Spokes Planning Group Meeting

9th Jan. 2018


Present: AM, SS, PH, MMcD, ER

Apologies: DF, RG, CP


17/05052/PAN former RHSC, Sciennes. Exhib. 28 Nov. AM,PH,RG went, left comments. Further exhib's 10 Jan, 7 Feb.

17/05343/FUL gates, Baberton Loan. PH sent objection, 22 Dec.

17/05115/FUL stdt accomm Duncan St; RG did personal submission 17/12

17/00108/FUL res dev Winton Estate p/p refused, same reasons as our objection 18/12

17/04234/FUL Lower Gilmore Pl.: one p/a now withdrawn after 107 objections, 17/12

Edmondstone: good plans now watered down; p/a expected in Jan. (DF 13/12)

17/05742/PPP res dev (220) John Lewis Depot, Bonnington Rd Lane; PH had a look and could see no cause for objection

17/05894/PAN Gyle Centre Extension; exhibs 8, 9 Feb.

17/06066/PAN mixed use dev't, St Johns Rd/Manse Rd. Exhibs 29,30 Jan.

17/05802/AMC res dev Candlemakers Park Gil'n 22 Jan. PH to ask DF to respond

17/05883/AMC res dev Gil'n Station Rd 30 Jan.: ditto

RBS Dundas St: revised plans show changes to massing and heights, but access not clear; MMcD to respond

17/00168/FUL Q'mile plans revised, but access info very poor; PH to draft objection


1 Picardy Place: Spokes (DdF) responded to consult'n; MMcD did his own; Campaign Group started, incl. Spokes and Living Streets. MMcD to seek views of Chas and Claire M. Fate to be decided at TEC meeting 25 Jan.

2 Leith St: Chas B met ESJ developers, they're not against Leith St closure above Calton Rd; TRO17/81 and RSO/17/13 MMcD sent Spokes objections; Calton Rd access to/from Leith St closed; DdF objected re Leith St (letter to LMcI); work on new facilities has started despite RSO/TRO not yet approved - whose risk is this? CEC's, or the developers? MMcD to reply with list of points, and seek meeting

3 Leith Walk: orcas gone; new proposal for kerb splitters (several options)

4 Causey/WestXCauseway TRO/17/101 RG responded, 20/12; most of it is good, eg flat-top setts, 1-way rather than closure of WCC; public exhib's 20/1 and 23/1

5 West Register St: workshop 8/1, AM attended, sent notes of the main issues from the workshop

6 CCWEL: TRO/17/91 Roseburn; explanation on Spokes comments from Callum Smith of CEC had been received (mainly re old Colt Bridge)

7 A71 footway cleaning - PH sent pics to AT Team, Cllrs and others; some action done, more promised

8 Tram Safety Measures: phase 2 expected implementation spring; a meeting with CEC outlined issues for Stage 3: Waverley Bridge; S Charlotte St; Dalry Rd/Grosvenor St; Cultin's Rd

9 Powderhall Railway: update from Cllr, no progress so far, but CEC are committed to implement it once Network Rail have signed it off; 3 members interested in following up

10 Meeting planned with Ewan Kennedy - various items from the above (eg (2)) being collected for its agenda

Consultations and Events

1 Climate Change Bill; analysis of responses shows 99% want stronger targets

2 CEC Budget: DdF did submission for Spokes.

The AT Budget has c. £900K for the N Edin Path Network, though most of this is routine maintenance and no new improvements. We are mystified and disappointed. To be raised with CEC at any appropriate meeting

3 Midlothian Access Forum 17/1; DF and Michaela both intend to go

4 SG Planning Bill Stage 1; calls for views by 2 Feb. PH to draft a response; impact of a dev't on local services is an issue despite S.75 agreements; also parking spaces vis-a-vis access to parking permits

5 Public Life Street Assessments: for each local area; some have been checked but they're huge docs

6 LAF meeting 13/12; SS and PH attended; Salvesen Steps, Dean Path ongoing

7 George St and 1st New Town engagement event; more to come Jan.15,16, CAC (RG did report on Melville Cres and George St, 8/12)

8 SG LEZ consultation - Michaela did response (25/10); comments from DdF, PH

9 TEC Cttee 7/12; not much on transport

10 AT Forum meeting 28/11: DdF did report, put it on website; Martyn Lings did presentation on WEATN and later sent map of route; originally it was to extend westwards from Roseburn to Edin Park and Gyle but now it's a north-south route from Clovenstone to the A90 near Drumbrae, main item a bridge over the Fife line at Gyle Park

11 Tram to Newhaven: invite to consultation with Rory G (5 Jan); AM drew up list of 5 main points. Stakeholder Engagement meeting next week: MMcD, AM, DdF. The personnel are: Rob Leech (Program Director); Steve Jackson (Project Manager); Rory Garriock (Stakeholder Engagement)

12 City Centre Transformation Project: possible action on Gehl Report; buses in Princes St; means to reduce city centre traffic. Report for TEC in April.

13 CEC parking permits diesel surcharge consult'n; by 28 Jan.; no response planned


(ER) WoL Path at Murrayfield: open gates, causing conflict with traffic, are now closed, but for how long? If open, STOP signage is required

(MMcD) Spokes Public Meeting on the Tram Extension provisionally 15 March. Hope to get Rob Leech, Phil Noble, Claire Miller as speakers

Date of Next Meeting

Tues 6 Feb, at 7/2 London St EH3 6LZ

(13th Feb would be 5 weeks but it's school holidays, so we chose 4-week gap rather than 6 in view of likely big agenda)