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Módulo 4 En casa
/Unidad 1 pp62-63 ¿Dónde vives?
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Talking about your home and saying where it is
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7W8 (Finding meanings).
Starters / Starter 1: Alphabetical order race (Reordering vocabulary relating to homes against the clock)
Starter 2: Verb revision (Translating verbs in English sentences – practising conjugation of vivir)
Plenary / Classifying vocabulary by type of language
Grammar / present tense of vivir (all forms)
(Programmes of Study) / 1b apply grammar
1c range of vocabulary
2c ask and answer questions / 2c, 3b
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1-2 / Listen and identify statements describing the buildings and places where people live / 1a, 2a
Speaking / AT2/2-3 / Asking and answering questions about where you live, discussing buildings and places where other people live / 1b, 1c, 2c, 3a
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Identify where people live from short texts, decide if sentences are true or false / 2b, 2d
Writing / AT4/2-3 / Write a paragraph about where you and some other people live / 3b
Key language / ¿Dónde vives?
Vivo/Vives/Vive en … una casa, un piso (en un bloque moderno/antiguo), un chalet, una granja
Vivimos en un piso en el centro de la ciudad.
Está en…las afueras, el/un barrio, el campo, el centro, la montaña, la/una ciudad, la costa, el/un pueblo
el este, el norte, el oeste, el sur
ICT Opportunities / Microsoft Excel: survey (ex. 1b & 3a) + produce pie charts or bar graphs, TG p. 91
ICT Pack: Activity 1, record questions and answers about where you live
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, p. 35
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 10
Flashcards 30-34: types of home
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Módulo 4 En casa
/ Unidad 2 pp64-65 ¿Cómo es tu casa? / Activity no.Learning objectives / Describing your house
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7S6 (Compound sentences); 7S8 (Punctuation); 7S9 (Using simple sentences); 7T2 (Reading aloud).
Starters / Starter 1: Squashed sentences (Insert spaces and punctuation into sentences relating to homes)
Starter 2: Shrink-me sentences (Deleting words to find the essential part of a sentence)
Plenary / Grow-me sentences – embellishing basic sentences about homes with adjectives, adverbs and connectives.
Grammar / muy/bastante + adjective
(Programmes of Study) / 1c range of vocab
2c ask and answer questions
5c express opinions / 1a,1b,1c
2b, 3c
3c, 3d
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2-3 / Listen to check information, repeat phrases correctly, match information about houses to pictures / 1b, 1c, 2a
Speaking / AT2/2-4 / Ask and answer questions about different types of house / 2b, 3c
Reading and responding / AT3/2-4 / Match short sentences to pictures of houses, answer true or false questions on texts about houses / 1a, 3a, 3b
Writing / AT4/3-4 / Write a description of your house adapting the example given / 3d
Key language / ¿Cómo es tu casa/piso?
Mi casa es muy/bastante grande. Mi piso es antiguo.
Mi chalet es de tres plantas. Mi casa es adosada.
Mi piso es pequeño. ¿De cuántas plantas es?
¿Te gusta? (No) Me/Le gusta porque es moderno/a.
acogedor(a), grande, antiguo/a, adosado/a, moderno/a, nuevo/a, bonito/a, pequeño/a, reformado/a, cómodo/a
¿Cuántas plantas/habitaciones tiene?
Tiene cinco habitaciones.
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: Activity 2, design an advertisement for a house or flat
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, p. 36
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 11
Flashcards 30-34: types of home
¡Listos! 1
Módulo 4 En casa
/ Unidad 3 pp66-67 El plano de mi casa / Activity no.Learning objectives / Describing the rooms in your house
Framework objectives / Part-Launch: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)).Launch:7W7 (Learning about words).Reinforcement: 7T6 (Texts as prompts); 7L5 (Spontaneous talk).
Starters / Starter 1: Missing vowels (Completing words for rooms of the house)
Starter 2:La casa de Jennifer López(Memory game in the style of ‘I went to market and I bought…’: Fui a al casa de J-Lo y vi (ocho dormitories, etc ))
Plenary / Two pupils summarise what they have learnt during the lesson
Grammar / hay vs tiene
definite articles (el/la/los/las)
indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas)
(Programmes of Study) / 1a sounds and writing
5f use language creatively
2a listen for gist / 1b, 3a
2a, 3b
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1-3 / Listen and note different rooms in a house, matching descriptions of rooms in a house to picture, identify people and the floor on which they live / 1a, 1b, 2a, 3a, 3b
Speaking / AT2/2-3 / Asking and answering questions about rooms different houses, talking about which floor people live on / 1c, 2b, 3c
Reading and responding / AT3 / /
Writing / AT4/2–4 / Complete a given text about rooms in a house, describe your ideal house / 4a, 4b
Key language / En mi casa/piso hay ... En la planta baja hay ...
El la primera planta hay ... En el jardín hay ...
aseo(s), pasillo(s), cocina(s), salón/salones, comedor(es), salón-comedor(es), (cuarto de) baño, garaje(s), despacho(s), escalera(s), jardín/jardines, dormitorio(s), terraza(s)
¿Dónde vive? Vive en la primera planta
el sótano, la planta baja, la primera planta, la segunda planta, la tercera planta, la cuarta planta, la quinta planta
Tiene un ático/un ascensor/un sótano.
ICT Opportunities / Internet search followed by word-processing or desk top publishing project writing about houses, TG p. 98
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, p. 37
Te toca a ti A, p. 123 (ex.1); Te toca a ti B, p. 123 (ex. 1)
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 12
R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 1, p. 56
Flashcards 35-44: rooms in the home
OHTs 17 & 18
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Módulo 4 En casa
/Unidad 4 pp68-69 Mi dormitorio
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Describing your bedroom
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7W6 (Letters and sounds); 7C4 (Stories and songs).
