Club Council Agenda
The Student Union South Cafeteria | 1:00 pm
March 6, 2015
- CALL TO ORDER 1:06 pm 47 voting members
- APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Move to amend agenda remove career services and game club, add Big Brother, Big Sister. Seconded. No objections. Motion approved. Agenda Approved
- APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING’S MINUTES – Feb 20. Heard from Campus Programming board. Approved funding for game club, vex, model un, and camera club. Motion to approve, second, no objections.
- Center for Community Engagement – Waverli – not present.
b. Sustainability Week - A’Lena Sorenson & Ashleigh Roe – April 6-10. Hoping for more clubs to be involved this year. Events: Food forum to talk about food on campus, Artic Policy forum, food made with local ingredients in the Den. If you are interested in participating sign up on the sheet being passed out. Q?: When is the committee to be disbanned? There are no immediate plans to do that. The amendment from Spring 2014 had language issues, so it was revoted on next elections and students voted for it to stay on campus.
c. UAA Career Services Center - Joycelyn Weaver
d. Big Brothers and Big Sisters – Jenny DiGrappa – event coord for bowl for kids. Has been a big for 5 years. In AK, BBBS serves youth, pairs them with mentor. Bowl for Kids Sake is an annual fundraiser, largest for BBBS. It is a day celebration: a day of bowling, teams get together and raise funds for BBBS. April 25th at Jewel Lake Bowl. Information and pledge sheets handed out. Teams fund raise leading up to the event, and then pick a time slot to bowl day of. Top fundraising teams will receive prizes. Last year we had 2 clubs from UAA compete and raised $1500. This year there is a Bowl for Kids app for teams to use, invite team members, people can give donations through the app as well. Q?s: None.
- BUDGET REPORT - $4200 left, if everything approved today we have $2500 left.
- USUAA Report – JT – Beginning budget process for USUAA orgs. Meeting today at 2pm. Resolutions will be discussed today regarding student fees and how they are used, as well as restructuring USUAA as a whole, and bylaw amendments. Last week house finance meetings, we had a number of people show up to testify regarding university budget cuts and bring up the importance of the university. If you have any questions please see JT, all meetings are open to the public. Tickets for MasqerRave ball will be on sale soon, will be at the AAC. Q?s: What is involved with the Green Fee Board? Restructuring to create more clarity as to how the funds can be used as well as making it more assessable for students to use those funds.
- Campus Programming Board - Ashleigh R. – not present.
- Student Union & Commuter Student Services Board - Vacant
- Special Projects Fund - Jeanette S. – marketing and management club, rec’d funds. We still have plenty of funds available for clubs to use. Please apply, even for events in the fall.
- Concert Board - Amy R. – Charles Bradley went really well. Currently looking for comedians for April events.
- Diversity Action Council - Enetta W. – not present.
- Attendance Waivers
- MBA Student Association – all members work full time, cannot make it to CC. Discussion: none. Motion to vote, seconded. No objections. Voting: 41 yes, 4 no, 2 abstain. Waiver approved.
- Funding Requests
- Student Veterans of UAA – Doug – vendor fair on 3/7/15 to raise funds for family fund night for student vets. Requesting $50. Q?s: What facilities are you renting? The North and South Café. Discussion: None. Motion to vote, seconded, no objections. Voting: 44 yes, 0 no, 3 abstain. Funding of $50 approved.
ii. AE Club – Megan – requesting $1717 for bachelor auction. Annual event to raise funds for habitat for humanity trip. This year going to FL for volunteer work. Q?s: What kind of volunteer work? Build homes for people struggling with poverty, they purchase houses at reduced costs. What does AE stand for? Architechture and Engineering. How many people are you sending? 7 students, about $1500 per student. Discussion: None. Motion to vote, seconded, no objections. Voting: 36 Yes, 3 No, 6 Abstain. Funding of $1717 approved.
- Final Expense Reports
- Game Club
- New Clubs
- AK Pride – Community org since 2006 brought onto campus. Promoting unity. Strengthen culture and community. Requesting seed money $100.
ii. AADMD – national chapter for medical field students. Students can use the experiences in the community. Requesting seed money $100. American Academy of developmental medicine and dentistry.
i. Civic engagement liaison – having a event Friday march 27 9am-3pm in the SU. Fodd provided, keynote speaker, purpose is to get students involved in talking about community issues. Good opportunity for students to network with community members as well.
- Hip hop club – Getting together with SU for talent show on March 19 at 6pm in the SU. Sign up at the Info desk. Free to attend/compete. Food and prizes.
- Student Vets – Fundraising event tomorrow in the SU from 11-4. Won Nine in the spine last week.
- Logistics club – panel discussion today at 3 in RH. Airport, railroad managers will be there talking about their areas and how they affect the Anchorage community.
- AITP – UAA Maps project. Will be competing in OK this month. Beta for project is online, you can check it out and take the survey – slips with link handed out.
- Nordik – Reading through Harry Potter in Icelandic language, meet on Thursday nights 6pm at Yak and Yeti café. If you want to come you can.
- College Dems and Reps- hosting mayoral debate on April 2 in the AAC, more info to come.