Bobby Gunther Walsh interview of Paul Topete - 7/30/2010
BW: And, for about the next 10-12 minutes, we're going to have Paul Topete on here. He is the lead singer of the band Poker Face that's, uh, caused some controversy in several different instances; uh, recently when Jake Towne, an Independent candidate for Congress, had them booked. And, uhh uhh, the Anti-Defamation League said that they were anti-Semitic among other things and we talked to Charie Dent about that issue. He actually ... Charlie brought it up. And, then we talked to, uh, Jake Towne about it, and then we thought, well, let's talk to the band Poker Face. So, joining me on the phone, Paul Topete, the lead singer of Poker Face. How you doing there, sir?
PT: Good morning, Bobby.
BW: Good morning.
PT: I was listening to you for the last half an hour about the illegal immigration, uh, problem.
BW: mm hmm
PT: Uh, you would be labeled a xenophobe and anti-immigrant by the ADL like they call us, so, interesting.
BW: Well, no, I don't know that's true because I think that, uh, there's some people on the left that want to vilify everybody on the right. But, I think that, uh, when you have, um, I think it's 78 or 77% of the American public who crosses all party lines, etc, that do not want illegal immigration. So, I'm not quite sure that's, uh,an accurate statement. But, listen, um, some of the stuff that you're credited with saying is kind of, um, uh, really interesting. I don'tknow what else to say. Like, for example, it says in ... there's one of your songs ... well, you fee, uh ... well, where do you stand on, on .. uh .. on ... Are you anti-Semitic? I mean you ... one of your
things you are, according to this, uh uh , this website here, you are credited with saying that, uh, Zionists and Judo-Masons murdered John F. Kennedy and then LBJ put the full backing of the U.S. government behind Israel. The uh 9-11 attacks were part of a long term U.S. government plan to steal individual liberty ... um ... You also go in ... talking ... there's, there's even more stuff that's, that's anti-Semitic like the slave trade was all, had to do with the, the, theJews. This is an interview that you did. Remember all the isms of 500 years came and grew out of the the Sabbatean Jewish mindset. What say you? What, what is your ... are you being taken out of context there?
PT: Well, the charges that we're anti-Semitic, uh, that we hate Jews is an outright lie. And, the ADL knows that. Even the Morning Call knows that because they recently did an interview with us with John Moser and one of my, uh, closest Jewish American brothers by the name of Mr.Weinstein.
BW: mm hmm
PT: And, uh, he thought he was going to go down the anti-Semitic path, and then my brother, you know, Mr Weinstein said Paul's not anti-Semitic and I have a problem with you guys in the papers continuing to lambaste him on this issue.
BW: Alright, it, it's ... you ... did, did you say it is "the" Satanic Jews and Rosicrucian goyim henchman that need to be erased from our planet. They're a cancer that's destroying all humanity?
PT: umm, well the Satanic Jews, does it mean including all Jews? No, it's being very specific with a dark cult of people and that includes Christians that are, you know, Satanists, or supposedly Christians, or ... You know, there's evil in this world, Bobby. You see it every day ... you know ...
BW: Alright, well, there's stuff like your, you have a song that talks ... I'm, I'm, I'm going all over the place. There's all kind of ... uh, uh ... uh
PT: Go for it.
BW: Well, I'm trying to find some of them here that talk about killing cops, kill the lawyers, kill the judges, we're coming for you, we're watching you ... that's uh, those are lyrics in one of your songs
PT: No, and they're not. OK.
BW: They're not, huh?
PT: So, thank you for letting me address this. OK. The line that the ADL has taken out of context is in the song called "Losing My Mind." And, it starts by saying "it's time to hunt bankers and the judges
and lawyers." And, they forget this part, "who are whores too." The next line: "the same for officials." And, they drop this part out: "who violate the golden rule. Now, you know we've got our eyes on you, so, you better do things right, or we'll hang you from the highest trees while be party through the night." And, please tell me how that's any different than what our forefathers said at the time of the Revolutionary War.
