/This job action sheet helps to explain some of the details surrounding what is expected of you in the position you have been assigned. Although this form describes many of the specifics surrounding your position, be prepared to have duties added or deleted during the duration of your assignment.
Functional Area you are assigned to: / Department Operations Center
Position you are assigned to: /
Public Information Officer
Person you report to: / Incident CommanderPerson(s) who report(s) to you:
As the Public Information Officer you must ensure that the DOC can carry out this mission by:- Interfacing with the public and media and/or with other agencies with incident related information requirements
- Developing accurate and complete information on the incident’s cause, size, and current situation, resources committed, and other matters of general interest for both internal and external consumption
- Performing a key public information-monitoring role
- Participating in the Joint Information Center as necessary
Dress appropriately for the job you are assigned to do and comfortably for the season. A color-coded vest will be issued to you.IMMEDIATE ACTIONS /
(Please √ task when completed)
- Sign in.
- Receive and put on Staff ID badge and vest that identifies you as the Public Information Officer.
- Receive your staff packet, which may include:
- Job Action Sheet
- Organizational Chart
- Check in with the Incident Commander. Obtain briefing and clarify authority regarding position assignment.
- Print your name on the DOC Organization Chart.
- Obtain the IAP (Incident Action Plan) from the Incident Commander and review objectives and priorities.
- Determine priorities for department internal communications.
- Determine information needs (public and governmental) and gather information from Command and General Staff of the need to develop risk communication strategies.
(Please √ task when completed)
- Handle media and public inquiries, emergency public information and warnings, rumor monitoring and response, media monitoring.
- Disseminate accurate and timely information related to the incident, particularly regarding information on public health and safety and protection.
- Anticipate potential situation changes; develop options for additional staffing as needed, and relief staffing.
- Contact regional EOC PIO and arrange EOC approval and approval of the Incident Commander (and DHO if required) before sending out news releases.
- Determine lengths of shifts and scheduling.
- Open documentation file for the event. Maintain a chronological (time and date) Activity Log. Accurately document:
Major incident or significant events
Decisions, actions taken and justification
Names and phone numbers of key contacts
Requests filled or denied
Other important information
- Represent and advise the Incident Command on all public information matters relating to the management of the incident.
- Provide copies of approved media info to all appropriate DOC and department staff, to EOC Health and Medical representatives.
- Review the need for establishment of a hotline for public inquiries and coordinate with EOC PIO.
- Arrange for media meetings with department personnel and advise Health/Medical EOC representatives and EOC PIO.
- Provide liaison with PIOs from other governmental and private agencies as needed.
- Assist EOC Health/Medical representatives with development of risk communication advisories and public information as requested.
- Monitor broadcast media for misinformation, rumor, and control issues.
- Act as liaison and communicate with PIOs from Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health and Southern Nevada Health District.
(Please √ task when completed)
- Ensure that all required forms or reports are completed and turned in to the Incident Commander prior to your release or departure.
- Provide input to the After Action Report.
- Determine what follow-up to your assignment might be required before you leave; communicate the information to the Incident Commander.
- If applicable, brief your replacement at the end of each operational period.
- Sign out.
- Give Incident Commander a forwarding phone number where you can be reached.
- Attend the‘Hotwash’ as directed.
Job Action Sheet – Public Information Officer: Page 1 of 3 (As of: 11/1/2018)