Starters / Starter 1:¿Qué soy yo? (Pupils guess the item of bedroom furniture from your description)
Starter 2: Accents and pronunciation (Pronounce and insert missing accents on words relating to bedroom furniture)
Plenary / Recap on prepositions: play ¿Dónde está el caramelo?
Grammar / prepositions: delante (de), encima (de) …etc.
(Programmes of Study) / 1a apply grammar
1c range of vocabulary / 3b, 3c
1d, 2b, 4b
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1– 4 / Listen and note bedroom items in the correct order, listen to song and answer question in Spanish / 1a, 1b, 2a, 4a
Speaking / AT2/1–2 / Ask and answer questions about bedroom items and what there is in your bedroom, use prepositions to tell a partner where to move their hands / 1c, 1d, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/2-4 / Read text and draw a plan of items in a bedroom and their location, answer true/false questions about the text / 3a, 3b
Writing / AT4/2–4 / Correct false sentences about a bedroom, describe your bedroom / 3c, 4b
Key language / debajo (de), delante (de), detrás (de), encima (de), entre, a la derecha (de), a la izquierda (de), al lado (de)
¿Qué hay en tu dormitorio?
En mi dormitorio hay una cama.
la/una alfombra, la/una mesa, el/un armario, el/un ordenador,la/una cama, la/una pared, las cortinas, los/unos pósters,
el/un equipo de música, la/una puerta, las/unas estanterías, la/una silla, la/una lámpara, la/una televisión, el/un lavabo, la/una ventana, la/una librería
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: Activity 3, describe the colour scheme in a bedroom
ICT Pack: Activity 4, create a poster to teach two prepositions
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, pp. 38 & 43 (ex. 1)
Te toca a ti A, p. 122 (exs. 2a, 2b)
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 13
Song, PB p. 69
R&A File, Hojas de trabajo2-4, pp. 57-59
OHTs 19 & 20
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Módulo 4 En casa
/ Unidad 5 pp70-71 Por la mañana / Activity no.Learning objectives / Talking about your morning routine
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7W2 (High-frequency words); 7S1 (Typical word order); 7T2 (Reading aloud); 7L1 (Sound patterns).
Starters / Starter 1: Noughts and crosses (Practising numbers 1-30 / telling the time)
Starter 2: Back-to-front sentences (Recognising sentences relating to daily routine on a back-to-front OHT)
Plenary / Throw-and-catch game to practise asking questions about daily routine.
Grammar / reflexive verbs: levantarse, despertarse, vestirse etc.
(Programmes of Study) / 1b apply grammar
1c range of vocabulary
2d initiate and develop conversations / 2, 6
5, 6
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1-2 / Listen and order pictures of routine activities, note the time when activities are done / 1a, 1b, 3
Speaking / AT2/1–2 / Explain your daily routine, ask and answer questions about when you do different things / 2, 4
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Look at picture and choose the sentences which describe it / 5
Writing / AT4/4 / Write sentences about what you do on mornings during the weekend / 6
Key language / ¿A qué hora te despiertas/levantas/duchas/vistes/peinas/lavas los dientes/desayunas?
¿A qué hora desayunas?
Me despierto/levanto/ducho/visto/peino/lavo los dientes/desayuno a las siete.
No me despierto temprano.
Me levanto tarde/temprano.
(No) Desayuno.
Primero me ducho y me visto.
No me peino, pero me lavo los dientes.
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: Activity 5, listen to information about daily routine and note down key information
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuaderno A, pp. 39 & 43 (ex. 2)
Cuarderno B, pp. 39 & 43 (exs. 2-3)
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 14
R&A File, Grammar, p. 60
Flashcards 45-51: morning routine
OHTs 21 & 22
¡Listos! 1
Módulo 4 En casa
/ Unidad 6 pp72-73 Por la tarde / Activity no.Learning objectives / Talking about what you do after school
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7T3 (Checking before reading); 7T4 (Using resources); 7L6 (Improving speech).
Starters / Starter 1: Odd one out (Looking closely at verbs used in daily routine language)
Starter 2: Vowel combinations (Pronouncing words containing the vowel stringsie, io. ia, ue, ua)
Plenary / Discuss different approaches to reading exercises
Grammar / reflexive verbs: acostarse, divertirse
(Programmes of Study) / 1b apply grammar
2f adapt learned language / 1d, 2b
1a, 1c, 2a
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Listen and check answers to matching activity (phrases matched to photos) / 1b
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask and answer questions about after-school routine / 1d
Reading and responding / AT3/2-4 / Read and match sentences about daily routine to photos, match questions to answers, answer true/false questions on a letter about daily routine / 1a, 1c, 2a
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Write a reply to a letter answering questions about daily routine / 2b
Key language / ¿Comes en el instituto o en casa?
Como en casa a la una.
¿A qué hora meriendas/cenas? Meriendo/Ceno a las …
¿Cuándo haces los deberes? Hago los deberes a las … / ¡Me divierto con mis amigos!
¿Qué haces después de cenar? Después de cenar, veo la televisión
¿A qué hora te acuestas? Me acuesto a las once.
ICT Opportunities / E-mail: e-mail to a Spanish person following ex. 2b, TG p. 108
ICT Pack: Activity 6, write about your evening routine
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, pp. 40-42, p. 44
Te toca a ti A, p. 122 (ex. 1)
Te toca a ti B, p. 123 (ex. 2, 3)
¡Extra!, PB, pp. 76-77
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 15
R&A File, Skills 1, p. 61
OHTs 21 & 22