Enquiry:Reuben Moloi
Telephone: 012 482 8820
- Background
It is the various business units’ mandate to ensure human health, safety and to protect the environment as prescribed in the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act 5 of 2008) hereinafter called the NRCS Act, the Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act 9 of 2014) hereinafter called the LM Act, and the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act 103 of 1977) hereinafter NBR Act. The different business units are responsible for market surveillance inspections in the spectrum of the different compulsory specifications which fall within their area.
The various business units remove non-compliant goods from the market and port of entry on a daily basis to protect the local industry and the consumers. To prevent the non-compliant goods from entering the market each department has recommended destruction and/recycling of the non-compliant commodities to the accounting authority. The accounting authority has approved the destruction of the non-compliant goods.
- Purpose
In order to implement and environmentally friendly waste management solution to all the products and minimize the volume of waste directed to landfills by implementing and promoting recycling and alternative use of waste streams, the NRCS need to appoint a reputable service provider to render destruction and/or recycling of non-compliant goods stored in Pretoria.
- Scope of work / deliverables
3.1.To effectively and efficiently prevent the non-compliant goods from resurfacing in the market, the NRCS requires a reputable service provider who complies with the requirements of the National Environmental Management Waste Act 2008 (The National Policy on Thermal Treatment of General and Hazardous Waste), (Act 59 of 2008) hereinafter called the Waste Act to destroy and/or recycle the non-compliant goods attached as Annexures A, B and C.
- Annexure A – Electrotechnical and Automotive Products;
- Annexure B - Chemicals, Materials and Mechanical Products;
- Annexure C- Legal Metrology Products; and
The service provider must provide transportation for products from the NRCS Storage Facilities in Pretoria to the NRCS office premises.The radius where the products are currently stored is 15-20 km from the NRCS premises. Amongst other things not limited to the products mentioned herein tissue papers, bulbs, (CMM) chemical products, bulbs and 5320 Luminaires.
3.2. The service provider must be able to do and comply the following:
- In a position to destroy all listed products (See Annexures A, B and C);
- Pricing for Annexure A, B and C should be provided separately on Pricing Schedule SBD 3.1;
- Must be able to collect and transport products from the NRCS Storage Facility (mentioned above in paragraph 3.1) to the destruction site;
- Labourworkers will be required in assisting the NRCS in relation to the following: for lifting, stacking and packing of products from NRCS Storage Facilities to the place of destruction.
- Comply with Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993 (Act No. 181 of 1993) and Compensation for Occupational Injuries Diseases Act of 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993) and their Regulations. The NRCS reserves the right to request the services provider to produce proof of compliance in terms of the said legislations mentioned herein.
- Certain products might require re-cycling instead of destruction. The preferred bidder is expected to adhere to the rules and regulations in the re-cycling environment.
4.1. The duration for this project is once off.
5.1.The NRCS may, at its sole discretion award an assignment or any part thereof to one or more bidder.
5.2.The bidder may not cede or assign any part of its agreement with the NRCS nor subcontract any part of the assignment assigned to them by
5.3.The NRCS reserves the right to impose penalties should the service provider fail to perform the services within the services the period(s) specified in the contract, deduct from the contract price, as a penalty, a sum calculated on the unperformed services using the current prime.
5.4. The preferred bidder to submit/provide a disposal certificate to the NRCS of the products once they have been destroyed.
5.5.The NRCS may disqualify a Bidder whose proposal contains a misrepresentation which is materially incorrect or misrepresented.
5.6. The service provider is expected to adhere to the human resources laws of South Africa (e.g. Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relations Act etc.).
5.7. Confidentiality
5.7.1.Bids submitted will not be revealed to any other bidders.
5.7.2.All information pertaining to the NRCS obtained by the bidder as a result of participation in this bid is confidential and must not be disclosed without written authorisation from the NRCS.
5.8.The NRCS will not be held liable in case of negligence and reckless from collection, transportation and destruction of products. The NRCS require the preferred bidder to produce proof of insurance of this type of services.
5.9.Any proceed emanating from this re-cycling process whatever amount is due to the NRCS will be paid to the NRCS by the preferred bidder.
6.Procurement policies and procedure
6.1The general conditions of tender, the National Treasury General Conditions of Contract (GCC), Service Level Agreement and order will be applicable to this tender.
6.2The NRCS reserves the right to award the bid in full or part.
Failure to comply and adhere with the following mandatory requirements will invalidate the bid:
a) The prospective bidder must be registered on Central Supplier Database (CSD) prior to submitting bids
b)The following key information will be accessed and verified on CSD, namely
- Business registration, including details of directorship and membership;
- Tax compliance status
c) Proof of accreditation in terms of the Waste Accreditation Act No 59, of 2008
d) Submission of completed and signed SBD 1, 3.1, 4, 6.1, 8 and 9.
e) Submission of late bids will not be accepted
f) Compliance to specifications
NOTE: For the purpose of comparison and in order to ensure a meaningful evaluation, bidders must submit detailed information in substantiation of compliance to the evaluation criteria mentioned below (e.g. details of relevant previous work undertaken, letters from previous /current clients. etc.).
