Year 7 R.E. Assignment – The Liturgical Year

Team Members: Liturgical Season: ______
  1. ______Task Assigned: ______
  2. ______Task Assigned: ______
  3. ______Task Assigned: ______
  4. ______Task Assigned: ______
  5. ______Task Assigned: ______

Working with 4 or 5 other students, your task is:

Prepare a time of prayer and reflection (a ritual) which both teaches your peers attend, about one season of the Church’s year and celebrates the gifts of that season.

You need to book and commit to a time ( ) when your group will be rostered for class prayer.


  • Prepare a sacred space into which your peers are welcomed – (we may be using the Chapel)
  • Have an obvious beginning (music or prayer or action)
  • Explain the meaning of the season and include the colours, symbols and signs of that season, e.g. We gather to reflect on the season of … It is a season during which we are invited to …
  • Create some way in which people can respond in prayer or action
  • End the time of prayer thanksgiving for people as they leave the sacred space. eg. ‘God, our Father, …………………………………………. . For this we thank you. Amen.’
  • The period after your prayer, hand in an individual evaluation of your own and your group’s work

Things about which to think!

The season needs thorough research before you can even start to create a ritual – your textbook, classroom notes, internet search (be careful with this latter one as there is a lot of questionable information in cyber-space – ask for help in finding appropriate sites)

Would music add something to the atmosphere you are trying to create?

Is there a hymn or a song that suits the season of the year you are celebrating?

The group needs to have a learning goal.

Learning Goal:

Understand the Season of ______.

Why does the Church celebrate the Season of ______.

Inform about the Season its ______& ______.

  1. Opening Prayer:

As we gather today and reflect on the season of ______. We ask God to be here with us now. We call for the Holy Spirit to inspire us with wisdom and peace.

The season of ______is a time when we reflect on ______. We prepare ourselves by ______. With the symbols of ______and actions of ______we pray that we may grow stronger in faith and be a leading example of goodness in the world.


  1. Meaning and Explanation of Season

We gather to reflect on the season of ______It is a season during which we are invited to ______. The actions and symbols remind us and encourage us to reflect on ______.

  1. Sacred Action/Symbols

Include some symbols and actions that help us to reflect on the liturgical season your team is preparing.

  1. Closing Prayer

God, our Heavenly Father,



………………………………… For this we thank You.

St Joseph: Guide us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: Pray for us

+ In the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Will your music be live or pre-recorded? What technology will you need to access to provide music?

How will you create the space for prayer given the limited time (hint: you will need to be well-organised, have all the materials you require before that period and arrange get to the room before the lesson begins.

Each member of the group needs to have an obvious involvement in the prayer.

  1. Complete the individual reflection

Now that you have presented your Liturgical Cycle Celebration you are asked to write a reflection about your experience.

Here is a list of what you may wish to include in your personal reflection –

1-Your work together as a group in class – cooperation/involvement… Did you use the time to prepare well?

2-Time in the Chapel – your presentation – Was it organized?

3-What worked? What can I do next time to improve?

4-What is something I have learnt that I won’t forget? [Memorable]

5-Something I enjoyed

6-Prayer time

7-Reflect on my Learning Goal (personal learning and Peer learning goal)

200 words reflection

Name: ______

Individual Reflection.

Criteria / Max 2 / Max 3 / Max 4 / Max 5
Information within the presentation is accurate / Most facts provided are accurate and an unsatisfactory amount of detail has been provided. / Most facts provided are accurate and a satisfactory amount of detail has been provided. / All facts provided are accurate and a satisfactory amount of detail has been provided. / All facts provided are accurate and include relevant and informative detail.
Prayer is thoughtful and relevant / Prayer was rushed and/or not relevant to liturgical season / Prayer was relevant to liturgical season but did not show depth of understanding of the season / Prayer was relevant and showed some quality understanding of the season / Prayer was relevant and showed excellent understanding of the season and its purpose
Presentation is clear and creative / Preparation was poor therefore presentation was not creative or entertaining. / Ritual was creative, entertaining and original. The ritual was well organised and flowed well but there was some issues / Ritual was creative, entertaining and original. The ritual was well organised and flowed well but there was minor issues / Ritual was creative, entertaining and original. The ritual was well organised and had a natural flow
Working in groups
(individual evaluation is essential to this criteria) / Not all group members contributed consistently to the preparation and the ritual. / Most members were involved in preparation and the ritual. Collaboration amongst the group was obvious. / All members were involved in preparation and the ritual. Collaboration amongst the group was clearly obvious. / All members were involved in preparation and the ritual. Collaboration amongst the group was obvious and effective.
Individual reflection was vague and no mention of learning goals and only looked at 2 out of 7 key points. / Reflection was slightly though through – it only included 3 out of 7 key points. / Reflection was clear and evidence of personal evaluation with 3-4 guidelines included out of 7 key points. / Reflection was well thought through, clear and well presented with evidence of some changes that may work better in other presentations. 5 guidelines included out of 7 key points. / Reflection was relevant and shows excellent analysis of the task. Changes suggestions and reflecting of learning goals with reference to all 7 key points.

Total Mark: / 25