Selection Questionnaire
*Project Ref *
*Project Title*
Company/Organisation: Enter Name
Instructions for editing the Questionnaire
Label the Questionnaire:
1. Complete the contract reference and title on the front page.
2. Complete the contract reference and title within the footer.
Building the Questionnaire
Sections included in the questionnaire should be propionate and relevant to the procurement for which the questionnaire is being used.
Removing sections
To remove a section:
1. Click into the table
2. Right click on your mouse and select “Select Table”
3. Right click on your mouse again and select “Delete Table
Highlighted Text
1. Throughout this document there is text highlighted:
· Yellow, these are areas where you may need to adjust the questionnaire
· Green – instructions for the officer building the questionnaire, these should be deleted before the questionnaire is finalised
Locking a form
The form will need to be locked before it is sent to suppliers to ensure that they can only enter their responses in the appropriate areas. To enable this function:
1. Go to the Developer tab
2. Click the “Restrict Editing” icon
3. Select option” 2. Editing restriction” and from the drop down box choose “Filling in forms”
4. Click “Yes, Start Enforcing Protection”
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6. Click “OK”
*Please ensure you remove any highlighted instruction notes (including this table) before the document is finalised*
Introductions, Notes for Completion
& Evaluation Approach
InstructionsPotential Supplier Information and Exclusion Grounds: Part 1 and Part 2.
The standard Selection Questionnaire is a self-declaration, made by you (the potential supplier), that you do not meet any of the grounds for exclusion. If there are grounds for exclusion, there is an opportunity to explain the background and any measures you have taken to rectify the situation (we call this self-cleaning).
A completed declaration of Part 1 and Part 2 provides a formal statement that the organisation making the declaration has not breached any of the exclusions grounds. Consequently we require all the organisations that you will rely on to meet the selection criteria to provide a completed Part 1 and Part 2. For example these could be parent companies, affiliates, associates, or essential sub-contractors, if they are relied upon to meet the selection criteria. This means that where you are joining in a group of organisations, including joint ventures and partnerships, each organisation in that group must complete one of these self-declarations. Sub-contractors that you rely on to meet the selection criteria must also complete a self-declaration (although sub-contractors that are not relied upon do not need to complete the self-declaration).
When completed, this form and the selection information required shall be submitted as part of your tender return.
For procurements below the OJEU threshold projects where part 2 is not included
Replace the paragraph above with the following text:
Potential Supplier Information: Part 1
The standard Selection Questionnaire is a self-declaration, made by you (the potential supplier).
A completed Part 1 provides a formal statement, consequently all organisations that you will rely on to meet the selection criteria will also need to provide a completed Part 1. For example these could be parent companies, affiliates, associates, or essential sub-contractors, if they are relied upon to meet the selection criteria. This means that where you are joining in a group of organisations, including joint ventures and partnerships, each organisation in that group must complete one of these self-declarations. Sub-contractors that you rely on to meet the selection criteria must also complete a self-declaration (although sub-contractors that are not relied upon do not need to complete the self-declaration).
When completed, this form and the selection information required shall be submitted as part of your tender return.
Exclusion Grounds: Part 2.
Not applicable to this procurement
Audit and Security Information: Part 3 – Section 8.10
All organisations who will be involved in the delivery of the contract, including subcontractors, and who will have access to personal data and/or sensitive personal data should complete Part 1 and Part 3 Section 8.10
Supplier Selection Questions: Part 3
Please respond to all of the sections below (as detailed in the Evaluation approach table below the sections that are not relevant to this procurement have been removed).
If you are bidding on behalf of a group (consortium) or you intend to use sub-contractors, you should complete all of the selection questions on behalf of the consortium and/or any sub-contractors.
If the relevant documentary evidence referred to in the Selection Questionnaire is not provided upon request and without delay we reserve the right to amend the contract award decision and award to the next compliant bidder
Notes for Completion
Notes for completion1. The “Council” means Derbyshire County Council, or anyone acting on behalf of the Council.
2. “You” / “Your” refer to the potential supplier completing this standard Selection Questionnaire i.e. the legal entity responsible for the information provided. The term “potential supplier” is intended to cover any economic operator as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (referred to as the “regulations”) and could be a registered company; the lead contact for a group of economic operators; charitable organisation; Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE); Special Purpose Vehicle; or other form of entity.
3. Please ensure that all questions are completed in full, and in the format requested. If the question does not apply to you, please state ‘N/A’. Should you need to provide additional information in response to the questions, please submit a clearly identified annex.
4. The Council recognises that arrangements set out in section 1.2 of the standard Selection Questionnaire, in relation to a group of economic operators (for example, a consortium) and/or use of sub-contractors, may be subject to change and will, therefore, not be finalised until a later date. The lead contact should notify the Council immediately of any change in the proposed arrangements and ensure a completed Part 1 and Part 2 is submitted for any new organisation relied on to meet the selection criteria. The Council will make a revised assessment of the submission based on the updated information.
5. For Part 1 and Part 2 every organisation that is being relied on to meet the selection must complete and submit the self-declaration.
The following paragraph is optional for inclusion if a decision has been made to request a self-declaration of the exclusion grounds from sub-contractors.
6. All sub-contractors are required to complete Part 1 and Part 2.
7. For answers to Part 3 - If you are bidding on behalf of a group, for example, a consortium, or you intend to use sub-contractors, you should complete all of the questions on behalf of the consortium and/ or any sub-contractors, providing one composite response and declaration.
