May 14, 2015
7:00 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Smith, Chairman; Ryan Crosbie; Robert Moynihan; Ed Bannister; & Mark Beliveau; John LaCourse, Selectmen’s Rep.
OTHERS PRESENT: Cameron Wake, UNH; Kyle Pimental, Strafford Regional Planning Commission; Alice MacKinnon; Angela Moynihan, Peter Hoyt; Caren Rossi, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Robert Smith, Chairman opened up the meeting at 7:03PM.
o Review and Approval of Draft 04/23/15 Meeting Minutes
John LaCourse made a motion to accept the minutes.
Ed Bannister second.
Vote: all, minutes approved.
o Report of officers and committees
Ed Bannister reported that the master plan committee is working on the survey for the residence, they hope to have it ready for this Board to review and complete at the next meeting.
o Review any correspondence
o Old Business
The Applicants Attorney requests to continue the accepted application for a Site Review Application presented by Peter MacDonald, representing the Veteran Resort-Chapel. The property is located on 101 Stepping Stones Rd, and is known as Lee Tax Map#12-03-0300. The applicant is proposing to become a Church. This is a possible final public hearing.
Caren Rossi read an email received from the applicant’s attorney requesting the continuance.
Ryan Crosbie made a motion to continue this application to the June 11, 2015 meeting.
John LaCourse second.
Vote: all in favor, meeting continued.
Kyle Pimental, Strafford Regional Planning Commission & Cameron Wake, University of New Hampshire
Presentation discussion of the Past, Present, and Potential Future 100-year floods in the Lamprey River Watershed.
Discussion on Lee floodplain maps and recommendations developed for consideration as part of a 2014 NH Coastal grant:
See file for the presentations. The Board will review their information and determine if they wish to propose a zoning change including the land in their studies as it pertains to undeveloped land along the Lamprey River. The Board did have concerns as the other rivers in town were not discussed and possible issues with a zoning amendment only along the Lamprey and not the other rivers.
o New Business
A Site Review application for a proposed Child Daycare Facility, with 2 rental apartments located on the second floor. The property is owned by Three Swallow Properties, LLC. Ed Bannister is the applicant/agent. The property is known as Lee Tax Map #11-06-0200 and is located at 5 Mast Road, Lee NH.
Robert Smith, Chairman stated for the record that Ed Bannister is stepping down from the Board and presenting.
Ed Bannister explained that the proposed daycare will have 32 students and 5 employees. The footprint will not change for the proposed use. The entrance will be on the side for the daycare and not the front. A rail fence will be installed along the road side of the parking lot. The building will have residential lighting and a commercial box light for the parking lot. The hours of operation will be 6:30am to 6:30pm. The state has approved the septic design and that has been installed. The DOT has approved the access. They have re-drilled the existing well. The property has been surveyed at this Boards request.
Ryan Crosbie asked if the parking lot will all be paved.
Ed Bannister replied no, no additional pavement, possibly reprocessed asphalt rolled out and or gravel.
Ed Bannister read the waiver request to the Board. (In file)
John LaCourse asked if there is any age restrictions on the kids.
Ed Bannister replied 6 weeks to 12 years.
Bob Moynihan asked that the leach field be added to the plan.
Ed Bannister will add this.
Mark Beliveau spoke to all the different plans. He felt there was confusion and possibly they should be condensed onto the surveyed plan, Berry’s plan. This will need to be discussed in the future as to the most efficient way to avoid confusion.
Bob Moynihan asked if he had given any thought to remove the asphalt and bring in topsoil. He also suggested some spot grades be added to the plan. These items will be discussed at the site walk.
John LaCourse asked where the designated spots for the tenants will be.
Ed Bannister replied out front.
John LaCourse asked if there will be a dumpster on site.
Ed Bannister replied no, it will all be taken to the recycling center. There is very little waste at a daycare center.
Mark Beliveau asked how the parking spaces are calculated.
Ed Bannister replied 5 are required for the apartments and the regulations don’t have a requirement for the daycare.
Bob Moynihan asked for clarity, are the angled spaces or not? The plans show two different types of parking. Signage?
Ed Bannister replied that they are angled spaces and they will strip the entrance as they will pave the entrance and then they will put up signs for the parking flow directions.
Bob Moynihan asked about signage for the daycare?
Ed Bannister replied it will conform to the regulations.
Parking signage and daycare signage needs to be added to the plan.
Bob Moynihan asked if it will be sent out for engineering review.
Ed Bannister felt it didn’t need to be done as he isn’t building anything new.
The Board will discuss this at the site walk.
Ryan Crosbie made a motion to accept the application.
John LaCourse second.
Vote: all, motion carried, application accepted.
The Board scheduled a site walk for Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM. Meet on site.
The application is continued to June 11, 2015 at 7:00PM.
Bob Moynihan made a motion to adjourn at 9:00PM
Ryan Crosbie second.
Vote: all, meeting adjourned.
Caren Rossi, Secretary
Robert Smith, Chairman
Ryan Crosbie Mark Beliveau
Robert Moynihan Ed Bannister
John LaCourse, Selectmen’s Rep