to present the talk, it was sometimes necessary for the CAMRT to choose speakers outside Canada.
3.5 / Directors’ Roundtable
The following verbal updates and additions to written reports were given:
·  The BCAMRT held a strategic planning workshop which focussed on four items of discussion – advocacy, website development, volunteering, and rebranding. There was a great deal of support for the rebranding initiative.
·  The next provincial annual conference will be April 8 – 9, 2011, in Coquitlam.
·  Feedback was requested on what to include in the director’s report to their provincial newsletter, since most of the information was already included in the CAMRT newsletter. C. Shields suggested building into the report updates on what the CAMRT was doing with regard to projects, to keep them in the members’ minds. He mentioned using the President’s update as a basis or template for articles.
·  A request was made for a list of CAMRT volunteers who were from Alberta. C. Shields said he would look into having this done for all provinces.
·  An application has been received for the vacant NBAMRT Vice President position.
4. / Strategic Issue
As was done at the last board meeting in May, some time was taken to think about strategic issues that were facing CAMRT. Through a brainstorming session, a list of 21 issues was created. Out of the 21 issues, five issues were chosen as the top issues impacting the profession of medical radiation technology and the association. Directors were then divided into four groups to identify actions that were being done or could be taken to address each issue. The five issues chosen were:
1.  Hybrid imaging
2.  Continuum of Practice
3.  Integration of IEMRTs
4.  Image of the profession
5.  Dropping registration at CAMRT conferences.
Directors were informed that the results of the exercise would be used as input to the strategic planning retreat next February.
5. /


5.1 / Consider draft vision and mission
Directors reviewed the draft vision, values and mission statements prepared by the Vision and Mission Drafting Group. C. Shields commented that there had been more satisfaction with the existing values statement than with the current mission or vision statements and therefore the proposed values statement is very similar to the current one. A series of wording changes was made by directors to the statements.
MOTION F. Mitchell/Gillan
That the board approves the vision statement, with amendments.
MOTION Eyer/Roppel
That the board approves the values statement, with amendments.
MOTION Eyer/F. Mitchell
That the board approves the mission statement, with amendments.
It was noted that it would be important to confirm that the proposed wording would work in Québec as well.
5.2 / Review progress with implementation of the strategic plan for 2009 to 2011
At the board meeting in May 2010, it was decided to add outcome statements to the strategic plan. This was done by the staff directors and they also provided an update regarding the status of various items in the plan. The board commented on and made the following adjustments to the plan:
Strategic Direction #1, Objective 2: Change deadline from 2011 to 2012.
Strategic Direction #1, Objective 4: Change deadline from October 2010 to TBD and to say ‘increase’ rather than ‘at least’.
Strategic Direction #1, Objective 7: Activity - Organize and conduct a national education summit. While the activity for this objective was completed, it was noted that the conference planning committee was looking at doing something similar for the 2012 conference.
Strategic Direction #3, Objective 1: Discussion on changing the wording and ways to be aware of changes in technologies, e.g., visiting vendors at the RSNA to see what new technologies were emerging, tapping into members who are content experts and who attend the RSNA, information from managers during competency profile validation and checking with the journal editorial board. It was also suggested that it might be useful to investigate establishing a futures group with the Canadian Association of Radiologists and the Canadian Association for Radiological Oncology.
Strategic Direction #4, Objective 2: It was requested that the list of CAMRT experts be shared with the board by posting it on the board portal.
Strategic Direction #4, Objective 3: It was agreed that the rebranding initiative needs to be added to the strategic plan as an activity.
Strategic Direction #4, Objective 4: Wait times – C. Shields asked if the board still felt this was a priority, because other priorities had arisen. He stated that if the board still felt it was important, then some other issue would have to be moved down the priority scale. It was the general feeling that the issue was still important and that the board might have to consider removing some items from the strategic plan, because they no longer had a high priority rating.
At the end of the review of the plan the board suggested, and it was agreed, that the presentation of updates would change in the future to be part of the staff report, which is also presented according to the strategic directions/objectives and activities of the strategic plan.
5.3 / Strategic planning process for 2012-2014
Directors were in agreement with the draft process for developing the strategic plan for 2012 – 2014, which was modeled after the process used to develop the 2009-2011 strategic plan. It was noted that two board members were needed for the steering committee and directors were asked to contact S. Bague if they were interested in sitting on the committee.