Minimum Required Score for functionality is: 60 points and any bidder scoring less than 60 points will not be considered for further evaluation. Service Providers that qualified pre-evaluation in terms of thefunctionality cut-off points of 60 points will then be evaluated in terms of price and preference points.
No / Criteria / Sub-CriteriaExperience of the service provider in rendering security services
Minimum of five years’ relevant experience is a prerequisite in order to be scored on this sub-criterion. Points will be allocated on a sliding scale of (2) two for each positive contactable references / Points
1 / Service Provider’ Experience
Please provide the company’s profile and at least 5 traceable (contactable) client references letters (be attached to the profile as well) of services rendered in the destruction environment to be rendered the NRCS / 10 Points
2 / Duration / The bidders to proposed duration of completion of the project
- No information provided (Value=0)
- 1 month ( Value= 5)
- 2 months (Value = 4)
- 3 months (Value= 3)
3 / Methodology and Project Plan on how the products will be destructed and recycled
3.1 / Delivery capacity / The service provider must demonstrate that they have the necessary capacity to provide the destruction services as required by the NRCS, in the scope of work / 20 Points
3.2 / The bidder to show method of transport to deliver the products as stipulated in the scope of work / 10 Points
3.3 / The bidder to provide a list of equipment’s to destroy and recycle the products as stipulated in the scope of work / 20 Points
3.4 / The bidder to show the security measures involved in relation to the utilization of casual workers packing, lifting etc. and transporting the products / 10 Points
3.5 / The bidder to show in their project plan how hazardous products will be handled and destroyed / 20 Points
Minimum threshold / 60 Points
Total / 100 Points
The bids will be evaluated on a scale of 0-5. Each panel member will rate individual criterion on the scoresheet using the following scale
Value / Description5 - / Excellent Meets and exceed the functionality requirements
4 - / Very Good Above average compliance to the requirements
3 - / Good Satisfactory and should be adequate for stated element
2 - / Average Compliance to the requirements
1 - / Poor Unacceptable, does not meet set criteria
0 / Non-submission
The value scored for each criterion will be multiplied with the specified weighting for the relevant criterion to obtain the marks scored for each criteria. Theses marks will be added and expressed as a fraction of the best possible score for all criteria.
This score will be converted to a percentage and only bidders that have met or exceeded the minimumthreshold of 60 points for functionality will be evaluated and scored in terms 80/20 preference point system. A bidder/s that score less than 60 points in respect of functionality will be regarded as submitting a nonresponsive bid and will be disqualified.Bidder/s that meets the minimum required percentage or minimum points, will be evaluated in terms of price and preference as per the PPPFA Act, No.5 of 2000 and its associated Regulations issued by theNational Treasury.
Bid will be evaluated on the basis of the PPPFA 80/20-point system as presented in the PreferentialProcurement Regulations 2017, for this purpose SBD 6.1 form should be scrutinized, completed andsubmitted together with your quotation. The 80/20-point system will be as follows:
The 80/20 preference point system will be as follows:
Price Assessment / 80 PointsTOTAL / 80
Preferential Elements
B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of Points (80/20 system)
1 / 20
2 / 18
3 / 14
4 / 12
5 / 8
6 / 6
7 / 4
8 / 2
Non-compliant contributor / 0
Price Assessment / 80 Points
The bidder shall place the Bid Proposal envelopes into an outer envelope or package, and must be clearly marked as follows:
Bid No. NRCS 010-2017/2018
Description:Appointment of a reputable service provider to destroy non-compliant products in Pretoria
Bid closing date and time: 04 June2018at 11H00 (Submission of late bids will not be accepted)
Name and address of the bidder:______
NB: The bid proposal envelope shall contain one original hard copy document, clearly marked “original”, and three (3) hard copies, clearly marked “Copy” (i.e. three documents to be included in each envelope.
A completed and signed bid document must be submitted in a file. The bid/tender documentation must be placed into a file with dividers between every schedule. The schedule must be numbered as follows:
Description / Submitted (Yes/No) / DescriptionSchedule 1 / Valid and original SARS Tax Clearance Certificate – CSD Report will be used to verify Tax Compliance status
Schedule 2 / Latest company registration certificate from the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) / Proof of company registration -
Schedule 3 / Proof of accreditation in terms of the Waste Accreditation Act No 59, of 2008
Schedule 4 / Functionality Evaluation Criteria Documentation
Schedule 5 / Certified ID copies of the directors / trustees / shareholders and their shareholding percentages
Schedule 6 / Original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate or a certified copy thereof, substantiating your