Technical Steering Committee Meeting
HL7 1999 Winter Working Group Meeting
6:00 pm Tuesday, January 26, 1999
Attendees: Karen Van Hentenryck, Norman Daoust, Larry Stotz, Jane Curry, David Means, Ted Klein, Mark Shafarman, Bernd Blobel, Larry Reis, Marvin Lerfald, Don Calrson, Louis Gordon, Doug Pratt, Mike Hawver, Freida Hall, Mead Walker, Gunther Schadow, Daniel Trainor, Jim Gabler, Mark Tucker, Wayne Tracy, Scott Councilman, John Mattison, Rachel Sokolowski, Charlie Mead, David Kilman, Chris Stahlecker, Charles Hasker, Daaale Will, Sally Waisbrot, Klaus Veil, David Pimmel, Anne Shanney, Dan Russler, Yasser alSafadi, Stan Huff, Ed Hammond, Abdul-Malik Shakir, Deb Weiss, Jack Harringson, Mary Kratz, Gary Dickinson, John Quinn, Mark McDougall, Woody Beeler
The meeting was called to order by John Quinn, who reviewed the rules for meeting participation, reminding the committees and SIGs that they should select one individual to vote and speak for the group during the meeting.
I. Review of ISO TC215 working group 2 on messaging and communications – Woody Beeler provided a brief summary of this group’s January 21-22 1999 meeting in Durham. Few documents were put forth as ISO candidates. Three groups were formed: 1) medical devices, 2) architectures, and 3) messaging standards and methodologies. Woody also reported that there was a proposal to put forth MDF V3. Essentially, there are two currently methodology on the table, one the CEN TC215 and MDF V3 and the working group will seek a synthesis of the two methodologies. The group indicated that there is much XML work being performed in the messaging standards arena. There was a suggestion that HL7 draft a technical report on the use of SML. The WG2 on messaging and communications will convene in April in Berlin and then again in June in Indianapolis.
II. Proposal to dissolve the Automated Data SIG – Wayne Tracy provided a brief report, indicating that this group has lost sufficient representation in the marketplace and has produced no useful work in quite some time. If additional work in this area is needed, the group will consider re-forming. Ed Hammond moved that the TSC recommend the dissolution of the Automated Data SIG. The motion was seconded by Stan Huff and passed unopposed.
III. Implementation committee issues – Scott Councilman reported that the Implementation Committee is experiencing problem with recruiting and retaining members. He asked for submission of informative material for V2.3.2 and V3. Abdul-Malik Shakir suggested that we combine the Education and Implementation Committees, a suggestion that was supported by other TSC members. TSC members should understand that the Standard should provide sufficient examples while the Implementation Guide should be more educational in nature.
IV. Committee name change proposal from Arden Syntax – David Pimmel briefly described the technical committee’s desire to change its name to more accurately reflect its mission. David Pimmel moved that the technical committee name be changed to Clinical Decision Support and Arden Syntax. The motion was seconded by Abdul-Malik Shakir and passed with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions.
V. Announcement of Visual Integration document balloting – Wes Rishel announced that the Visual Integration group will be balloting a series of documents that will be submitted to ANSI for approval. Balloting will commence March 19. Watch your e-mail and snail mail for further details.
VI. Discussion of RSNA/HIMSS Demonstration – Yassar alSafadi provided a presentation on the RSNA/HIMSS demo that will be provided at HIMSS ’99 and RSNA ‘99. They are looking for input and feedback from HL7, especially from the Conformance SIG. Mead Walker suggested that the RSNA folks use the RIM.
VII. Discussion of certification testing – Woody Beeler announced that the HL7 Board of Directors approved a proposal for certification testing presented by David Marotta. The plan is to begin offering certification testing at the September meeting. Control/Query will be the first area for which certification testing will be available. Co-chairs of that and any other committee who would like to participate in the review of materials are encouraged to contact HL7 HQ.
VIII. V2.3.1 and Arden Syntax Ballot results – Karen Van Hentenryck reported that the V2.3.1 ballot passed in terms of quorum and affirmative vote requirements, with 113 voters of the 188 in ballot pool returning votes and 85 of 90 non-abstention votes being affirmative. The Arden Syntax ballot has not yet reached quorum, probably because the ballot pool included all voting members. The Board will look into refining the ballot pool for those documents whose content is specific to a subset of the membership. Chapter chairs with V2.3.1 comments indicated that they should be able to resolve all negatives. The Arden Syntax co-chairs also expressed confidence that they could resolve the negative ballots. Karen Van Hentenryck will announce via the list server the date when final chapters are due into HL7 HQ. Final copies of the chapter should include complete messages. Karen also requires copies of the written response to negative balloters to complete the ANSI paperwork.
IX. Discussion of v2.3.2 – John Quinn reported that PAFM will have information, mostly from SIGMPI and the International folks, for a V2.3.2 release. Any technical committees with content for v.2.32 should be ready to submit their updated chapters to Karen Van Hentenryck following the April 1999 meeting.