The Council confirms that it will keep confidential and will not disclose to any third parties any information obtained from a named customer contact, other than to the Cabinet Office and/or contracting authorities defined by the regulations, or pursuant to an order of the court or demand made by any competent authority or body where the Council is under a legal or regulatory obligation to make such a disclosure.
Potential Providers must be explicit and comprehensive in their responses to this questionnaire as this will be the single source of information on which responses will be assessed. Potential Providers are advised neither to make any assumptions about their past or current supplier relationships with the Council nor to assume that such prior business relationships will be taken into account in the evaluation procedure.
· Supporting documents should be provided in English and should be clearly marked with the name of your organisation and the number of the question to which they refer.
· If you have any queries regarding how to complete this document please address them through the questions and answers stage of the tender. Failure to provide the required information, make a satisfactory response to any question, or supply documentation referred to in responses within the specified timescale may lead to your tender being judged to be non-compliant.
Consequences of misrepresentation
If you seriously misrepresent any factual information in filling in the Selection Questionnaire, and so induce the Council to enter into a contract, there may be significant consequences. You may be excluded from the procurement procedure, and from bidding for other contracts for three years. If a contract has been entered into you may be sued for damages and the contract may be rescinded. If fraud, or fraudulent intent, can be proved, you or your responsible officers may be prosecuted and convicted of the offence of fraud by false representation, and you must be excluded from further procurements for five years.
Evaluation Approach
In assessing the answers to the following questions, the Council will be seeking evidence of the Potential Provider’s suitability to *perform the services / deliver the requirements of the contract* in terms of economic and financial standing, technical and professional ability. Qualification criteria will be a combination of factors and will be in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015
· Responses to the questions will be evaluated in accordance with the Evaluation Approach detailed below. In the event that none of the responses are deemed satisfactory, the Council reserves the right to consider alternative procurement options.
Scoring Principles
Required Data
Required Data / · The data provided is for information only and will not be scored / assessed but if the information requested is not provided the bid will be judged to be non-compliant unless there is an acceptable reason for its omission.
Pass / Fail
Pass / · The information / evidence has been assessed and judged to be acceptable.
Fail / · No information / evidence has been provided.
· The standard of the information / evidence provided is unacceptable.
· The information / evidence has been assessed and does not comply with the minimum acceptable standard.
Section / Scoring / Requirements
1 / Supplier Information
1.1 Potential supplier information
1.2 Bidding model
1.3 Contact detail and declaration / Required Data / The data provided is for information only and will not be scored or assessed; however if the information requested is not provided your bid will be judged to be non-compliant unless there is an acceptable reason for its omission.
2 / Grounds for mandatory exclusion / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / The Council will exclude from the procurement process any supplier where there is evidence of conviction relating to the criminal offence detailed in section (in accordance with the criteria set out in the Public Contract Regulation 2015).
Questions are optional for below OJEU threshold procurements (Where included in sub-OJEU tenders questions must be appropriate and proportionate)
3 / Grounds For Discretionary Rejection / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / The Council may exclude from the procurement process any supplier who answers ‘Yes’ in any of the situations set out in section 3 (in accordance with the criteria set out in the Public Contract Regulation 2015).
Questions are optional for below OJEU threshold procurements (Where included in sub-OJEU tenders questions must be appropriate and proportionate)
4 / Economic and Financial Standing / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / An assessment of the information / evidence provided will be used to ensure organisations have sufficient financial capacity to perform the contract
Contract Period (inc ext) 18 months or less
Minimum financial threshold
Your annual turnover, as calculated against the latest years accounts submitted, should be a minimum of twice the estimated annual contract value.
Contract Period (inc ext) more than 18 months
Minimum financial threshold
Your annual turnover, as calculated against the latest years accounts submitted, should be a minimum of three times the estimated annual contract value.
Please note “three times” represent the Councils standard requirements of 33% but may be altered in line with risk.
5 / Group financial information / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / Wider group accounts and commitments to provide guarantees may be taken in to account in the event that the applying organisation does not have sufficient financial standing following the financial assessment.
6 / Technical and Professional Ability / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / The decision to Pass / Fail this section is based on an assessment of the information and references provided.
Please note: the Council reserves the right to take up the references named and further inspection of current contracts may also be made to resolve any questions about technical efficiency, quality, service levels and reliability.
7 / Modern Slavery Act 2015 / Pass / Fail / The Council must be satisfied that you are complaint with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (if applicable to your organisation)
8.1 / Insurance / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / You must confirm that required insurance levels would be in place and certificates provided prior to the contract award.
8.2 / Skill and Apprentices / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / You must confirm that you support apprenticeships and skills development though this contract.
Use only in procurements with a value over £10 million
8.3 / Steel / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / The Council must be satisfied of robust supply chain management, including a high level of competency and effectiveness of members involved in steel supply or production to ensure a sustainable and safe supply of steel: and that all contractors and key sub-contractors are compliant with the relevant health and safety and employment legislation.
Use only in infrastructure, construction and major procurement projects over £10 million, with a significant steel component
8.4 / Supplier Past Performance / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / The Council must be satisfied that past performance, of the contractor and any sub-contractors/consortia members, have been to a high standard
Use only in procurements with a value over £20 million
8.5 / Quality Management / Pass / Fail
Not applicable to this contract / The Council must be satisfied that appropriate policies and arrangement are in place with regard to your Quality Management arrangements.