BW: Well
PT: It's for treason
BW: But, you're s.. see that's the ... then the group that got arrested, what was it in Michigan was playing your songs ... uh ... on their CD player when they were arrested or something ... and they were planning to ... cause you're saying we're going to hunt you. Do you think that you, you uh you, you, you're website says that your a
Christian group who believe in the founding ff princ uh ... founding principles of our founding fathers and ... uh, that you're, you're a Christian group and all that. What's Christian about saying you're going to hunt people and hang them?
PT: Well, brother, if they're criminals, umm, don't we hunt criminals? So, how's that lexicon any different than what is, is told to us that is in the daily press everyday? They're hunting the criminals. They're hunting the bad guy.
BW: nah, That's taking life at ... you sound ... your lyrics are encouraging people to do it themselves, it sounds like. And, it also seems like, uh, besides encouraging them to do it yourself, it's like your, it's vigilanteism.
PT: Well, when you have people like Dent saying that we want to kill cops, we take offense to that because there's nowhere in our lyrics that say anything like that.
BW: Well, it's just
PT: ... would like Dent to apologize for saying things that are out of context and not true.
BW: ummmmm ... I'm, I, I need to, uh, just, I got so many links here that people sent me that they're not happy with, with, uh ... uhhhhhh ... your stuff that I got to dig them out here as I go along. Let me see. Here's the one on, uhhh, see the Revolution International. Let's see. The Revolution International blogspot. OK, here we go. Uh, this is an interview you did with Revolution International, did you not?
PT: Um, with Mad? Yes. Go Ahead.
BW: Well, it does ... So, you don't feel that saying we're going to cu ... that we're ummmm .... Wow. We have sick blank running amok amongst our political and policing and judicial system. There needs to be a cleansing from the top to bottom. And, and you don't feel like that is inciting violence or non-Christian.
PT: ummm, heh, heh, you know what is inciting violence are rap lyrics that actually say we need to pop a cap in a, a cop's ass. And, we have nothing close to that. But, yet, we're not signed to a major label. We're a little band out of Bethlehem that have forefathers type lyrics because of the condition of tyranny that's rampant throughout thisland. And, our politicians have used excuses like the war on terrorism to pass laws like the Patriot Act,
BW: OK, here ...
PT: to pass the 2007 Militarization Act, to pass the Domestic Terrorist laws in 2008 to make criminals of us all.
BW: OK, here's, here, we're labeled ... this is a quote, supposedly from you. Tell me if it is. We're labeled haters, racists, supremacist, anti-Semites for just saying and posting the truth about the Holo-blank, meaning, and you, there's a, there's a expletive in there. The domination of the African slave trade into the new world by
Jewish merchants. Israel and Neo-cons were behind 9-11 events. And, on it goes. Do you bel... act ... actually believe that the slave trade was Jew, Jews doing that?
PT: uh, well, if you look into the Carnegie, uh, historical documents, yeah. If you look at the, um, names of the boats and who owned them, yes. OK. Go to Look at our forum board. Get your learn on.
BW: ummm, now how long have ... go, going backwards here, how long have you known, uh, Jake Towne?
PT: Oh, it would have to be within this, you know, this past year. He's been campaigning hard.
BW: And, so, have you known him a year, or 2 months, or 2 days?
PT: I don't know. Uh, probably like a few months. Uh, he's the only non ... uh, how would you say it, um ... he's the only one that's not owned by a criminal cartel. You have, uh, Dent that's run by Asher, and you have Callahan that's run by Adler [Editor's note: should have been Adelson of Sands Casino].
BW: So ...
PT: He's the only ... Go ahead.
BW: OK. So, you, you, you knew him for more than a short time, and he knew what you were all about when he booked you.
PT: No, he didn't know what we were all about. Do you know what I'm all about, Bobby? You've known me for 10 years
BW: No, actually, I got to be honest with you, I, I realize that. I didn't .. I, I know you ... no, I don't know you 10 years. I only, I, I only associated with you one time when we went up to a hardware store together. But, I've known of you, and I've met you and shook your hand like once or twice. But I, to know you, no. I went to a hardware store with you and that's where I got to spend some amount of time with you. But, no, I didn't know this was any of the stuff you were talking about. You, you actually believe the Holocaust didn't happen?
PT: Uh, no, not that.
