11018 – 1458328 Child Care Request – Rises.

  1. Since 2003 please give a year by year breakdown of which CRIMINAL ACT a parent had contravened when committing a abuse/neglect against their child in order to justify the permanent removal of the child from the parent:

Children are only taken into care after a thorough assessment of their situation. While a criminal act by a parent may be a contributory factor, these would be considered alongside a range of factors that ensure the child's safety and wellbeing. It is not possible to provide year on year data for the criminal act contravened that led to a child being taken into care, as data is not recorded in this way. Even if this were possible, the numbers would be so low thatunder section 40 of the Actwe would not be able to publish the data due to the risk of identifying individuals.

Details of Criminal Acts are matters for the Police and the CPS.

The figures for Children coming into care from 2003

CIN Code 2009-10 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 163
N2 Disability (C) / 6
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 7
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 41
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 23
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 4
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 1
Total: / 245
CIN Code 2008-2009 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 102
N2 Disability (C) / 1
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 10
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 66
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 41
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 1
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 7
Total: / 228
CIN Code 2007-2008 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 91
N2 Disability (C) / 1
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 10
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 66
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 41
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 1
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 7
Total: / 217
CIN Code 2006-2007 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 90
N2 Disability (C) / 8
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 16
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 84
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 60
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 9
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 10
Total: / 277
CIN Code 2005-2006 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 94
N2 Disability (C) / 5
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 15
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 84
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 64
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 11
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 4
Total: / 277
CIN Code 2004-2005 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 95
N2 Disability (C) / 14
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 28
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 93
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 44
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 16
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 6
Total: / 296
CIN Code 2003-2004 / Total:
N1 Abuse or Neglect (C) / 113
N2 Disability (C) / 15
N3 Parental Illness or Disability (C) / 55
N4 Family in Acute Stress (C) / 92
N5 Family Dysfunction (C) / 48
N6 Socially Unacceptable Be'vr (C) / 18
N7 Low Income (C) / 5
N8 Absent Parenting (C) / 8
Total: / 354

Total of cases from 2003

/ 1894

1. Sexual Offences Act 1956

2. Mental Health Act 1959

3. Sexual Offences Act 2003

4. Children and Young Persons Act 1933

5. Infanticide Act 1938

6. Indecency with Children Act 1960

7. Sexual Offences Act 1967

8. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

9. Criminal Law Act 1977

10. Protection of Children Act 1978

11. Customs & Excise Management Act 1979

12. Mental Health Act 1983

13. Child Abduction Act 1984

14. Criminal Justice Act 1988

15. Sexual Offences (amendment) Act 2000

16. Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act 1982

17. Asylum and Immigration Act 2004

18. Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004

19. Mental Capacity Act 2005

Financial Estimate 1 To access information about parental offences [where recorded and relevant] would entail a reading of 1894 cases at a conservative estimate of 4 hours per case would equate to 7,576 hours @ £25.00 per hour £189,400.00

B. Where the parent has not been convicted of any criminal act incontravention of any of the above Acts please state what reason wasgiven to justify permanent removal of the child:

This could be accessed as per the quote for A, however where numbers are low under Section 40 of the Act we would not be able to release the information as this may identify the children and families involved.

1. Information from child's medical records

2. Information from Parent's medical records

3. Unsatisfactory Supervised Contact Reports

4. Unsatisfactory Psychological/Psychiatric Report

5. Parent not co-operating with Children's Services

6. Parent placing own needs above children's needs.

C. Of those parents identified in B2 please state if the information related to:

This could be accessed as per the quote for A, however where numbers are low under Section 40 of the Act we would not be able to release the information as this may identify the children and families involved.

1. Depression

2. Alcoholism

3. Illegal Drug Addiction

4. Prescription Drug Addiction

D. Of those parents identified in B4. Please state if the information related to:

1. Attachment disorder

2. Personality disorder.

E. Of those parents identified in B. how many had the benefit of a Residential Family Assessment Under S38.6 of the Children Act 1989, before a decision to permanently deprive the children of their parents was made?

All cases are thoroughly assessed and presented to the courts for decisions to be made, however where numbers are lowunder section 40 of the Act we would not be able to release the information as this may identify the children and families involved.