X. RIM Harmonization report – Ted Klein reported that the last RIM harmonization convened Dallas in November of 1998 and was sponsored by Ernst & Young. At that meeting, 195 changes to the RIM were proposed, 62 were accepted, 27 were accepted with changes, 54 were accepted as technical corrections, 14 were tabled, 4 were withdrawn and 34 open issues resulted. Ted noted the increase in open issues, most of them related to attributes. M&M will be focusing on increasing the quality of the RIM. The next RIM harmonization meeting will convene March 25-26 in San Rafael, CA. Our thanks to Oacis for hosting this next RIM Harmonization meeting.
XI. V3 status report – Karen Van Hentenryck provided a brief update on the status of V3. We’ve completed two items—ratification of the V3 project plan and preparing a plan for the prototype. Of the items slated for completed in January 1999, some work has been completed on finalizing V3 data types, selecting domains and scope, preparing a communication plan and preparing a toolset for the HMD. No work has yet been completed on the Implementation Technology Specification. Of the items that were expected to be in progress by the January 1999 meeting and completed by the April 1999 meeting, some work has been completed on the following tasks: Defining CMEDs, preparing models, developing and ITS toolset, and the prototype (will be complete at HIMSS). The following items that were expected to be in progress at this time and completed by April have not been started: defining conformance certifications, preparing implementation guides and establishing publication formats. The project plan has been enter to MS Project and will be tracked and maintained from now on by Karen Van Hentenryck at HL7 HQ. PAFM, Control, Orders/Observations and Patient Care identified themselves as planning to have content for the initial release of V3. MnM will be contacting these committees to get firm statements regarding the scope of their work.
XII. Proposal for Personnel management SIG – Frank Oemig provided a brief overview of the scope of this new proposed SIG. Essentially, they will be adding content required for human resources. Klaus Veil moved that the TSC recommend the approval of the Personnel Management SIG, Gunther Schadow seconded the motion, which passed with 18 in favor and 3 abstentions.
XIII. Discussion of Vocabulary proposal – Stan Huff provided a brief overview from the vocabulary SIG of a proposal to assume responsibility for maintenance of vocabulary tables as described in Monday evening’s retreat. Stan moved that the TSC approve this proposal. Wayne Tracy seconded the motion, which passed unopposed. Stan reported that the intent is to have the table structure in place by April and to be able to provide work for the v2.3.2 release.
XIV. Discussion of the ASTM proposal – Woody Beeler provided a brief overview of a proposal from the ASTM requesting permission to reprint information from chapter 9 of the HL7 v2.3 Standard. Woody explained that we initially denied their request and they responded by sending back a draft standard that we then sent to the Medical Records committee within HL7 for comments. Wayne Tracy, co-chair of the HL7 Medical Records technical moved that we continue to deny their request and send a letter to ASTM explaining why. Ed Hammond seconded the motion, which passed with 18 in favor and 2 abstentions.
XV. Discussion of our relationships with other organizations – Woody reminded the TSC members that individuals need to exercise caution when speaking on behalf of HL7. In fact, no one should be speaking on behalf of HL7 unless it has been approved by the HL7 Board.
XVI. Items from HL7 HQ
a) Announcement of list server move – Larry Stotz indicated that there are currently 32 HL7 list servers, some of which are maintained by HL7 HQ, others by Duke and still others by Mayo. He plans to consolidate all at HL7 HQ by March 1. If there is any reason that a list server should not be housed at HL7 HQ, please contact Larry. Larry will also be working on moving the directories currently at Duke to HL7 HQ. If you have ideas of input as to how this should be handled, please contact Larry at .
b) Written follow up to v2.3.1 committee ballot – Karen Van Hentenryck reminded the co-chairs that written follow up to negative voters is required according to our bylaws. Many co-chairs have not sent a copy of their written response to the committee level ballot to Karen Van. She needs these for her records.
c) Complete messages for HL7 v2.3.1 – Karen Van reminded the co-chairs that we need complete messages (as opposed to partial) for the final v2.3.1 Standard.
d) Review of policies for photocopies/printer support – Kinkos pickup is at 9 am, 1pm and 4 pm daily. If you drop a job off at 9am, it is returned by 1 pm, etc.
e) Co-chairs to post agenda items on a daily basis – Please utilize the cork board by the registration desk for this purpose.
f) If you cancel a meeting, please let us know – We will make the announcement at the morning logistics session and change the meeting room grid so everyone is apprised of the change
g) Room balancing conference call – Wednesday, Feb 3, 2 PM Eastern. Dial-in is 800-869-6684. Erica Stauch is the meeting chair.
h) Newsletter highlights – Due Wednesday, Feb 3, but would prefer before you leave the meeting.
Meeting minutes – Due February 8.