Treasurer role text

Do you have the skills and interest in becoming HCPRE’s Honorary Treasurer?

Our current Treasurer, Peter Louis, has given stalwart service to the Branch but has to step back due to ill health. Therefore we are looking to recruit Peter’s successor as soon as practically possible.

The main tasks of the role are:

·  Monthly
- The Treasurer is one of a number of signatories to the Branch's accounts and has day to day control / oversight of accounts.
- To make payments independently – to a set limit, previously agreed by Trustees, (payments over that amount to be presented for approval by Trustees) - and in conjunction with others, to discharge the financial obligations of the Branch
- To keep records of balances, receipts and payments , reconciling these with monthly bank statements.
-The Treasurer provides a monthly report to Trustees, usually coinciding with the monthly Executive meetings.

·  Yearly
- To prepare end of year accounts and submit them to our external examiner.
- This to be undertaken in time for approval by the Trustees and subsequent submission to the Membership for approval at the yearly AGM.
- To action the yearly standing order for Branch Administrator, following yearly review.

·  As required
- To be the main branch contact for the Charity Commission: to submit Branch accounts in accordance with Commission requirements.
- To ensure all Charity details are up to date with the Commission, including a list of Trustees.

Hours per week – variable but approx. 5-10 hours per month.

Whilst interest from an accountancy background would be useful, this is not essential.

·  Good numeracy & communication skills

·  Ability to keep simple spread sheets on Microsoft Excel or similar software

·  Internet/email access – to track payments & stay in touch with the Branch

·  Good organisation skills

Support & training.

·  Peter has kindly agreed to offer mentorship to his successor. Software is available to aid in the role.

·  Volunteer training @ National office

If you may be interested in taking on this important role please email or telephone Richard Williams for more information: 01432 851438


Advertising opportunities.

Opportunity / Text / Role / Actioned by
Email to members /
text above for agreement by Trustees / Admin – completed 23.11.16
Branch website / Admin – completed 29.11.16
HVOSS / Admin – ready to action
REACH / TG - ready to action
Association of Chartered Accountants / Admin to create an account – completed 30.11.16. Ready to action
Other options i.e. approach local banks?