BW: Well, what do, what do you
PT: The Holocaust happened and many people died. What the problem is with the Holocaust is the ADL has gone to many Western governments around the world and passed hate crime laws, so that they could use it to stifle speech and thought on the issue of the Holocaust to the tune of 250,000 people are in jail for their thought crimes.
BW: Whoa, what, what is your problem, what's, what is your problem with Jews, specifically?
PT: Because, uh, what? What's my problem ... No, it's not the problem with Jews. It's problems with groups like the ADL who supposedly represent the Jews that do more damage to them. Like I said, Bobby, 250,000 people are in jail because of their thought crimes, because of speech crimes. And, that ...
BW: Where? Where ... where are you coming up with that number, Paul?
PT: Look into it, Bobby.
BW: No no no no no no no no. That doesn't fly. You guys make me ask tougher questions of Charlie Dent and Jake Towne. And, and then when they say something you, and everybody wants me to press them on it. You're ... I'm not going to let, let you get away with pulling a number like 250,000 out of your head. Where do you come up with that number?
PT: Because, we know people in jail, Bobby. And, they're in jail in Germany. They're in jail in Austria. They're in jail in Canada. They're in jail in Australia. We have friends that just got out of jail like Frederick Toben in Australia, like Ernst Zundel in Germany, for the crime of thought and speech. And, you as a broadcaster should
be very concerned because today it's just that issue. Tomorrow, it could be you can't bring up uh, O buh, Obummer. OK. And, they can put you in jail. And, if we're kind of angry on our board, it's because our friends are in jail. It's like if you were in jail because of your speech crime, or thought crime. Wouldn't you want your friends to be
upset about it?
BW: I, I, I, I, I, I, I got to tell you some of the stuff you say, you're, you, you're good at spinning, but, uh, when I hear you say ...
PT: It's not spin, Bobby, it's the truth.
BW: uh, you, uh, there's a clip on here, and I don't have time to play it. In essence, you, deh, beh, you say the Holocaust didn't happen. It's Rea, it's uh, Reason, uh, Radio, uh, Network, and you say the Holocaust didn't happen. Now, you're saying ...
PT: As it is, eh, as it is taught to us or as it is sold to us in the news or on our ... in our school systems, it's very different than what the facts bear out.
BW: well
PT: But, those people that are bearing out those facts are in jail ...
BW: So, what do you ...
PT: ... because they're not allowed to talk about it.
BW: So, what do you say really happened?
PT: What did I say really happened?
BW: in the Holocaust. Cause you say on this, I heard it, and I don't have time to play it, you say the Holocaust didn't happen. What do you say happened?
PT: I said that there is ... sigh ... millions of people that suffered during the second World War.
BW: Right
PT: Jews aren't the only ones that suffered. OK
BW: Yes, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
PT: Well, Bobby, if you have a difference of opinion on it than I do ...
BW: It's not a ...
PT: ... does that make, does that make me a criminal?
BW: No, I'm not saying it should make you criminal, but, I think ...
BW: ... that it's, it's, but it does, you say, you, some of the stuff you say is filled with anger and hate. You say you're, you profess to be Christian and it doesn't come off as Christian. Nothing about hanging bankers or ...
PT: Wait a minute, our forefathers were angry at the tyranny in this country. Christ was angry at the bankers in his Temple.
BW: uhh, yeah, but ...
PT: I am angry because I have friends in jail for thought and speech crimes.
BW: You don't hear any word, lyrics like Christ saying anything like you said about anybody.
PT: I'm not Christ, dude.
PT: And, in terms of knowing me, I, I was sitting in your ... uh, in your studio there for the gun right rally that we threw back in 2000 that you thought was so wonderful because we had 3500 people show up for it for the Rally in the Valley.
BW: no, I don't remember that, but, if you say we did, I'll say we did. OK, I don't remember, Paul. I don't remember everything I did with everybody, I don't.
BW: umm, alright. Well, hey, it's been interesting. um, folks if you want check out, I'm going to post some of the links, uh, on all that I've been sent that you guys can read and make your own decision. Uhh, you're still backing Jake Towne, yes?
PT: Well, he's the ... excuse me ... He's the only non owned mafia candidate out there. Yes.
BW: heh heh heh ... Alright, thanks, Paul. I can't even address that one. There's a mafia candidate, now. Alright, News Talk 790 WAEB.