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For Students living in a Linacre College Property

(Main Site)

(1)  Linacre College, Oxford (“the College”)


(2)  ...... «Name»...... (“you”)

1.  Definitions

1.1.  “the Room” means the furnished room No [….«No»..] in the Building or such other room as the College directs from time to time in the College Property;

1.2.  “the Building” means [____«Property»______]

1.3.  “the College Property” means the Building and any other property owned or occupied by the College;

1.4.  “the Furnishings” means any furniture, bed linen, equipment or appliances provided in the Room or in the Building by the College;

1.5.  “the Licence Period” means the period from the Arrival Date to 31 July 2015

1.6. “the Arrival Date” in your case is [……«Arrival»...... ]

1.7.  “the Licence Fee” means the calendar monthly sum of £[«Rent»] payable for the duration of the Licence Period

1.8.  “the Deposit” is a sum equivalent to £300, payable strictly on or before the Arrival Date

2.  The College permits you:

2.1.  to occupy the Room for your own private occupation only; and

2.2.  to use the Furnishings; and

2.3.  to use the communal areas of the Building

3.  This Licence runs for the Licence Period subject to the restrictions set out in Clauses 4 and 6 below. The College may end this Licence immediately if:

3.1.  the Licence Fee is in arrears for 2 months or more (without the need for any formal demand); or

3.2.  you breach any of your obligations set out in this Licence Agreement; or

3.3.  you withdraw from the course which you were offered or were pursuing at the commencement of this Licence

4.  You are permitted to use your Room only during the Licence Period (the dates of which are inclusive). If you wish to remain beyond the stated final date the College may, but is not obliged to, permit you to occupy the Room, or another room in the College Property on dates other than those specified above, at a licence fee per night of additional residence pro-rated to the monthly sum stated in para. 1.7 above. The College will notify you from time to time of the method of applying for ongoing residence and the time scale in which your application must be made. Acceptance or rejection of the application is wholly within the College’s discretion

5.  The Licence Fee and Deposit

5.1.  The Licence Fee is payable monthly in advance, with the first instalment or a proportion of it payable from the Arrival Date;

5.2.  The Deposit is payable on or before the Arrival Date, and is refundable after departure provided that the provisions of paras. 6 and 7.3 have been fully complied with.

6.  You must:

6.1.  occupy the Room personally and not assign, sublet, share or part with possession of the Room and not permit use or occupation of it by anyone else. Visitors are permitted for a maximum of three nights in accordance with the terms stated in the College Handbook;

6.2.  ensure the Room is kept clean and safe. Employees may require access. Keep the Furnishings in good, clean condition and repair allowing for fair wear and tear. An Inventory will be supplied;

6.3.  not use without permission any furniture which has not been supplied by the College;

6.4.  not move any of the Furnishings belonging to the College out of the Room;

6.5.  observe fire and health and safety regulations and not interfere with the fire-fighting equipment; not bring in to the Room any form of supplementary heating or cooking equipment; not have candles in the room; not store any flammable or dangerous substances in the Building;

6.6.  observe the College’s electrical regulations as stated in the College Handbook, and produce evidence of testing of electrical appliances brought into College if required to do so; not overload or misuse electrical or other services supplied to the Room;

6.7.  not keep any pets in the Room or Building;

6.8.  not use any method other than picture hooks or where a suitable pin board is provided, drawing pins to hang pictures or posters and the like in the Room; in particular, you use at your own risk any form of temporary or permanent adhesive such as Sellotape or Blu-tac or the like which may damage decorations;

6.9.  not carry out any decoration, maintenance or alterations to the Room; not change the lock or install additional locks to the door of the Room; not duplicate keys without permission from the Bursary;

6.10.  not use the Room or any other part of the College’s premises to which you have access in such a way as to cause damage to the Room or premises or as to cause annoyance (by late-night noise for example) or danger to other occupiers;

6.11.  ensure that the Room is kept locked at all times when it is not occupied;

6.12.  report any damage, loss or malfunction to the Bursary in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable;

6.13.  connect only to the nominated telephone service provider;

6.14.  comply with all reasonable and lawful regulations made by the College from time to time in respect of your occupancy of the Room; and

6.15.  ensure that at the end of the Licence Period the Room and the Furnishings in it are in a clean and tidy condition and that all of your personal belongings are removed from the College

7.  The College has the right:

7.1.  to enter and inspect the Room (on giving reasonable notice to you of its intention to do so except in the event of an emergency when no notice is required) and carry out cleaning or other work to the Room, the Furnishings and to the Building;

7.2.  to require you at any time during the currency of this Licence Agreement to move to any other room in the Building or other College Property at the College’s sole discretion; and

7.3.  to require you to reimburse the College for the costs of making good any damage to the Room and Furnishings which you have caused or allowed to occur and to reimburse the College for the cost of any cleaning, maintenance or repair work which the College has had to undertake as a result of any breach by you of this Licence Agreement

8.  The College will

8.1.  insure the College Property and the Furnishings for loss or damage by fire and such other risks as are deemed necessary by the College;

8.2.  provide without additional charge water, gas and electricity (other than to Rooms which are fitted with coin meters for electricity) to the Building; provide heating during winter months as in the opinion of the College may be necessary; and hot water throughout the Licence Period;

8.3.  maintain the walls, floors and windows of the communal area in the Building in a clean condition; ensure shared areas are cleaned regularly; remove refuse from the Room and communal areas in the Building;

8.4.  repair the domestic appliances provided in the communal areas in the Building where repair results from fair wear and tear, and replace any that become worn out.

9.  You are responsible for all of your possessions which you send or bring to or leave at College or on the College Property. The College does not accept liability for any loss or damage, however caused to any of your possessions which you send or bring to or which you leave at College or in the College Property.

10.  By signing this agreement, you are also agreeing to comply with the University rules and guidelines relating to IT facilities. Full details can be found here:http://www.ict.ox.ac.uk/oxford/rules/.

Signed on behalf of the College Signed by the Licensee


Date: 04 December 2014 Date

