December 10, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.
A meeting of the Conoy Township Board of Supervisors was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2015, at 211 Falmouth Road. In attendance were Supervisors Stephen Mohr, Kevin McKain, John Shearer, Clyde Pickel, and Gina Mariani and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Kathy Hipple. Also in attendance was Solicitors Matthew Creme of Nikolaus and Hohenadel.
1. Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Mohr followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence in memory of former Zoning Hearing Board Chairman Linwood “Woody” Walters who passed away November 30, 2015.
2. Motion by Shearer to approve Minutes of November 12, 2015 BOS Meeting; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
3. Chairman – Announcements and additional agenda items: (i) Executive Session to follow public session of BOS Meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. BOS will not return to public session.
4. Public Participation: Township resident Scott Prescott expressed his happiness that the Township purchased the property at 2346 River Road. Mr. Prescott wants to use the parking lot one day a week for a stand during the growing season for his strawberry patch. Mohr advised Mr. Prescott that once he gets closer to the date of use to come to the Township with a request. Solicitor advised Mr. Prescott should speak with the Zoning Officer regarding regulations on setback distance for the stand.
5. Secretary- Treasurer – (i) Motion by Shearer to adopt Draft 2016 General and State Fund budgets; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (ii) Correspondence received – (i) For BOS information only; Solicitation Permit application from Mr. John O’Hara; no action taken.
6. Report of Committees / Officers:
a. Emergency Management – (i) No report. (ii) Shearer reported EMA Director Joe Mohr is experiencing health problems and requested he be kept in our thoughts and prayers
b. Bainbridge Fire Company – (i) 13 calls in November 2015 as follows: 2 in Conoy Township; 2 in Mount Joy Township; 2 in Elizabethtown Borough; 2 in West Donegal Township; 1 in East Donegal Township; 3 in Marietta Borough and 1 in Lebanon County.
c. NW Emergency Medical Services – 16 calls in October; 193 calls year-to-date.
d. Police – (i) Report is available.
e. TMI – (i) LONDONDERRY TWP., PA. (Nov. 28, 2015) —Operators at Three Mile Island Generating Station returned Unit 1 to full power yesterday at approximately 8:00 p.m. following a 26-day refueling and maintenance outage. During the outage, which began on Oct. 30, TMI’s 700 employees and 1600 supplemental workers replaced nearly one-third of the reactor’s fuel and performed tests, inspections and maintenance activities that cannot be done while the unit is operating.
“The work completed during the outage will help ensure that Three Mile Island is operating when homes and businesses
need us most,” said TMI Site Vice President Ed Callan. “Refueling outages represent Exelon’s continued investment in
TMI’s contribution to reliable, zero carbon energy for Pennsylvania.”
f. Waste to Energy Plant (Incinerator) – (i) Host fee for September 2015 $59,754.35; 32,832.06 Tons processed; (ii) 2014 – 2015 Comparison is available.
g. Roads – (i) Verbal report by Chairman Mohr. Unlike last year we didn’t have to roll snow plows or cinder truck in late November or so far in December. Signs were installed and road maintenance was done. Drainage work scheduled for the spring may be done if the nice weather continues. Pickel asked Mohr if trucks are ready to go, plows on. Mohr responded all trucks are inspected but plows are not on; they didn’t want to jinx themselves but cinder trucks are ready to go and it will only take minutes to put the plows on.
h. Sewage Enforcement Officer – (i) Report is available; no permits issued in November 2015.
i. Sanitary Sewer – (i) Mohr advised owner of 225 Race Street is request to discontinue sewer service billing as house is
scheduled for demolition. Solicitor asked if demolition permit was issued to which Mohr responded it has not yet gone
through the Historical Review Commission. Solicitor advised the property may have to be condemned as uninhabitable. Pickel advised settlement to take place December 16, 2015. Mohr advised property already settled, fence has been removed and a lot of work has already been done. Solicitor advised Pickel should follow up with Title Company since Township has not yet received payment. Motion was made by Mariani to discontinue sewer service. McKain asked if
at a later date someone decides to build on the property if this would have to be inspected. Solicitor assured it would be
and a new connection fee would then have to be paid at that time. Second by McKain. Pickel voted no. Motion carried.
j. Stormwater Management – No report.
k. Solicitor – Nothing at this point in the meeting but he will address issues later on the agenda.
