Jinyue Yan


Simulation programs related to Energiteknik




General CFD-simulation code prepared for parallel processing.

License for 16 similar processes are available as well as two licenses for the NOx model.

Price: University License: about 90.000 SEK


Process Simulations



Process simulation program which can be used for the simulation of chemical process, power plants, energy systems etc. The program is based on ModelManager, a tool for building a flowsheet for the simulation. The features of ASPEN is that its database for thermophysical properties are larger than other process simulation programs. Users can establish their own blocks (components) or include new properties into the program. However, it is rather difficult for non-experienced users to be able to use all features of the tool.

Price: University Licence: about 1000 USD?



GateCycle™ software has been specifically developed to design and analyze combined-cycle and fossil boiler power plants. The flexibility of GateCycle™ software is that it contains most of gas turbine databases and existing flowsheets for user start to do the simulation quickly. However, it contains less components and property database than ASPEN Plus. It is not so easy to simulate some systems which are not included in the library.

Price: University Licence: about 1000 USD?



IPSEPro is a process simulation program which is used for energy balance calculation and process simulation. The flexiblility to include user’s own simulation components is better than other programs.

Price: Accademic licence 750 EURO (basic version)



ThermoFlow offers several software packages for simulation power generation systems. The program is similar as GateCycle but with more existing plant examples.

·  GTPro: Gas turbine and combined cycle power generation system simulation.

·  GT Master: Off-design of combined cycle systems.

·  Steam Pro: Conventional steam turbine power plants.

·  Steam Master: Off-design of conventional steam power plants.


Program för att beräkna pannverkningsgrader, göra rökgasberäkningar, beräkna emissioner och räkna på effekten av rökgaskondensering. Programmet innehåller en databas med ett stort antal bränslen och deras sammansättning och nya bränslen kan definieras.

Pris: Universitetslicens c:a 15.000 SEK för fritt antal användare.