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Epsilon Sigma Alpha Virginia

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Susan's Gingersnaps

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method


3/4 Cup Shortening

1 Cup Brown Sugar

¼ Cup Molasses

1 each Egg—room temperature

2-¼ Cups All-purpose flour

2 Teaspoons Baking Soda

½ Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Ground Ginger

1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

½ Teaspoon Ground Cloves

Preheat oven 375°

1. Cream together first 4 ingredients until fluffy

2. Sift together dry ingredients and stir into molasses mixture

3. Form into small balls NOTE: I use a small scoop to make consistent-sized cookies.

4. Roll in granulated sugar

5. Place 2 inches apart on greased cookie sheet

6. Bake in moderate oven (375°) about 10 minutes. NOTE: I bake for less than 10 minutes—about 8 minutes or so (Depends on your oven)

7. Cool slightly; remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack

Makes about 3-5 dozen.

NOTE: I often prepare through step 3 and place small balls on cookie sheets and place in freezer. After small balls are frozen, place in zip-lock bag. When ready to bake, remove balls from freezer, thaw, and then proceedwith steps 4-7.

President’s Report—Susan Caldwell

Hey, hey VSC,

Are you lighting your spark? Hope so! New members? New ideas? New projects?

If you couldn’t attend the Fall VSC Meeting, you missed out on our “Spark” parade celebrating three—count ‘em three--new VSC members and our many accomplishments. Hope we can repeat the parade at the March meeting celebrating even more new members!


Debbie Langfitt, Lou Ann Wyer, and Barb Smith celebrate our three new members!

Lighting our Sparks!

Susie, Lynne and Eveleen found new members!

Marie, Susie (hidden) Susan, Eveleen, Lynne, and Carol

Our “Flame” P-nut!

PPA LEADERSHIP“Spark Your Individuality”—Brenda Orebaugh and Beverley Wright


Ghosts of MontgomeryHall Life Planning Get Your Ducks in a Row

Debbie Gregory Logo Mary Ann Stripling


“Easy” Craft “Harder” Craft “Hardest” Craft

Making a Gift Bag Making a Boo Boo Bear Making an apron from a t-shirt


  • Brenda Orebaugh and Beverley Wright for such an amazing PPA Leadership!
  • Sigma Chi for the invitation to the “Shower for Easter Seals”

Unfortunately, I can’t attend as my Grandson Charlie’s 5th Birthday happens on the same day. “Gammy” can’t disappoint him! Can’t wait to see the pictures!

  • Theta Mu for the invitation to their Zombie Halloween Party

Again same date as Charlie’s party-- I am so disappointed that I can’t attend because you know I LOVE costumes. The pictures will be ghoulish I am sure!

  • St. Jude Walk Volunteers, Donators, and Fundraisers
  • VSC Members bought into “Light That Spark” as we volunteered and raised monies for the Kids of St. Jude Don’t think that the St. Jude Walks would be successes without ESA Members! Don’t you agree? You all ROCK!!

Richmond Area ESA Members

P-nut, Carol, Sonny, Beth, Marie, Susan, Marie, Andrea, Betty Nicole, Judi, and Eveleen


Just learned that Jamie Atchison, Past International Council President, will be our IC Council Representative to our VSC Convention 2017 Winchester, VA Please email greetings to Jamie at Show her how excited the VSC is about her visit!


  • Easter Seals Shower--Send a gift card or an item from the Easter Seals Wish list to Sigma Chi Chapter
  • SERC Conference--Register for the SERC Conference 2016 Glen Allen VA You still have time DEADLINE October 12--Form posted on VSC Website—SERC Tab
  • Badge Holder—Bring your name badge holder given to VSC members at IC Convention Norfolk—I have extras for each VSC member who will need the holder.
  • Apron—Bring your IC Convention Norfolk blue apron to SERC Conference to wear to identify the VSC Volunteers
  • Gift Cards and Decorations—Bring gift cards and small decorations for the VSC State Wreath that we’re decorating for the SERCC Conference—Not attending? Send them by a chapter member
  • Big Goal—Come up with your “Big Goal” and email your goal to Jamie Hafer, VSC Educational Director at

PERKY PILLOWS—Sue Stone’s Project

Just a sneak peek of Sue’s project that she’ll share at the VSC March meeting--You don’t want to miss her presentation!


Got pictures??

Email your event pictures to

Sure would love to have a picture of Officer Jeff Hylton, Staunton Police Department!!

Thanks to Alpha Nu (Theresa) and Theta Mu for emailing pictures to me for my electronic scrapbook.

Please send pictures of your events and meetings. I can “steal” some pictures from FB and ESA Virginia FB page but would prefer original pictures. If you know how to “rename” the picture, please do so. If you don’t know how, perhaps this would be a good technology educational for our next meeting


Spring Meeting - March 25, 2017

"Ignite your Imagination -Let the Sparks Fly"

Be creative - bring something that makes your chapter happy!!!!

Finance Committee 2016-2017

Betty Cason, Jane Harris, and Millie Simmons



12—Deadline-- Registration SERC Conference 2016 Virginia without increased price

12—Deadline--Hotel Room Block Release SERC Conference 2016 Virginia


3—SERC Conference Thursday Night Event St. Jude Workshop & Bunko

4-5—SERC Conference, Glen Allen, VA

14—Deadline--President’s Newsletter



15—Deadline Lamplighter Articles


TBD--IC Leadership

13—Deadline--President’s Newsletter Articles

MARCH 2017

17—Deadline--Electronic Files to VSC Recording Secretary Debbie Langfitt

25—VSC Spring Meeting, Winchester, VA

APRIL 2017

15—Deadline--Lamplighter Articles

MAY 2017

19-21—VSC Convention, Winchester, VA

JUNE 2017

17—VSC Summer Meeting

JULY 2017

15-23--IC Convention, St. Louis, MO


See y’all at SERC Conference!!

ESA Hugs,
