Mossman State School will receive / $ 74 170
It is anticipated that the Great Results Guarantee will be only 1 page in length.
This funding will be used too Guarantee that every student will either:
o Achieve NMS in literacy and numeracy NAPLAN or
o Have an evidence based Individual Curriculum Plan [ICP] to address their specific learning needs
o Increase Year 3 students reaching NMS NAPLAN Reading from 87% in 2014 to 90% in 2015
o Increase the number of Year 3 students in the U2B in NAPLAN Reading from 17% in 2014 to 20% by 2015
o Increase our P-3 students who achieve Regional Benchmarks in PM from:
o Prep - PM 9 [42% in 2014 to 60% in 2015]
o Year 1 - PM 19 [52% in 2014 to 70% in 2015]
o Year 2 – PM 23 [58% in 2014 to 70% in 2015]
o Year 3 – PM 25 [66% in 2014 to 75% in 2015]
o Have 75% of our P-2 students achieve Regional Benchmarks in PM and sightwords in 2015:
o Prep - PM 9 and [100 sightwords]
o Year 1 - PM 19 and [200 sightwords]
o Year 2 – PM 25 and [500 sightwords]
o Have 25% of P-2 students reach stretch targets in reading of: PM 12 [Prep]; PM 22 [Year 1]; PM 27 [Year 2] in 2015.
Our strategy will be to
o Implement a structured, whole-school approach to the teaching of reading including modeled, shared and guided reading every day in Grade P-6 [Evidence: Bayetto Big 6; OFSTED Reading by Six 2010; Rose Report]
o Align “blending, segmenting and tracking” consolidations with instruction [Evidence: Fleming]
o Purchase resources to support explicit instruction in reading [Fitzroys, Guided Readers, CAFÉ Menu] [Evidence: Archer and Hughes 2011; Hollingsworth and Ybarra 2009]
o Introduce a P-2 Phonological Awareness Program [Evidence: The Rose Report, 2006; Bayetto (Big 6)]
o Introduce a whole-school vocab program [Bayetto (Big 6)]
o Continue to build teacher capability by employing a literacy coach to work with teachers modelling, coaching, giving feedback and providing professional development [Evidence: Hattie 2008]
o Continue to support Homework Program at Mossman Gorge through purchase of site licences of literacy program/s
o Extend before-school Reading Club with resources, incentives, professional development of staff
o Align before-school reading club program, home reading program and classroom reading program
o Monitor reading data of all students 5-weekly and identified students fortnightly
o Continue to implement school-wide approach to reading intervention:
o Identify P-6 students at risk of not meeting benchmarks
o Develop and implement reading intervention program
o Fortnightly meetings to monitor for progress
o Purchase teacher/teacher aide hours to provide intensive intervention in reading
o Utilise cluster Master Teacher position to support whole-school writing strategy
o Continue to incorporation of school-readiness programs [eg. Teaching of phonics and early print concepts] into the Ngamu and Kankal Playgroup based at school
Our school will improve student outcomes by
o Purchasing physical resources [guided readers, Fitzroys, 7 Steps] to support explicit instruction in reading / $ 4 170
o Purchasing teacher aide / teacher time for intensive reading intervention / $ 30 000
o Build teacher capability through employing a literacy/numeracy coach @ 0.2 / $ 40 000
Randal Smith
Mossman State School / Dr Jim Watterston
Department of Education, Training and Employment