(Co-operative Letterhead)
TV Antenna
The following Policy has been prepared by the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and endorsed by the Board of CEHL.
This Policy was adopted by the Co-operative members at a Special General Meeting on
Signed: (Director) / /
Signed: (Director) / /
This policy recognizes that the installation and maintenance of a television antenna are the responsibility of this Co-operative.
Television antenna - orTVaerial, is an antennaspecifically designed for the reception of free to air broadcasttelevisionsignals.
This Co-operative is committed to:
Ø Providing a TV antenna, with one connection point, for each property
Ø Maintaining all pre-existing connection points which were available at the commencement of the tenancy
Ø Implementing this policy equitably amongst all members
Procedure for Tenant Funded Antennae/ Connection points
Where a tenant wishes to erect/install additional antennae and/or connection points, they
must first request permission in writing from their Co-operative by completing the
‘Tenant Funded/ Addition/ Alteration Request form’. Please see appendix 1.This form
is then forwarded to your Co-operative’s CEHL property officer for final approval.
NOTE: If the property is managed under an Owners’ Corporation, refer to their rules relating to common property before taking any action
Appendix 1
Date: ……../……../……..
To the Directors of ……………………………………………………….. CERC Ltd.
Tenant Funded Alteration/Addition/Renovation Request Form
I/We request permission to
At the property known as ……………………………………………………………………………………
The alterations/additions and their on-going maintenance will be at no cost to Common Equity Housing Ltd or ……………………………………………………. CERC Ltd.
Any works will be carried out to a professional standard
I/We will obtain, if necessary, any permits and specifications required for any Council by-laws or as required by CEHL, with originals sent to the CEHL Property Officer.
Please find attached the following documents:
If I/we should give up the tenancy at any time in the future, the alterations/additions will:
a. Remain as part of the property or
b. Will be removed and the site reinstated to its previous condition at no cost to Common Equity Housing or the CERC.
(please circle a or b)
I/We agree to waive all rights for compensation from the CERC or Common Equity Housing Ltd. if I/we elect to leave the alterations/additions with the property when I/we vacate.
Tenant/s name and signature:
……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
Director’s Endorsement (CERC)
Name and signature of directors:
1. …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
2. …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
3. …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
4. …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
5. …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
Property Officer’s Endorsement (CEHL)
Name and signature:
……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..
PAC policy #33 TV Antenna Page 4