Frey’s ENGL 101 11.29.16
Roughing Out the Rough Draft
Think about and reflect on everything you have learned from the course
--- What arrives in your mind first? (6 minutes)
--- Feel free to address struggles/difficulties/“not-yets” (3 minutes)
Next, get out your completed reflection exercises(found at bottom of rubrics)
--- Locate your 1st Essay reflection exercise;
copy&paste that reflection into rough draft,
then revisit/add/reflect further(6 minutes)
--- Ditto for your 2nd Essay reflection exercise;
copy&paste that reflection into rough draft,
then revisit/add/reflect further(6 minutes)
--- And your 3rd Essay reflection exercise;
paste that reflection into rough draft,
revisit/add/reflect further (6 minutes)
--- your Revision Essay reflection exercise;
paste that reflection into rough draft,
revisit/add/reflect further (6 minutes)
Next, scan for “strongest skill” and “weakest skill”
--- Perhaps highlight or copy&paste those finds;
you might even write new sentences regarding both (5 minutes)
Then pair/trio on your choice of “strongest skill” or “weakest skill”(2 minutes)
[study student examples]
Brainstorm possible sources/evidence to support your ideas(8 minutes)
Remember that you will end up quoting/paraphrasing/citing sources often
Your Reflection will operate in much the same fashion as your 2nd & 3rd essays; that is, it’s another academic essay with evidence supporting your ideas, and will contextualize what you’ve learned.
5th Essay Assignment Sheet – Reflection Essay
GOAL: It is time to apply your understanding of the crafts of analyzing, contextualizing, and reflecting to your work this semester. Think about and reflect on everything you have learned from the course, using the texts of the course to support your ideas. Your Reflection will operate in much the same fashion as your 2nd & 3rd essays; that is, it’s another academic essay with evidence supporting your ideas, and will contextualize what you’ve learned.
DRAFTING PROCESS: You will workshop the Reflections in and out of Lecture and Studio, and be expected to make your own decisions about your writing and each draft; as this is the Final Exam for the course, I cannot give you individual feedback on your work. (My answers to any questions will be general responses.)
During your drafting process you will consider global issues like structure, development and focus. You should then look at specific issues such as style, coherence, active language, voice, and general readability. Your Reflection on your work this semester will take the shape of a 2-page, one-inch-margined, single-spaced essay focusing on what you learned from the Course and how you applied this learning to your writing. Your grade on the Reflection will consider how well you document your ideas in the Reflection; you must quote &/or paraphrase from, and cite, the actual texts you incorporate as evidence in your Reflection. Works Cited page required.
Due: as part of your Final Project/Final Exam, this is due by Friday, December 9, 8 a.m.
UploadyourRevision (2 Word docs) and your Reflection Essay(1 Word doc) to D2L’s Dropbox.
The Reflection should be clean, proofread, edited copy, writing that is your best work, writing that does you and your subject justice. As this is the Final Exam for the course, lateness will only be excused for complete and dire emergency. Unexcused lateness means a failing grade for the course.