l. Zoning Officer – (i) Report is available; (ii) Notice is hereby given that the Conoy Township Zoning Hearing Board
shall conduct a public meeting on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., prevailing time, at the Conoy Township
Municipal Building, 211 Falmouth Road, Bainbridge, Pennsylvania, to consider, deliberate, discuss and/or take official
action on any matter which may lawfully come before the Zoning Hearing Board and to consider the following
applications: Case No. HB09-15 – Nicole and Mathew Vegeto-owners and applicants: Requesting a 5' rear yard
variance in order to construct a two story addition attached to the rear of an existing single family dwelling and a 2'
side yard variance in order to construct a 12' x 14' one story garage attached to the right side of the house located at
105 Commodore Drive, Conoy Township, Bainbridge, PA, tax parcel 130533270000 in a R-1 Suburban Residential
Mohr advised work had begun; without necessary permits; owner put footer in. Zoning Officer issued a
cease work order and reported concrete was poured and advised they can’t meet the setback requirements in the rear of the property. Appropriate plans are not currently available but would need to be submitted with the zoning and building permit. Mohr advised Zoning Officer that total lot coverage would be critical to know and also stormwater management.
Zoning Officer had sent information packet to BOS and Solicitor via email today. BOS authorized Solicitor to present
Township at the Zoning Hearing.
m. Buildings – Pickel reported part-time employee replaced broken windows in Township garage at 211 Falmouth Road.
n. Personnel – To be addressed at Executive Session following public session of BOS Meeting this evening.
o. Parks and Recreation – (i) NWLCRT – Request from Marietta Borough for letter of support for PennDOT grant to improve Furnace Road which is a key component of the NWLCRT. Motion by Shearer; Second by Mariani; Motion carried.
p. Planning, Subdivision and Development – (i) Draft Zoning Ordinance (ZO) and draft Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO). Solicitor advised BOS that while working on the interrelated ZO and SALDO information from FEMA was received regarding final determination for all of Lancaster County regarding flood plain mapping. In order for Township residents to qualify for flood Insurance Township must enforce regulations as part of National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA is recommending a standalone Floodplain Ordinance (Motion required to authorize preparation by Hanover Engineering. Motion was made by Mariani to send draft ZO and draft SALDO to LCPC for review; Second by Shearer; Motion carried. Solicitor will report in January time table for hearing for BOS to consider adoption of the ZO and SALDO. Motion was made by McKain to authorize Hanover Engineering Associates to prepare a draft standalone Floodplain Management Ordinance and review by Solicitor; Second by Pickel; Motion carried. Flood plain regulations would be pulled out of the draft ZO all of the floodplain regulations; update those based on new information from FEMA and present draft to BOS after it has been through the review process by the Planning Commission. Mohr commented this is no doing of the Township; Federal government dictates the regulations.
Solicitor advised the consequence if Township were to not enact these regulations that no property within Conoy Township would qualify for flood insurance.
7. Financial Reports – FYI – See General Fund Deposit Detail, General Check Detail and Payroll Summary reports and Sewer Fund Deposit and General Check Detail reports for November 2015.
8. Motion by Mariani to pay bills (See Unpaid Bills Detail Reports for General Fund for 11/25/15; 12/2/15; 12/10/15; and Sewer Fund for 11/25/15; 12/10/15; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
9. Old Business: (i) Solicitor reported he spoke with Mr. Good, of the Haldeman Mansion Preservation Society, who assured him they are not looking to push off any responsibility or expenses to the Township. They need a higher profile in the Township, County and Region in order for them to continue to market the property in order to receive preservation grants showing they have a relationship with the Township and the Township recognizes them as an asset; these are intangibles that are important in grant applications. They are looking for a link on the Township website and in the Newsletter and want to make the public spaces available for weddings, etc. (ii) Ag Security Area petition received in October for Steven W. Strickland to place 54.57 acres into Ag Security; is about half-way through the 180 day procedure.
Solicitor discussed with Ag Preserve personnel that a small part of the land is separated from the remainder by River Road and is not zoned Ag so that small portion would not be eligible for preservation. A separate application will need to
be submitted for Ag preservation.
10. New Business: None.
11. Other Items and Public Participation: (i) Shearer reminded BOS rock climbers will be using Governor Stable Park December 19, 2015. Mohr advised rock climbers will owe Township one-month reimbursement for the handicap porta potty that has been placed there by the Township. (ii) Mohr advised cookies and punch were available for all to enjoy.
12. Motion by Shearer at 7:39 p.m. to adjourn; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
John L. Shearer
Executive Session followed.
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