Workplace Harassment Policy
Revised Oct. 4, 2010 - Printable version
ABX Air, Inc., is committed to maintaining a work environment that is pleasant, safe, comfortable, and free from intimidation, hostility, or other offenses that might interfere with your ability to do your job. Harassment of any kind (verbal, physical, visual, or sexual) will not be tolerated and will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Core Requirements
· Harassment, whether committed by members of management, non-supervisory personnel, customers, or other persons, will not be tolerated in the workplace at ABX Air, Inc.
· Any employee who reports harassment is assured a prompt, thorough, and discreet investigation.
· Harassment is judged to be offensive by the victim’s perception – not that of the alleged harasser. Harassment can exist if the harasser does not intend to harass, but the victim perceives it as such.
· It is against the law and our policy to retaliate in any way against the person(s) coming forward with a harassment allegation or providing information to an investigation.
· ABX Air, Inc., is an equal opportunity employer. The company prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment or discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, disability, veteran status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability, or status in any group protected by federal, state, or local laws.
· Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to, offensive words, jokes, signs, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, nonverbal actions, or violence.
· We are committed to maintaining a work environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature when:
1. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;
2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions regarding that individual; or
3. The conduct substantially interferes with an individual’s employment or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
· Examples of sexually harassing conduct can be, but is not limited to, sexual jokes or innuendoes, unwelcome sexual requests or demands, sexual gestures or sounds, displaying sexually offensive pictures, unwanted touching or attention, or cornering the victim.
Reporting Workplace Harassment
While we understand how uncomfortable it may be to discuss a harassment situation, in order for us to effectively resolve harassment situations, we need know when they are occurring. Employees must report the incident(s) as soon as possible to their supervisors, a member of management, or Human Resources. We will conduct a prompt, thorough, confidential investigation of each claim of harassment.
Employee Responsibility
· Understand the definition and serious nature of Workplace Harassment, and conduct yourself accordingly.
· Contact management or Human Resources immediately if you are subjected to harassment or if you are aware of a harassment situation at ABX Air, Inc.
· Cooperate in any investigation and act proactively to keep the workplace free of harassment.
· Do not retaliate in any way against the person(s) coming forward with the harassment allegation or providing information to the investigation.
· Maintain the confidentiality of all harassment investigations. Only those with a business "need to know" will participate in discussions regarding the investigation.
Leadership Responsibility
· Follow policy guidelines and involve Human Resources in all harassment claims.
· Promptly and thoroughly investigate every harassment complaint and take corrective action if harassment is found to have occurred.
· Maintain complete documentation of any allegation of harassment, investigation, and any remedial action.
· Keep all harassment complaints strictly confidential. Only those with a business "need to know" will participate in discussions or investigations regarding alleged complaints.
· Proactively monitor and control the work area to prevent workplace harassment. Keep the employees informed about the policy.
· Attend the company-sponsored Workplace Harassment Prevention Training.
· Do not retaliate in any way against the person(s) coming forward with the harassment allegation or providing information to the investigation.
· As a lead or member of management, do not date an ABX Air employee over whom you have authority. If you have an interest in dating someone who reports to you, whether directly or indirectly, you must notify your supervisor so alternate arrangements, if any, can be determined.
Revision History:
Oct. 4, 2010
Oct. 5, 2004